After Fusu left the Yan Mansion, Beiluo sent Jiang Yan down and performed a drama of strict teacher training a disciple. In short, he did not allow him to have any contact with "Su Ying" anymore.

All the subsequent plots were just as Beiluo expected. The more he opposed "Yan Le" to meet "Su Ying", the more Jiang Yan wanted to find ways to escape from home secretly to meet Fusu.

In order to make the play more realistic, Beiluo used a three-foot-long rattan stick on Jiang Yan for the first and only time.

Just like a few years ago when Jingwei beat her buttocks, when Beiluo used the rattan stick to whip Jiang Yan, she still did not say a word.

"Yan'er, it seems that this cane won't do much for you! In this case, in order to stop your thoughts, I'll arrange a marriage for you as soon as possible!" Belo pretended to throw the cane in his hand aside.

"Master, I beg you! Mr. Su and I are in love with each other! Please help us!" Jiang Yan kneeled down to Belo's feet regardless of the pain in her body.

"In love with each other? What a love! Master asks you, does he know your real name? And, is the name he told you true?" Belo asked Jiang Yan, who was begging him desperately, two questions that hit his soul.

Hearing Belo's two questions, Jiang Yan collapsed to the ground. Yes! To this day, he has never told Su Ying his real name, and is the name that the other party told him really true?

"Okay! Yan'er, you grew up under my care! I won't harm you! Don't worry, the marriage I found for you is the best in the world!" Belo said earnestly to Jiang Yan. After he finished speaking, he turned away from him.

On the other hand, during the time of dating Jiang Yan, Fusu was meeting his beloved while constantly looking for clues in the poem. Finally, with his continuous efforts, he finally got a little more valuable clues.

After getting this little clue, Fusu hurried back to the palace and told Ying Zheng about it.

"Well! Very good! Fusu, you didn't disappoint me in this matter! However, you disappointed me in another matter!" Ying Zheng said to Fusu, first praising and then criticizing.

"Father, I know I was wrong!" Although he didn't know what exactly Ying Zheng was disappointed with him, Fusu still knelt down to admit his mistake.

"Oh! So where did you go wrong?" Ying Zheng looked at Fusu and asked back with a look of dignity.

"Father, I... I..." Fusu didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"You don't even know where you went wrong, and you kneel down to admit your mistake! Fusu, is that how your teachers taught you?" Ying Zheng was already venting his anger on the great Confucian scholars who were responsible for teaching Fusu.

After being asked by Ying Zheng, Fusu had no idea how to answer.

"Fusu, do you know? Why is it that as my eldest son, I am reluctant to make you the crown prince?" Ying Zheng suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Father, because I haven't done well enough!" Fusu answered with a very standard answer.

"Fusu, you will probably only answer this one question! If I ask you again, what exactly you haven't done well enough, I guess you will not know how to answer it like before, right?" Ying Zheng, who knows his son better than his father, guessed Fusu's true thoughts.

At this time, Fusu could only respond with silence.

"Forget it! After all, you are not me anymore! Therefore, I can't always use my own standards to measure you! Fusu, get up!" After Fusu knelt in front of him for about two quarters of an hour, Ying Zheng eased his emotions a little.

"Thank you, father!" Fusu knelt on the ground, bowed to Ying Zheng, and then he slowly got up.

"Fusu, the matter concerning Mr. Bei is of great importance! Therefore, starting from tomorrow, you don't have to leave the palace anymore! The rest of the matters will be left to me to handle personally!" Ying Zheng made such arrangements for Fusu."Your son obeys your order!" After a slight hesitation, Fusu finally followed Ying Zheng's arrangement.

Yes! How could Ying Zheng not know about the things between Fusu and Jiang Yan? After all, there were shadowy secret guards who followed him quietly around the eldest son of Qin Wang Zheng!

The next day, Ying Zheng followed the clues presented by Fusu and came to a thatched cottage outside Xianyang City, but this time, he did not meet Belo as he wished.

After returning home in disappointment the first time, Ying Zheng brought some good gifts and came to the outside of the thatched cottage the second time, but he was defeated again.

Until the third time, Ying Zheng learned from the previous two lessons. He came to the outside of the thatched cottage in white clothes, except for the shadow secret guards who followed him in the dark.

That's right, in the Qin Dynasty of this world, Belo and Ying Zheng staged a "three visits to the thatched cottage" drama.

"Ying Zheng pays homage to the immortal master, and respectfully invites the immortal master to show up!" Ying Zheng bowed three times to the thatched cottage.

"It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar! Friends outside, please come in!" When Ying Zheng wanted to turn around and leave again, Belo's voice came into his ears from the thatched cottage.

After hearing this familiar and distant voice, Ying Zheng was immediately overjoyed. Then, he stood outside the thatched cottage and dressed himself up from head to toe. Then he walked into the thatched cottage with a decent and generous square step.

After Ying Zheng walked into the thatched cottage, he slowly discovered that there was a completely different scene in this house. If he had to use a sentence to describe his feelings at this time, it must be that the rotten cotton is on the outside, but the gold and jade are inside!

When Ying Zheng saw Belo, he was sitting on an elegant couch, and on a low table on the couch, he was brewing a pot of steaming tea in a proper manner.

"After not seeing you for many years, the King of Qin is still as elegant and handsome as ever!" Belo turned his head slightly towards Ying Zheng.

"Mr. Bei is indeed a master! You saw through my disguise at a glance!" As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Zheng took off the disguises on his face in front of Belo.

Yes, because Kaisha fed him the potion that can keep him young forever, Ying Zheng's appearance has not changed since more than ten years ago. For this reason, in order to prevent others from seeing the clues, King Qin Zheng deliberately went to worship a Jianghu magician who is good at disguise as his teacher!

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