In order to satisfy Sun Wukong's appetite, Bello went to the ocean again and fished up a box of treasure from a sunken ship. Then he took him to various food restaurants on Earth to eat and drink.

After Sun Wukong ate more than five million meals in a row, he finally agreed to teach Bello the teleportation.

As a martial arts genius, Bello learned the teleportation from Sun Wukong in less than three months, while the other party learned it from the Yadrat people for a full six months.

"Bello, you can't become a Super Saiyan yet! Why not..." Thinking of preparing for some things in the future, Sun Wukong planned to let Bello transform into a Super Saiyan.

"Okay! Please give me more advice!" After a slight hesitation, Bello agreed to Sun Wukong's proposal.

But unfortunately, Sun Wukong's Super Saiyan transformation method seems to be unsuitable for Belo. The latter has been learning from the former for more than half a year, but has not made any progress.

"Okay! You don't have to feel disappointed about this!" Belo said to Sun Wukong with a smile.

"It's really a pity!" Sun Wukong said this while touching the back of his head.

When bidding farewell to Sun Wukong's family, Belo went to get a box of gold, silver and jewelry. He gave the money to Chi-Chi's family to improve their living conditions.

In order to be able to transform into a Super Saiyan, Belo had to risk being entangled by Tais and came to Bulma's house again. Since Sun Wukong's transformation method is not suitable for him, then Vegeta's transformation method may be suitable for him.

Fortunately, when Bello came to Dr. Brief's house, he learned from Bulma that Tais had met a more handsome man in the process of looking for herself, and now she was traveling around the world with that man.

Without Tais's entanglement, Bello stayed at Bulma's house with peace of mind. However, Vegeta at this time had not yet successfully transformed into a Super Saiyan, but the other party had obviously found the correct direction of transformation.

"If you want me to teach you how to transform, you have to practice with me every day!" Vegeta put forward his request to Bello.

"Okay!" After thinking about it, Bello finally agreed to Vegeta's request reluctantly.

In this way, Bello, who was not very interested in martial arts, began his passive journey of martial arts improvement.

After a day of training, Vegeta was sitting in front of the dining table, eating the various foods prepared by Bulma. The stomach of a Saiyan is a bottomless pit. Their food intake can completely bankrupt an ordinary family in a short time.

Since he has merged the genes of an angel, Belo no longer has the same food needs as other Saiyans. Now he only needs to eat one or two bowls of normal meals like an ordinary person.

Of course, if necessary, he can also eat a meal like other Saiyans, which can make many ordinary people feel amazed.

Therefore, compared to Vegeta's wolfing down, Belo sat in front of the dining table and ate various delicacies in an elegant manner.

"I'm full! Belo, let's go and spar again!" After eating fifty servings of food, Vegeta was eager to spar with Belo.

"You are full, but I am not!" Bello directly rejected Vegeta's request.

"You don't look like a Saiyan when you eat!" Vegeta said to Bello who was eating elegantly.

"This is the gentlemanly etiquette I learned from my wife!" Bello slowly picked up a piece of braised pork from a plate with chopsticks.

"I always heard you say that you are married, but where is your wife?" Vegeta asked.

"In another planet, it is too far away from here, and it is not convenient for her to see me now!" Bello answered more truthfully than lies.

In order to delay time, Bello slowly ate all the remaining food on the table into his stomach. When he finished the remaining food, it was completely dark.

"Vegeta, why are you still here? I have prepared the bath water for you, go and take a bath!"After taking a shower, Bulma came to Vegeta and Belo in her home clothes.

"Belo, wait for me!" Vegeta cursed and pulled Bulma away from Belo's sight.

After taking a shower, Vegeta put all the energy he had not had in the duel with Belo on Bulma... (Another 100,000 words should be omitted here!)

While Vegeta and Bulma were doing happy things, Belo came to the Earth's near-moon orbit alone. He stood in the sky and overlooked the blue planet under his feet.

At this time, he felt more and more that this was not his home at all, because in his heart, only the place where Kaisha was was his home.

The next day, when Vegeta left Bulma's bed, the first thing he did was to find Belo. He wanted to continue the duel that he had not had yesterday.

This time, in order to transform into a Super Saiyan as soon as possible, Belo did not refuse Vegeta's invitation to fight.

Finally, after more than three months of continuous fighting, Vegeta and Belo both turned into Super Saiyans almost at the same time.

Feeling the huge power emerging from his body, Belo felt that he could at least defeat the twenty of himself before the transformation.

"Bero, let's fight again!" Vegeta, who had turned into a Super Saiyan, rushed towards Belo, who was also a Super Saiyan, with excitement.

"Vegeta, wait a minute, we..." Before Belo finished speaking, Vegeta's fist had already hit his chest, and the shock wave that followed shook the entire gravity room into ruins.

"Hahaha, that's it, I finally caught up with Kakarot and the mysterious boy (Trunks)!" Vegeta said with a laugh while standing on the ruins of the gravity room.

When Bulma arrived at the ruins of the gravity room, she looked at the ruins in front of her and couldn't help but hold her forehead.

When Vegeta was able to transform into a Super Saiyan, he temporarily stopped practicing. At this time, he turned into a super considerate family man, and he also accompanied Bulma to go shopping every day.

"So considerate, something's wrong, these two people are in trouble!" Belo looked at Bulma's belly.

Yes, Bulma was pregnant at this time. On this day, Vegeta also accompanied her very considerately and went to the hospital for a particularly comprehensive pregnancy test.

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