After leaving Xianyang, Lü Buwei and his party headed non-stop towards Hejian County, the fiefdom granted to Lü Xiangbang by the former king of Qin, King Xiaowen Ying Zhu, and traveled day and night.

After seven days and nights of wind and rain, Lü Buwei and his party finally arrived at Hejian County smoothly.

In fact, long before Lü Buwei decided to take action, he had already known that he could not stay in Xianyang for a long time, so he sent several of his confidants to take the lead in taking care of the affairs of Hejian County.

Under the care of these confidants of Lü Buwei, the prefecture governor's mansion of Hejian County has been rebuilt into an appearance similar to a temporary palace.

Next, Lü Buwei let Ying Chengjiao live in the temporary palace, and he also ordered him to continue to use the etiquette of the King of Qin.

In this way, under the operation of Lü Buwei and others, Ying Chengjiao simply ascended the throne as king in Hejian County. In this way, a good Qin State was divided into two Qin States, one large and one small. No, there was only one Qin State, because Ying Zheng and most Qin people would not recognize the existence of another Qin State.

"Report to the king, we have found the whereabouts of the queen mother!" The imperial censor-Feng Jie came to Ying Zheng and knelt down to pay tribute.

At this time, in the main hall of Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng was dealing with those rebellious ministers who were not taken away by Lü Buwei in an orderly manner.

"Since the queen mother has been found, send her back to Zhiyang Palace!" After a brief pause, Ying Zheng continued to bury his head to deal with the work in his hands.

"Report to the king, the queen mother wants to see you!" Feng Jie continued to kneel and said so.

"Let the queen mother come in!" Ying Zheng stood up from behind the table.

"Yes!" Feng Jie stood up and turned away.

"Zheng'er, let me see your injuries!" When Zhao Ji walked into the main hall, before Ying Zheng had time to salute her, she was anxious to check the injuries on her body.

"Mother, I'm fine. The imperial doctor has already applied medicine to me!" Ying Zheng flexibly avoided Zhao Ji's hands.

"No, I must take a good look before I can rest assured!" Zhao Ji continued to want to go and pulled Ying Zheng's clothes.

"Mother, I'm grown up and no longer a child. Please respect my privacy!" Ying Zheng bowed to Zhao Ji.

"Zheng'er, no matter how old you are, you are the apple of my eye. I feel very uncomfortable when I heard that you were beaten by Lu Buwei!" Zhao Ji's tears were flowing out of her eyes one by one.

"Mother, don't be sad anymore, this matter has passed! Let me take you back to the palace first!" Ying Zheng took Zhao Ji's hand, and the mother and son then headed towards Zhiyang Palace.

"Zheng'er, this time the mother was able to escape from the tiger's mouth, thanks to a swordsman named Lao Ai! Therefore, the mother wants to ask you for an official position for him!" When Ying Zheng stood up and prepared to leave Zhiyang Palace, Zhao Ji grabbed her son's sleeve again.

"Since he is a swordsman, then give him a position as the leader of the guards!" Ying Zheng responded calmly.

Next, Ying Zheng accompanied Zhao Ji again, and after saying some intimate words between mother and son, he left Zhiyang Palace.

When it was late at night, Zhao Ji sat alone in the bedroom of Zhiyang Palace. Just when she wanted to rest on the couch, a tall black shadow suddenly came to her.

"Queen Mother, have you missed me?" The shadowy figure, Lao Ai, immediately embraced Zhao Ji in his arms.

"Lao Ai, the matter between you and me has been cut off. Don't come to me again!" Zhao Ji pushed Lao Ai away with all her strength.

"Queen Mother, your words really hurt my heart. Have you forgotten the romance between us?" Lao Ai continued to say so relentlessly.

"Lao Ai, I have repaid you for your kindness to me before. Now you are the commander of the guards in the palace. Are you still not satisfied?" Zhao Ji firmly kept a certain distance from Lao Ai.

"I am temporarily satisfied with the official position, but I am not satisfied with the personal matters!" As soon as the voice fell, Lao Ai rushed towards Zhao Ji.

In this way, after the two of them half-heartedly gave and half-heartedly gave, Zhao Ji finally had sex with Lao Ai in the bedroom of Zhiyang Palace, spending almost a whole night in a romantic atmosphere..

The next day, before dawn, Lao Ai got up, dressed, and left the bedroom of Zhiyang Palace quietly.

After Lao Ai left, Zhao Ji, who was almost completely exposed, opened her eyes. At this time, she really hated herself. She hated why she was so unsteady and how she could continue to maintain this kind of relationship with the other party?

Yes, in fact, the night before Lü Buwei was ready to attack Ying Zheng, he had come to Zhiyang Palace to find Zhao Ji. At that time, he proposed to the other party that he would renew his relationship with him after the matter was accomplished, but was sternly rejected by the other party.

However, when she saw Ying Zheng being imprisoned, Zhao Ji's hope was completely broken, so she asked the jailers in the Tianlao to contact Lü Buwei on her own initiative, and then she was brought to the other party by several palace maids.

In this way, Lü Buwei and Zhao Ji rekindled their old love in the Xiangfu, and they were together almost all day and all night.

But soon, Lü Buwei found that he could no longer cope with Zhao Ji's needs, so, under the advice of a confidant, he recommended to her the swordsman with "special skills" - Lao Ai.

When Lü Buwei was about to run away, Lao Ai immediately turned against him. After killing several Xiangfu retainers, he took Zhao Ji out of the Xiangfu.

After that, Lü Buwei, who was already busy with his own affairs, could only watch Zhao Ji and Lao Ai slip away from under his nose. What happened next was that the ministers of the Qin Dynasty found the distraught queen mother in an abandoned house in Xianyang City.

Since he had a romantic experience with Zhao Ji in the bedroom of Zhiyang Palace, Lao Ai would come to her almost every night to have romantic experiences one after another.

And Zhao Ji also gradually evolved from half-heartedly at the beginning to actively cooperate. Less than half a month later, every time it got dark, she was looking forward to Lao Ai coming earlier.

Ying Zheng naturally didn't know about the things between Zhao Ji and Lao Ai, but even if he knew, he wouldn't have much opinion. After all, in the Qin Dynasty, it was a common thing for the widowed queen mother to find a face-to-face, and as a filial son, Qin Wang Zheng could also understand his mother's mood!

However, as the saying goes, everything has a certain bottom line. Although Ying Zheng can understand Zhao Ji's difficulties, the other party must not cross certain bottom lines. Once these bottom lines are crossed, the other party will definitely face a very cruel end!

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