After Jiang Chen took Bessa away, Yuan Tiangang seemed to vaguely see the shadow of Li Chunfeng walking towards him. The two old friends stood face to face and talked for a while before they walked towards the depths of the tomb with their arms around each other.

From an outsider's perspective, Yuan Tiangang was the only one in Li Chunfeng's tomb from beginning to end, and everything he had seen before was a permanent illusion cast by Jiang Chen before he left.

That's right, Yuan Tiangang will be trapped in the cycle of him and Li Chunfeng's shadows, constantly reuniting, constantly chatting, and constantly walking towards the depths of the tomb together.

And these are the feedbacks that Jiang Chen gave to Yuan Tiangang for the punishments he had imposed on himself.

When Yuan Tiangang completely disappeared from the eyes of the world, Li Xingyun really began to rule the country. This time, he carried out a larger-scale reform against the bad people.

After about three months of reform, except for those Tiangang lieutenants, the rest of the bad people now have a new life. From now on, they no longer have to bear the responsibility of protecting the Tang Dynasty.

"We beg your Majesty to let us stay!" Sanqianyuan represented himself and other Tiangang lieutenants and knelt in front of Li Xingyun and begged so.

"From today on, the bad people will no longer exist. There is no point for you to stay!" Li Xingyun broke the bad general order into two pieces in front of Sanqianyuan and other Tiangang lieutenants.

"Your Majesty..." All the Tiangang lieutenants knelt in front of Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun not only destroyed the bad general order in front of the Tiangang lieutenants, but also issued a notice to the whole world the next day: From this moment on, the bad people have become a page in the history book!

After disbanding all the bad guys, Li Xingyun carried out a radical reform of the whole world according to Zhang Zifan's plan. In less than half a year, the people of the world all lived a happy and healthy life.

"Your Majesty, the prince is here!" On this day, when Bei Luo was reviewing memorials in the imperial study, a servant came to him.

"Let Rong'er come in!" Bei Luo put the memorial in his hand directly on the table.

"Yes!" The servant turned and left, and then he brought Bei Rong in.

"Your son greets your father!" Bei Rong, who was already fifteen years old, came to Bei Luo and bowed to him.

"Rong'er, come and take a look at these memorials, and then tell me what you think!" Bei Luo picked up several memorials on the table and asked the servant to prepare a chair for Bei Rong.

"Yes, father!" After Bei Rong took the memorials from Belo, he sat on the chair and began to read the contents of the memorials quietly.

"How is it, Rong'er!" When Belo saw Bei Rong close the memorials, he asked with a smile.

"In reply to your father, I think the emperor of the Tang Dynasty is really good to the people of the world!" Bei Rong said a conventional sentence.

"Besides that? What else can you see?" Bei Luo asked while asking everyone else in the imperial study to leave.

"In reply to your father, I also saw that the defeat of the Tang Dynasty is imminent!" When everyone else in the imperial study left, Bei Rong stood up from the chair, and then he came to Bei Luo, clasped his hands and said so seriously.

"Oh, why do you think so?" Bei Luo's mouth curled up, revealing a gratified smile.

"My father, on the surface, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty has indeed made the people live a happy and healthy life! However, he has made the most fatal decisions in many places! For example..." Bei Rong paced in front of Bei Luo and talked slowly.

"Oh, if that's the case, how long do you think the current situation of the Tang Dynasty can last?" Bei Luo asked with a smile.

"My father, I dare to guess that if the emperor of the Tang Dynasty does not make changes, within three years, he will go..." Bei Rong's last words were said very quietly after he got close to Bei Luo's ear.

"Very good, it seems that Rong'er has seen it very clearly. Then I will ask you again, if you were the emperor of this vast land, what would you do?" Bei Luo looked at Bei Rong and asked with a serious face."Father, isn't this question a bit too presumptuous?" Although Bei Rong refused, he had already thought of an excuse in his heart.

"It doesn't matter. At this time, there are only you and me, father and son. If you have any ideas, just speak freely!" Bei Luo stood up from the dragon throne.

"Then please forgive me for my presumption! If this world lets me be the emperor, I will..." Bei Rong told Bei Luo about his set of ideas for governing the country in detail.

"Okay, very good, but in some details, you haven't done well enough, Rong'er, come and listen to me, you want..." After Bei Rong finished talking about his ideas for governing the country, Bei Luo discussed some more detailed issues with him.

That day, when Bei Rong left the imperial study, he had already flickered out a little bit of the emperor's aura.

That's right, Li Xingyun followed Zhang Zifan's advice and adopted the same governing philosophy as the later Song Dynasty, that is, respecting culture and suppressing military power and expanding the economy.

In this way, the civil officials in the court and the people in the world can all live the life they want, but the military power of the whole country (anti-harmony) will slide down day by day.

The reason why Li Xingyun and Zhang Zifan did this was naturally to create an opportunity for some people to usurp the throne.

Yes, the usurper chosen by Li Xingyun and Zhang Zifan was naturally the Sanjin Baron-Li Siyuan. Of course, there may be other people joining the other side, such as the Raojiang Witch King-Chi Li who escaped by chance.

When the war between Yan and Tang ended, Chi Li became a lost dog, and the soldiers under his command were also restored by the people of Twelve Caves, and even the white snake Gu that could control the soldiers was quietly caught up and taken away by Jiang Chen.

Yes, before the war between Yan and Tang began, Belo sent Jiang Chen to find Twelve Caves. He used a self-made sketch to make the people of Twelve Caves agree to his request. For this reason, the people of Twelve Caves would personally take action afterwards to completely clean up those soldiers who had caused great harm to people from the scope of the Central Plains.

Therefore, those who were still alive before the soaking in the water were restored to normal by the people of Twelve Caves, and those who had died before the soaking in the water were buried directly afterwards!

Moreover, when the people from Twelve Caves came to bid farewell to King Yan, Bello used a sketch he had made to let the other party release Chi Li, Xian Shen and Chi Meng, a family of three, who were trapped in the Dead Creek Forest.

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