Since Betha ordered too many dishes, the table for ten people in the private room could not hold all the dishes. Only two-thirds of the dishes were currently placed on the table.

After the waiter in charge of serving the dishes left the private room, Betha began to eat and drink without caring about her image. A plate full of dishes was eaten up by her in less than two minutes after it came in front of her.

Compared with Betha's big mouthfuls, Bekai and Jiangchen chewed slowly and tasted every dish a little bit.

The total amount of dishes eaten by Bekai and Jiangchen may not be even one-tenth of Betha's.

When the waiters walked into the private room to collect the plates, they were all shocked by the empty plates one after another and were speechless.

"Keisha, thank you for your help!" After paying the meal with the black card, Bello winked at Keisha.

Keisha immediately understood and used the Eye of Insight to modify the memory of the waiters and chefs in the restaurant, so that they would not remember that three adults and one child came here today to eat nearly twenty servings of dishes.

Yes! Don't forget that this is the world of Armor Heroes. If the waiters and chefs tell the story that the Bekai family ate twenty servings of dishes here, then the family will most likely be politely invited by some officials to have a cup of "tea"!

After lunch, Besha played those amusement facilities again with great interest, but this time, her interest in those amusement facilities was obviously lower than before dinner.

Therefore, before playing until dinner was ready, Besha claimed that she didn't want to play anymore.

After Bello looked at the current weather, he decided to take his wife, daughter and Jiang Chen to buy some mobile phones.

As soon as she heard that she was going to buy mobile phones, Beisha immediately regained her previous enthusiasm, so after she walked out of the playground, she spontaneously went to the roadside to stop a taxi.

Then, the taxi took Beikai and Jiang Chen to the most famous mobile phone mall in Shanghai, where various brands of mobile phones other than Huaxia and Huaxia were gathered.

When Beikai's family bought mobile phones, they neither bought expensive ones nor bought the right ones. They only had one criterion for their selection, which was Beisha's personal preference for mobile phones.

Therefore, Beisha, who was given the "important task" by her parents, began to carefully select again and again in front of each mobile phone counter.

After Beisha walked up and down three times in this mobile phone mall, she decided what kind of mobile phones she wanted to buy for herself, her parents, and Jiang Chen's sister.

After several careful selections, Bessa chose a pink phone for herself, a blue phone for her father, a gold phone for her mother, and a purple phone for her sister Jiangchen. All four phones were of the same brand and had the same configuration.

"Sir, after our discount, the total price of these four phones is 30,888 yuan! Do you want to pay in cash or by card?" The cashier at the mobile phone counter handed four receipts to Belo.

"By card!" Belo took out the black card from his pocket again.

After seeing the black card, the cashier's eyes brightened, and then the three eights behind the thirty thousand yuan were erased.

After walking out of the mobile phone mall, Bessa couldn't wait to try out the many functions of these four mobile phones.

After buying the phone, it was almost dark today, so Bello took a taxi and returned to the hotel with his wife, daughter and surrendered minister.

As a result, when the family just got off the taxi, the people in the hotel were desperately running out of the hotel.

"This gentleman, madam, and two ladies, you should run away quickly! Oxer appeared in the hotel room!" The lobby manager of the hotel came to the Bekai family and said so in panic. After he finished speaking, he ran away with those people.

After hearing the three words "Oxer", some ancient memories in Bello's mind were awakened again. Isn't the creature Oxer a classic villain in "Armor Hero Nawa"?Oh my god! Could it be that this world is not just a world of a single Armor Hero, but a world where many Armor Heroes are mixed together!

"Bero, what on earth did you think of? Tell us!" Kaisha gently touched Bero's left waist with her elbow.

"Kesha, Xiaobei, and Jiangchen, listen to me! I think this world is not a world of a single Armor Hero, but a..." Bero told his wife, daughter and Jiangchen his true thoughts in detail.

"Oh, interesting!" After listening to Bero's story, Kaisha, Besha and Jiangchen all responded in unison.

Just as the Beikai family was talking about topics related to the Armor Hero, a boy with slightly longer hair came to the door of the hotel, and he was the summoner of the Nawa Armor-Duanmu Yan.

"Flame Nawa, merge!" Duanmu Yan took out a summoner the size of three palms from nowhere.

"Mom and Dad, did you see where he took that thing (summoner) out from?" That's right, Duanmu Yan's operation was so bad that even Bessa couldn't help but complain.

Yes! Duanmu Yan's summoner was not seen on him on weekdays, but every time he wanted to transform, he could put his hands behind his back, and when he stretched out his hands again, the summoner would appear in his hands.

When Duanmu Yan brought the summoner close to his waist, the summoner automatically generated a belt around his waist. Then, he inserted a key-like object into the summoner at his waist, and a flash appeared on his body surface.

After the light gradually dissipated, Duanmu Yan put on the Nawa armor representing the lava attribute.

"Xiaobei! This should be the legendary two-dimensional space!" Regarding Duanmu Yan's behavior of taking out the summoner from behind his body, Belo temporarily thought of a statement.

"Dad, what is the second dimension?" Besha continued to ask.

"What is the second dimension? That is..." Belo began to talk about his understanding of the second dimension in front of Besha.

"Dad, I think you might as well call him (Duanmu Yan) because it is more reasonable for the plot!" After listening to Belo's story, Besha expressed her own opinion.

"Okay, baby, whatever you say is right!" Belo touched Besha's little head.

Just when Belo and Besha were discussing Duanmu Yan, the Nawa Warrior and the Oxer had been fighting from the inside of the hotel to the outside of the hotel!

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