While other people in the film industry chose to be silent, Ke Guolong's unfinished Tru Armor was finally successfully produced with the joint efforts of other doctors and scholars.

Then, in order to obtain the combat parameters of Tru Armor, the superiors sent Du Xiaomi to serve as the summoner of the first Tru Armor.

Because of Ke Guolong's sudden death, the superiors were more convinced that Tiantianhao Company should be the nest of Oxer, but because of the lack of key evidence, they dared not take any action against this company rashly.

After Du Xiaomi got the summoner of Tru Armor, he quietly sneaked into Tiantianhao Company under the arrangement of several superiors.

The summoner of Tru Armor looks like a handheld computer. Therefore, in addition to being able to summon armor, it also has the functions of real-time data collection and analysis, as well as instant communication.

"The bosses' guess was right. This should be a gathering place for Oxers!" When Du Xiaomi arrived at a processing plant under Tiantianhao Company, he detected several Oxers' energy signals on the screen of the Tru Summoner.

"Hey, handsome boy, what are you doing here alone?" Just as Du Xiaomi was concentrating on transferring the data and information he collected to the computers of his superiors through the Tru Summoner, Nina came behind him quietly.

Yes, Nina was indeed silent when she came all the way, but when she came behind Du Xiaomi, she couldn't help but speak to the other's back.

"You...you are also an Oxer? And a high-level Oxer!" When Du Xiaomi pointed the Tru Summoner in his hand at Nina's body, a very strong signal flashed on the screen of the summoner.

"Oh! So the little gadget in your hand can detect the signal of Oxer!" As soon as Nina finished speaking, she turned into the form of Medusa Beak in front of Du Xiaomi.

After seeing Medusa Beak, Du Xiaomi took a deep breath, and then he turned off the screen of Tru Summoner. Then, he used a finger to gently draw a "hook" symbol on the black screen.

After Du Xiaomi finished drawing this symbol, a high-tech belt appeared on his waist. Then, he placed the Tru Summoner in the middle of the belt and shouted a transformation command loudly: Tru Armor, combine!

Compared with other armors, the dressing process of Tru Armor does not have those fancy light effects. It is like a machine being assembled, flying out of the summoner piece by piece, and then attached to the surface of Du Xiaomi's body.

"I didn't expect it! Even the police are developing armor!" When Du Xiaomi finished wearing the Tru armor, Medusa Bik slowly walked towards him step by step.

Du Xiaomi was originally a well-trained policeman, and with the power of the Tru armor, he could actually fight back and forth with Medusa Bik using fists and feet.

"Not bad! Handsome boy, if someone else wears this armor, I guess they can't even exert half of your strength!" Medusa Bik showed an appreciation expression to the other party while fighting with the Tru warrior.

"Warning, warning! Please note that the energy of the Tru armor is less than 30%!" Just when the Tru warrior and Medusa Bik were fighting the most fiercely, a system prompt sound came into Du Xiaomi's ears.

Yes, although the Tru Armor can exert the strength of any regular armor that is not the ultimate armor, it has a fatal flaw that other armors do not have, that is, it is actually maintained by electricity.

When Du Xiaomi heard the system prompt sound, the Tru Warrior's movements were obviously slower than before, and there was a trend of slower and slower movements.

"Hahaha, handsome boy, it seems that your armor is about to fail!" Medusa Bick could easily discover the abnormal situation of the Tru Warrior.

"Did you see it? What did I say? I suggested that a layer of solar charging panels should be installed on the surface of the Tru Armor, but you all complained that I was too much.It's over!", "At that time, how could we know that the actual combat effect of Tru Warriors would be so poor?", "In fact, I have also thought about the power endurance problem of Tru Armor! "......

At this time, in the research and development base of the police tea party, several doctors who participated in the research and development of the Tru Armor were discussing this with each other excitedly.

While these doctors were arguing fiercely, the energy value of the Tru Armor on Du Xiaomi had dropped to 10%. At this moment, the movements of the Tru Warrior had become like slow motion in the movie.

When the movements of the Tru Warrior became like slow motion, Medusa Bik no longer continued to fight with him, but directly stepped aside and began to slowly appreciate the opponent's funny performance.

When the energy of the Tru Armor dropped to less than 5%, Du Xiaomi's armor form was automatically released, and he knelt on one knee exhausted.

Seeing this, Medusa Bik rushed forward and took away the Tru Summoner from Du Xiaomi's hand.

"Give me back the Tru Summoner! "Du Xiaomi stood up and stretched out his right hand to Medusabik.

"I'll give it back to you, okay!" Medusabik broke the Tru Summoner into two pieces, and then threw the two pieces to Du Xiaomi's feet.

When Du Xiaomi squatted down to pick up the two pieces of Tru Summoner, Medusabik wanted to sneak attack him, but when she was halfway forward, Nawa Warrior and Tsunami came to stop her.

"Li Zi, you cover the rear!" After Nawa Warrior helped Du Xiaomi up, he took him away.

After Nawa Warrior took Du Xiaomi away, Medusabik and Tsunami, who stayed in place, looked at each other and stopped fighting.

"Are you sick? I told you to cover the rear, but you really came to hit me!" Medusabik changed back to Nina's appearance.

"My little aunt! If I don't act more realistically, won't I be exposed?" Tsunami also removed his armor form.

"Now they have discovered our base, it seems that the day you are exposed will not be far away!" Nina teased Li Zi in front of her.

"One more day is one more day! In fact, I quite like the feeling of being an armored warrior!" Li Zi said so proudly.

"Tsk!" Nina snorted unceremoniously, and she turned and left in front of Li Zi.

"Duanmu, if I am not wrong, your companion (Li Zi) should be in the same group with Oxer!" When Duanmu Yan brought the other party to his detective agency, Du Xiaomi said to him directly.

Hearing his good friend Du Xiaomi say this, Duanmu Yan did not show how surprised he was. He must have suspected Li Zi's identity a long time ago!

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