When Kaisha and Besha arrived at the palace in Mobei, Besha went to find Yelu Zhiwu, while Kaisha went to see Shuliduo alone.

Shuliduo, who was about to die of illness, dismissed everyone in the bedroom after seeing Kaisha, and then she sat up from the sickbed as if she was in the last moments of life.

Yes, although those medicines can maintain a person's youthful appearance, they cannot prevent a person's body from failing. Therefore, Shuliduo, who was about to die, still looked like a girl.

"Sister, I actually know that you and I are different. I will die like a girl! But you can live forever like a girl! I really envy you!" At the moment of death, Shuliduo seemed to have figured out everything.

"Sister, sister is here, if you have anything else to say, just say it!" Kaisha asked Shuliduo to lean her head on her legs.

"Sister, I am honored to meet you and become sworn brothers with you in this life! Sister, don't worry! I have sent a family motto to my descendants: As long as the Great Yan Dynasty is still there, the iron hoofs of Mobei will never step into the Central Plains! Although I don't know how many generations this family motto can be passed on, I believe..." Shuliduo's words have not been finished yet, and her eyes can no longer be opened.

In this way, Kaisha and Besha stayed in Mobei until Shuliduo's funeral was over, and they returned to Belo together.

After returning from Mobei, Kaisha still felt a little lost. After all, Shuliduo was also a person who called her sister for decades, and she still had some feelings for her.

"Come on, Kaisha, let's go somewhere with me! Xiaobei, you and Jiangchen have to be responsible here and provide cover for the two of us!" Bello took Kaisha's hand, and the two of them disappeared from the room of the post station in a flash.

Bello took Kaisha and went straight to the starry sky of this world. In the visual range of the Eye of Insight, one soul after another was seen floating towards a place in the starry sky that was similar to the Rebirth Pool.

That's right, there is no professional reincarnation place in this world. All dead creatures will float towards this Rebirth Pool in the starry sky in the form of souls.

After the souls of these creatures floated here, they and them would line up and enter the Rebirth Pool one by one. When they came out of the pool again, they would become a brand new young soul.

Yes, it is possible that you are them before entering, but when you come out, you are still them or become them, and vice versa, they are still them or become them after coming out. (Did the readers understand?)

After searching with the Eye of Insight, Bekai and the others found Shuliduo's soul body. At this time, she was about to enter the Rebirth Pool.

After Belo communicated with the Heavenly Dao, Kaisha flew over and said a real farewell to Shuliduo's soul body.

"Sister, it turns out that you and King Yan are both gods in the sky!" Shuliduo's soul body said to Kaisha with a smile, and after she finished this sentence, she floated into the Rebirth Pool without regrets.

Bekai and the others kept watching Shuliduo's soul body until she came out of the Rebirth Pool. They saw that she was still a human soul body at this time, but she had become a baby-like soul body.

Since the new souls all need to line up for reincarnation, after Bello left a little bit of consciousness on Shuliduo's new soul, he took Kaisha back to the post station.

As a result, as soon as the two of them returned to the post station, no less than 500 Jinyiwei surrounded Beikai and the other two tightly. Needless to say, Beisha and Jiangchen's cover mission had completely failed!

"Retired Emperor, Empress Dowager, where did you two go just now? The brothers have searched the entire post station more than a dozen times! If we can't find the trace of you two, the brothers' heads will all be moved!" The commander of the Jinyiwei said this in front of Beikai and the other two with lingering fear.

"Sorry to bother you! I'll buy everyone a drink!" Bello said this with a kind face.

"Retired Emperor! Please spare us!"All the Jinyiwei knelt in front of Beikai and the others.

Yes! The wine of the emperor, that daring person dared to drink it easily? In this regard, Belo could only helplessly say: You really think too much!

"Forget it, you are also doing your duty, you can go down first!" Kaisha waved her hand to let the Jinyiwei continue to hide in the dark.

After Kaisha's signal, the more than 500 Jinyiwei returned to the dark one by one under the arrangement of the Jinyiwei commander.

When Beikai and the others returned to the previous post room, Beisha and Jiangchen were already standing in the middle of the room, ready to accept their scolding.

However, what Beisha and Jiangchen did not expect was that Beikai and the others did not scold them from beginning to end.

When Belo sensed that Shuliduo's new soul was ready to be reincarnated under the arrangement of the heaven, he took Kaisha and played a double disappearance in front of Beisha and Jiangchen again.

Beikai and the others flew in the air in an invisible way, following Shuliduo's new soul, and came directly to the mansion of a big family in Mobei.

When Beikai and the others saw the words "Xiao Mansion" written on the plaque of this mansion, they roughly guessed where Shuliduo would be reborn in the next life?

According to the speculation of some netizens, the Khitan Holy Queen Mother Xiao Chuo (Xiao Yanyan) in the official history is the reincarnation of the Khitan Yingtian Queen Mother Shulü Ping.

Everything was just as Beikai and the others expected. After reincarnation, Shuliduo was named Xiao Yanyan by the owner of the Xiao Mansion!

After witnessing Shuliduo's reincarnation as Xiao Yanyan, Kaisha's heart was finally relieved. This time, when Beikai and his partner returned to the post station, they were not only waiting for more than 500 Jinyiwei, but also local governors and prefects.

After the two lessons, Beikai and his partner no longer kept a low profile this time, but were as high-profile as they could be. Whenever they arrived at a place, the local governors and prefects would personally ride a few horses in front to clear the way.

Therefore, in this fancy atmosphere, Beikai and his partner's travel had lost its due meaning. For this reason, after a short stay in Raojiang, they went back to the palace directly!

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