Who cares if the world outside is black or white? For the Beikai family, it is still more important to continue to "procure" outside. Cooking delicious dishes with ingredients such as supernatural beasts is the most important thing for them!

On this day, Bello drove the Porsche as usual and came to the place where Yanlongxia and Fengyingxia were fighting with two supernatural beasts.

"Meizhen, Mr. X has appeared!" Yanlongxia contacted Meizhen who was in the ERP base.

Mr. X: This is a code name given to Bello by the people above!

"Xinnan, Dongshan, after the battle is over, you two should find a way to delay Mr. X!" Meizhen is ready to meet Bello in person.

The current two supernatural beasts are mutated from a porcupine and a musk deer, respectively. Therefore, before these two creatures mutate, they are a very rare cooking ingredient.

After Bello got off the car, he stood not far away and watched the battle between the Flame Dragon Man and the Wind Eagle Man and the two supernatural beasts. The reason why he did not approach was because he did not want to see the consciousness of the Flame Dragon Armor and the Wind Eagle Armor automatically separate from the summoner again after seeing him.

Although Bello did not approach the battle site, the consciousness of the Flame Dragon Armor and the Wind Eagle Armor still sensed his existence. Therefore, when the Flame Dragon Man and the Wind Eagle Man were summoning their own exclusive weapons, they both appeared at the same time. The Flame Blade and the Wind Eagle Sword were stuck in the middle world and could not be taken out.

The Flame Blade and the Wind Eagle Sword did not dare to fully show their entities. They could only be held in the hands of the Flame Dragon Man and the Wind Eagle Man in their respective phantom forms to fight against the two supernatural beasts. In this way, their combat effectiveness would be greatly affected.

When the Flame Dragon Warrior and the Wind Eagle Warrior each summoned the phantoms of the words "slash" and "stab", the weapons in their hands could not integrate the two words into the phantoms of the Flame Blade and the Wind Eagle Sword.

Seeing this, Bello stood not far away, shook his head slightly, and then came to the two beasts who were preparing to attack the Flame Dragon Warrior and the Wind Eagle Warrior in an instant.

After sensing the breath of Bello, the two beasts immediately wanted to turn around and escape, but their bodies were fixed by the other party.

After Bello used his spiritual sense to sense the meat of the two beasts, he gave up the porcupine beast and only chose the deer beast.

"Jiang Chen!" After Bello shouted to himself, Jiang Chen slowly walked over from the back seat of the Porsche with elegant and dignified lotus steps.

"Well! Not bad, I also think the meat of this musk deer is good!" Jiang Chen used the red ribbon wrapped around her wrist to tie the musk deer beast's neck, and then she dragged it back towards the Porsche like a dead dog.

As for the porcupine beast, Belo would not let go of its body - the shadow stone. He pinched its neck and lifted up the whole person, no, the whole beast. Then, after he used a little bit of insignificant divine power, the beast exploded from the form of a beast to the form of a shadow stone in his hand.

When the shadow stone appeared in Belo's hand, the porcupine possessed by the shadow stone appeared in front of him in a naive manner. At the same time, the mobile phone in his pocket rang.

"Dad, that piglet is so cute! I want to raise it!" Besha said to Belo on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, no problem! Dad will take it back with him!" After Bello hung up the phone, the cute porcupine ran towards the Porsche on its own initiative.

Yes! Because it was possessed by the Shadow Stone, the porcupine's IQ has increased. It can hear the conversation between Bello and Betha clearly, so it ran towards the Porsche like this!

Pets and food are treated differently. The deer beast can only be stuffed into the trunk of the Porsche, while the porcupine can be held by Jiang Chen and sit on the back seat of the Porsche.

When Bello turned around and prepared to walk towards the Porsche, the Flame Dragon Man and the Wind Eagle Man both removed their armor forms, and then Li Xinnan and Dong ShanerThe man stopped him.

"Sir, what's your last name?" Li Xinnan held it in for a long time before finally saying this.

"X!" Belo replied indifferently.

"What did you say?" Li Xinnan suspected that there was something wrong with his hearing.

"Don't you call me Mr. X? If my last name is not X, what else can I call it?" Belo said calmly.

When Belo said this, not only Li Xinnan and Dongshan in front of him were surprised, but even Meizhen, who was rushing to this place, almost fell down.

Because the code name "Mr. X" was given to Belo by the people above in private, and he didn't expect that the other party even knew this.

"Mr. X, then please tell us, what is your name?" Dongshan asked Belo with courage.

"What's my name? Don't you know to check the vehicle information of that Porsche?" After Bello pointed to his car, he took advantage of Li Xinnan and Dongshan turning back to look at the Porsche, and he teleported directly from in front of them to the driver's door of the Porsche.

Bello looked at Li Xinnan and Dongshan with a smile, and then he opened the driver's door of the Porsche and got into the car.

When Bello just stepped on the accelerator, Meizhen, who came late, boldly blocked the Porsche.

Meizhen was not hit by the Porsche, not because of Bello's superb skills or the excellent performance of the car, but because the driver used a little bit of insignificant power to stop the car only one centimeter away from her.

Bello, who was holding the steering wheel, gave a look to Jiang Chen in the back seat, who immediately understood and held the porcupine, opened the door from the back seat of the Porsche and walked out.

"Little sister, you are really brave! Aren't you afraid of being hit by the car?" Jiang Chen said, while using one hand to make a flying gesture in front of Mei Zhen.

"I believe in Mr. X's ability!" Mei Zhen said so with some fear, but on her surface, she still had to maintain a fearless expression.

"Okay! Don't you just want to know more about us? My master agrees!" Jiang Chen turned around and looked at Bello. When she got the other party's approval, she said this to Mei Zhen.

In this way, Mei Zhen and Jiang Chen, who was holding the porcupine, sat in the back seat of the Porsche together, and then Bello stepped on the accelerator and headed towards home!

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