These strange men who appeared on the battlefield were naturally the military gods and strange men from Raojiang. Under Yuan Tiangang's arrangement, a total of 10,000 military gods and strange men were mixed in with the 200,000 troops of the court.

Li Cunxu, who refused to admit defeat, went out of the city for three consecutive days to fight with the court's troops. As a result, he was defeated more miserably each time. After losing three games in a row, he directly hung up a sign of exemption from war at the city gate.

Li Cunxu, who had tasted three failures, could only relieve his pressure by singing opera. He brought a mask and sang a big opera in the palace for a whole night.

"Report to King Zhuang, I also have a big opera to present to the prince!" After receiving the letter from Sanqianyuan, Jing Xinmo arranged a wonderful opera for Li Cunxu.

"You guys hurry up and perform for me!" Tired of singing, Li Cunxu sat directly on the steps of the stage.

"Yes!" Jing Xin Mo led a dozen actors, disguised as bad people, to perform a play of "Ten Sides of Ambush" in front of Li Cunxu.

"Good, good, reward, everyone will get a reward!" After watching "Ten Sides of Ambush", Li Cunxu said with a laugh.

When Jing Xin Mo went forward to receive the reward, he took advantage of Li Cunxu's relaxation of vigilance and accurately stabbed a dagger hidden in his sleeve into the opponent's chest.

"" Li Cunxu covered his chest and slowly fell down.

"The bad people respectfully send off His Royal Highness Prince Zhuang!" Jing Xin Mo led the dozen bad people and bowed to Li Cunxu.

"Bad... bad... person..." After Li Cunxu finished saying these three words intermittently, he fell to the ground completely without breathing.

With the death of Li Cunxu, all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals under his command opened the city and surrendered to the court. It took only one month for Sanqianyuan to kill a prince of the Tang Dynasty.

The news that the court killed King Zhuang quickly spread throughout the world. At the same time, the fact that the emperor of the Tang Dynasty had an invincible army of monsters also spread to the ears of various princes along with this news.

"Awesome! He actually applied the God of War to the battlefield!" After receiving these news, Belo had to give a thumbs up to Yuan Tiangang.

"Bero, from this point of view, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty should have been replaced by someone!" Kaisha came to Belo's side.

"Keisha, I have guessed who that person is!" Bello took Keisha into his arms.

"Bello, if the Tang Dynasty sends these weirdos to attack the Yan Kingdom, can we defeat them without using the power outside the world?" Keisha drew a circle on Bello's chest with one finger.

"If it was before, maybe there really was no way, but now we have a powerful helper!" Bello kissed Keisha on the forehead.

"That's right! As long as she is here, these weirdos are nothing to worry about!" Keisha said so with understanding.

"Since there is nothing to worry about, let's go and relax!" Bello picked up Kaisha in a princess hug, and then the two of them headed towards the bathing pool in the bedroom... (Che Jun is here to meet everyone again!)

The court's killing of Li Cunxu made Li Keyong so angry that he stood up from his wheelchair. At this time, he didn't want to continue pretending to be lame, but it was only after he stopped pretending to be lame that he realized that the entire Jin State was no longer in his control.

"Li Siyuan, explain to me what's going on?" Li Keyong suppressed his anger and asked Li Siyuan in front of him.

"What's going on? Didn't my godfather see it? Godfather, I think it's best for you to continue sitting in the wheelchair!" As soon as Li Siyuan finished speaking, he attacked Li Keyong fiercely.

"You beast, you dare to commit treason!" Li Keyong made a move and fought with Li Siyuan.

Although Li Keyong had already practiced the Supreme Saint Universe Art to perfection, Li Siyuan had integrated the Supreme Saint Universe Art and the Five Thunders Heavenly Heart Art. Slowly, in this duel between father and son, the balance of victory slowly tilted towards the son.

"Ah..." With a scream from Li Keyong, his legs were broken by Li Siyuan.

"I just said that it is best for my godfather to sit in a wheelchair!" After defeating Li Keyong, Li Siyuan wiped off the bright red on the corner of his mouth."" Li Keyong, who was sitting in a wheelchair again, didn't know how to scold Li Siyuan.

"Come on! Send my adoptive father down to live out his days!" Li Siyuan ordered the servants in the mansion to take Li Keyong away.

When Li Keyong disappeared from everyone's sight, Li Siyuan naturally ascended to the position of King of Jin.

"Congratulations, brother, you got what you wanted!" Li Sizhao and his brothers bowed to Li Siyuan.

"Brothers, it's not time to relax now. The bad commander has already eliminated Li Cunxu. His next step is to deal with all the princes in the world! Our Jin State is also the target he wants to get rid of! Let's talk about it! Faced with this situation, what should we do?" Li Siyuan looked at his brothers.

"Brother, in my humble opinion, why don't we unite with the King of Yan..." Li Sizhao expressed his opinion.

Next, Li Cunli, Li Cunxiao, Li Cunzhong and others expressed their opinions one after another, and their suggestions were basically to unite with Yan State.

Just as everyone was discussing, Li Siyuan's son-in-law, Shi Jingtang, ran in in a panic.

"My son-in-law pays homage to Taishan! I just received news that Wuyue King Qian Mu has bowed to the court, and he has now been demoted to Wuyue County Duke by the emperor!" Shi Jingtang said to Li Siyuan with his hands clasped.

"What..." Li Sizhao and others immediately began to discuss it.

"Qian Mu is the father-in-law of the emperor. It's not surprising that he would bow to the court! But in this case, the other princes will probably..." Li Siyuan was worried that this kind of thing would happen once and for all.

"Brother, we can't hesitate any longer. Let's send someone to contact King Yan now!" Li Sizhao knelt directly in front of Li Siyuan.

"Brother, please send someone to contact the King of Yan!" Li Cunli and the other three also knelt in front of Li Siyuan.

"Shi Jingtang, I'll leave this matter to you!" Li Siyuan entrusted the matter of contacting Belo to Shi Jingtang.

"Yes!" Shi Jingtang left after receiving the order.

Like Li Siyuan and others, other princes in the world, after seeing Qian Mu's actions, all sent envoys to Yan State to discuss countermeasures with Belo.

As a result, before the envoys returned to their respective countries, Sanqianyuan casually found a reason to let the court's 200,000 troops set off towards Wu State.

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