When Duanmu Yan woke up from a "dream" that seemed like a fantasy, he felt that he was in full view at this moment, and then he looked down subconsciously, and it turned out that he was really in full view.

So, Duanmu Yan turned his head to the other side as a conditioned reflex, and then he saw Ma Lingling, who was also in full view, beside him.

"Everything before was not a dream! It's all real! I'm actually with Lingling..." Duanmu Yan was shocked and fortunate at this time.

Yes, what made Duanmu Yan feel fortunate was that the girl who was with him was Ma Lingling, not other women, otherwise, he could only commit suicide to thank the world.

Duanmu Yan, who had tasted the joy of pleasure for the first time, was reluctant to leave this comfortable nest, so he lay back next to Ma Lingling again, and he also hugged her tightly in his arms with both hands.

When Ma Lingling opened her eyes, the scene she saw was Duanmu Yan, who was staring at her with a bright smile.

The next day, Duanmu Yan really kept her promise and took Ma Lingling to register and get the marriage certificate. When the two marriage certificates were in her hands, Ma Lingling felt like she was dreaming.

When Duanmu Yan took out the two marriage certificates and showed them to Li Xinnan and others, everyone present was still a little bit unbelievable.

However, Duanmu Yan fulfilled the first promise, but could not fulfill the second promise, because he could not afford a grand wedding now, not to mention that Oxer had not been eliminated, and he had no intention to prepare for the wedding now. For this, the considerate Ma Lingling also expressed empathy.

After Duanmu Yan and Ma Lingling received the marriage certificate, they lived an enviable married life.

Until one day, when Duanmu Yan learned that Ma Lingling was pregnant, Sangbao Oxer, who had not appeared for a long time, once again brought his men to the young couple.

"Lingling, go!" Duanmu Yan asked Ma Lingling to leave quickly.

"Duanmu, have you forgotten? We said we would never separate!" Ma Lingling held Duanmu Yan's hand and refused to leave.

"Lingling, you are not alone now, be obedient, find a safe place to hide!" Duanmu Yan's eyes, while staring at the movements of Sangbao Oxer and others, kept looking at Ma Lingling beside him.

"But..." Ma Lingling really couldn't bear to leave Duanmu Yan.

"Leave her to us first! Then you can go to fight with confidence!" Just when Duanmu Yan and Ma Lingling were pulling each other, Beikai and the others came to them hand in hand.

"Thank you! Mr. Bei, Mrs. Bei!" With Bei Kai and the others taking care of Ma Lingling, Duanmu Yan could go to fight with Sangbao Oxer and others without distraction.

"Duanmu, you must come back alive! Don't let our children be without a father!" Ma Lingling loudly exhorted Duanmu Yan from behind.

Since knowing that he had a child, Duanmu Yan's confidence has become full. At this moment, he feels that he can defeat the ten previous selves.

"Cleanse all the filth in the world! Thunder Yatales, combine!" Duanmu Yan took out four energy keys and inserted them into the summoner on his waist. Then, lightning struck him one after another. After ten seconds of lightning, the golden Yatales armor was worn on him.

"The aura is really different from before!" Kaisha commented on Yatales at this time with a slight smile.

"Love is really a great power!" Bello followed closely and gave such an evaluation to Yatales.

At this time, the sad and violent Oxer should have felt the difference of Yatales, so he did not go to deal with the opponent alone, but let his subordinates, except for the three Piccolo, consume the opponent's energy first.

"Thunder Molten Fist!" Yatales's heavy punch directly penetrated the three Oxers and beat them back to their original form.

"Thunder Roaring Fist!" Yatales's another heavy punch directly penetrated two Oxers and beat them back to their original form.

"Thunder Hurricane Kick!" Yatales's three consecutive kicks in the airThe Oxers were beaten back to their original form.

"Thunderbolt!" Yatales's fists hammered the ground, and all the Oxers within ten meters around him were shaken back to their original form by a shock wave.

"There are still incomplete Oxer elements!" Kaisha took a quick look through the Eye of Insight. These people who were beaten back to their original form by Yatales still had some remnants of Oxer elements in their bodies.

Seeing this, the sad and violent Oxer spit out a lot of spore bubbles from his mouth. Then, when these spore bubbles came into contact with the humans who were beaten back to their original form, the Oxer elements in their bodies were activated again, and then they turned back to the form of Oxers one by one.

"Heaven and Earth Thunder Sword!" When the humans who were beaten back to their original form turned back into Oxer, Yatales stomped on the ground with one foot, and then a golden long sword slowly rose from the cracks on the ground accompanied by golden lightning.

When the sad and violent Oxer saw the Heaven and Earth Thunder Sword, one of his feet involuntarily stepped back.

"Yatales Heaven and Earth Slash!" Yatales, holding the Heaven and Earth Thunder Sword, turned straight in place, and then the attack energy emitted from the sword body once again beat those humans who had turned into Oxer back to their original form.

"Well! Not bad, this time, there is no remnant of Oxer elements!" Kaisha once again used the Eye of Insight to do a free "CT" scan for these humans who were beaten back to their original form.

Next, Yatales took the Heaven and Earth Thunder Sword and beat all the Oxers, except Zangbao Oxer and the three Piccolo, back to their original forms one by one, and also cleared all the Oxer elements in their bodies.

After about half an hour, there were only Zangbao, the three Piccolo and a Bull Demon Oxer left.

This Bull Demon Oxer, like the previous Flower Demon Oxer, was obviously a higher-level Oxer. Therefore, after being slashed by the Heaven and Earth Thunder Sword, he was able to continue to maintain the form of Oxer.

"Lightning Tornado Kick, Lightning Tornado Kick, Thunder Charge Punch!" Yatales directly used a one-button triple combo on the Bull Demon Oxer. He used these three different attack methods to continuously hit the opponent.

After "eating" three consecutive hits from Yatales, the Bull Demon Oxer finally couldn't hold on any longer, and his body fell straight backwards.

Before he even touched the ground, he had already turned back into a human form, and he turned out to be Ma Kuohai and Ma Lingling's eldest brother - Ma Qingshan!

In other words, Yatales - Duanmu Yan, just beat up his brother-in-law!

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