Although Krillin's sacrifice to the heaven is a famous scene in the Dragon Ball world, when this scene really appeared in front of him, Belo was still shocked and stood there for several seconds.

"Krillin!" "Uncle Krillin!" When Sun Wukong and Son Gohan flew to the place where Krillin's body was blown into pieces, Belo came back to his senses from the previous shock.

"Earthlings are so fragile that they can't even take my ordinary attack!" Frieza boasted proudly.

"Krillin..." At this time, Sun Wukong held a piece of Krillin's body in his hands. His thoughts were constantly recalling every bit of his time with the other party. They used to worship Master Kame as their teacher, practice martial arts together, participate in the world's first martial arts meeting together, eat together, sleep together, and...

When countless memories flashed through Sun Wukong's mind, his aura began to become different.

"This, this is?" Both Belo and Vegeta noticed the change in Sun Wukong's aura at the first time.

Vegeta didn't understand the situation, so he was naturally in a state of confusion, but Belo, who was familiar with the plot, knew that Sun Wukong was about to transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Frieza!" Sun Wukong read Frieza's name word by word, and then his hair kept changing between gold and black.

"Sa!" When the word "Sa" was spoken, a golden light directly appeared on the surface of Sun Wukong's body, and then there was a "boom!" After that, he turned directly into the appearance of a Super Saiyan: inverted golden hair, light green eyes, and golden flames all over his body.

"This is... the legendary... Super Saiyan!" Seeing Sun Wukong's Super Saiyan image, Frieza immediately remembered the last words of his ancestors that had been passed down from generation to generation in his family.

"Damn it! Kakarot has surpassed me again!" Vegeta said to Sun Wukong with gritted teeth.

"Dad, you...are so powerful! You must avenge Uncle Krillin!" Sun Wuhan wanted to get closer to Sun Wukong, but he was blocked by the aura on the surface of the other party's body.

"Gohan, let's go. The next thing will be left to your father!" Belo took Sun Wuhan's hand, and the two flew to Vegeta and Piccolo together.

Sun Wukong closed his eyes and carefully felt his current state. He found that his strength had increased by at least twenty times. He judged that Frieza was no longer his opponent at this moment just by his breath.

At the same time, Frieza's judgment was surprisingly consistent with Sun Wukong. He also knew that he was no longer the opponent of the other party, so his feet began to move slowly backwards.

When Frieza just turned around and prepared to leave, Sun Wukong came to him in a teleportation.

"Where are you going, Frieza!" As soon as Sun Wukong finished speaking, he punched the other party away, and then Frieza's body flew backwards and crashed through dozens of cliffs in succession.

"Sun Wukong, I won't forgive you!" Frieza, who was knocked out, no longer cared whether he was the opponent of the other party or not. He used all his strength and rushed towards the other party fiercely.

Then, Sun Wukong and Frieza broke out in the air, an unprecedented and wonderful battle.

As the battle between the two people gradually progressed, the whole planet began to become shaky in their battle.

The two people's Qigong waves and light waves were fired at each other as if they were free, but these Qigong waves and light waves were bounced to other places by the other party without exception.

When these Qigong waves and light waves fell on the ground of the planet, the environment of the entire planet was constantly changing, and volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and tsunamis began to occur everywhere.

"If they keep fighting like this, the whole planet will be destroyed. Where is your spaceship? We have to leave this planet quickly!" Belo was keenly aware of the changes on this planet.

"The compression capsule of the spaceship was on Uncle Krillin, but it is gone now!" Son Gohan said with a look of anxiety and sadness.

"If you don't have it, then you can only..." Belo's eyes were directly locked on Bulma in the distance.

"I do have a spaceship, but it is only a two-person spaceship. No matter how crowded it is,It can only accommodate three adults and one child at most! "Bulma released her spaceship from the compression capsule.

Looking at the unique black technology of the Dragon Ball world - compression capsule, Bello felt that Bulma's father was a rare super genius who could invent this thing.

Because he had the genes of an angel, he could live freely in the universe, so Bello took the initiative to give up the remaining space of the spaceship.

In this way, before the explosion of the entire planet, Vegeta, Bulma, Piccolo and Son Gohan, They left Namek together on the two-person spaceship.

After Vegeta and the others left, Belo came to the place where Goku and Frieza were fighting.

At this moment, Goku and Frieza had stopped fighting each other, and they stood on Namek, which was about to be destroyed.

From the extent of Goku and Frieza's injuries, it can be seen that the former's injuries were only some superficial injuries, while the latter's injuries were almost costing him half his life.

"Hey! Why didn't you go with them?" Goku glanced at Belo.

"You don't have to worry about me, I can survive independently in the universe!" Belo responded calmly.

"Oh! A Saiyan who can survive independently in the universe, it seems that you have a bigger secret! "Freeza, who was almost half dead, was still in the mood to pay attention to the secrets of Belo.

"Let's send him off together!" Belo invited Sun Wukong.

"That's what I meant!" Sun Wukong answered without any hesitation, and then he and Belo began to gather energy and energy towards Freeza.

"You want to give me the last blow? Dream on, I'm going to destroy this planet directly!" When Sun Wukong and Belo's Qigong waves flew towards Freeza, he immediately used a destructive light wave ball towards the planet under his feet.

"Oh no! Let's go!" Belo took Sun Wukong's hand, and the two flew away together.

When there was only a small single-person spaceship in front of him, Belo once again generously gave it to Sun Wukong.

"Thank you again! See you on Earth! "Sun Wukong got on the single-person spaceship.

When Sun Wukong flew out of the surface of Namek in the single-person spaceship, Bero spread his angel wings, then he turned on the aeration mode and flew into the starry sky.

When Bero left the atmosphere of Namek, the planet was finally blown into a pile of fragments in the universe because it could not withstand Frieza's attack.

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