Yes, when the man went to steal the car, until he was forcibly pulled out of the deformed cab by the Ratman Beast, the Bekai family stood on the roof of the flower, bird, fish and insect market and witnessed the whole process.

Yes, at this point, even Kaisha adheres to the principle that men with such misconduct should be punished, so she, like the other three, did not go to rescue the man who stole the car.

"Woo woo woo..." Such a cry came from the mouth of the Ratman Beast, as if it was crying about the harm that the man had caused it.

The Ratman Beast grabbed the man's neck and lifted him up. After crying to him, he threw him towards the open space in the distance with great force.

Just when the car thief was about to come into face-to-face contact with the ground, two men, one with long hair and one with short hair, came here hand in hand. They caught the car thief with quick hands and eyes, and prevented him from coming into direct contact with the ground.

"Tsk, the scourge has lived for a thousand years!" Bessa expressed such an opinion on the fact that the car thief was not thrown to the ground.

"Are you okay? Leave quickly! The next thing is left to the two of us!" The short-haired man said to the car thief, and he was Kunzhong who had just joined the Five Elements Armor combination.

"Okay, stop dawdling! Let's finish the job quickly!" The long-haired man said so impatiently, and he was Xiao Feng, the summoner of Hurricane Tuoluo in the Four Phases Elemental Armor.

"Brother Xiao, let's fight side by side today!" Kunzhong took a badge from his neck.

Xiao Feng did not respond, and then, like Duanmu Rong before, he "transformed" the summoner of Tuo Naduo from behind him.

"Earth Tiger Armor, combine!", "Hurricane Tuo Naduo, combine!" Kunzhong and Xiao Feng each shouted their own transformation commands, and then two different colors of light gathered on the surface of their bodies. After the two lights disappeared, the Earth Tiger Warrior and Tuo Naduo Warrior made a brilliant appearance.

Xiao Feng is a maverick armor warrior, so he is not like other armor warriors who like to use fists and feet to attack the alien beasts and Oxer first. As soon as he flew forward, he summoned his exclusive weapon-hurricane shadow dart in the air.

As the saying goes, every profession has its own specialty. The Tuoduo Warrior held the Hurricane Shadow Dart and attacked the locust Oxer directly. As for the rat-man beast, it was naturally the prey of the Earth Tiger Warrior.

The Tuoduo Warrior's eccentricity was also reflected in the fact that he only attacked the weak points of the locust Oxer with the Hurricane Shadow Dart. He never attacked the hard points of the opponent, and he constantly used his advantage of being as light as a swallow to make the locust Oxer run around.

"Yes, this Tuoduo Warrior is a real warrior!" Even Kaisha couldn't help but praise Xiao Feng's outstanding performance.

"Kesha, read the hidden information of this Tuoduo Warrior a little bit!" After seeing the battle scene of the Tuoduo Warrior, Belo suddenly remembered that in the original work, Xiao Feng's setting seemed to be a modern version of a chivalrous thief who liked to rob the rich and help the poor.

"Oh! Let me take a look!" Kaisha used the Eye of Insight to lightly scan Tuoduo's secret information.

Because the other party was wearing armor at this time, it took Kaisha 1.5 seconds to read the secret information of Tuoduo Warrior, which originally only took one second to read.

"Bero, no wonder you asked me to read his secret information, it turns out that he is a person with three identities!" Kaisha read from the secret information of Tuoduo Warrior that Xiao Feng in this world is not only a modern chivalrous thief who robs the rich and helps the poor, but also has his own chivalrous thief identity: Green Butterfly Man!

That's right, Green Butterfly Man, as the name suggests, when robbing the rich and helping the poor, Xiao Feng wears a green butterfly mask, and dresses himself up like Batman.

"Oh! There are so many rich but unkind people in this world. Take out their money and give it to those in need! I fully support this behavior!" Jiang Chen also expressed his approval of Xiao Feng's identity as a chivalrous thief.Such a good review.

"Dad, I will also rob the rich and help the poor in a while!" Besha also expressed her interest in such an identity.

Faced with the unanimous opinion of the other three, Bello didn't know how to answer. Once upon a time, he actually envied this kind of life of a chivalrous thief, but now he seems to have a more suitable way to help those in need!

For example, take out the treasures of the sunken ship in this world, exchange them all for the money of this world, and then donate the money to those in need. In this way, wouldn't it be better than being a chivalrous thief who robs the rich and helps the poor?

When the Bekai family was chatting about the topic of chivalrous thieves, the real chivalrous thief warrior-Tarado, had already used his ultimate move-the hurricane tearing beast cut on the locust Oxer, and beat the other party back to his original form.

When the Tuo Naduo Warrior, no, the Rogue Warrior-Xiao Feng, defeated the locust Oxer, the Earth Tiger Warrior just summoned out his exclusive weapon-the Earth-Splitting Knife.

"Is there as much time as the sand in the desert? Earth Tiger Warrior, just play with it slowly! I'm leaving!" After Xiao Feng removed the armor form, he whistled and left leisurely.

"Brother Xiao, wait..." Before the Earth Tiger Warrior finished speaking, he was kicked away by the Rat Man.

Compared with the Rogue Warrior, the performance of the Earth Tiger Warrior can be described as "unbearable to watch". No wonder so many fans call him the Cat Man.

It is said that the jumping ability of Earth Tiger Warrior is the highest among the Five Elements Armor, but this skill is just a useless skill compared with Wind Eagle Warrior who can fly for a short time, and Tuo Naduo in the Four Phases Armor. In addition, his Earth-Splitting Blade also conflicts with the Flame Blade of Flame Dragon Warrior.

Therefore, in summary, Earth Tiger Warrior is just the one who is responsible for making up the number among the Five Elements Armor. His real role is probably to enable the five armor warriors to combine and summon the legendary armor warrior Emperor Warrior!

After Earth Tiger Warrior used his unique skills - Earth-Splitting Chop and Earth-Splitting Palm to turn the rat-man beast into a magic seal, he took the magic seal and brought it close to his belt, and then the magic seal was sucked into the belt.

Then, in the next second, the Earth Tiger Man removed his armor, and Kun Zhong collapsed to the ground as if he had just finished a marathon.

After the Rat Man and the Locust Oxer were dealt with, the Bekai family had disappeared from the roof of the market, and on the street not far from the market, a blue Porsche was driving fast!

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