When faced with the "difficult problem" of destroying Chu, which was brought to him by the ministers of the Qin Dynasty, Bei Luo couldn't help but think that in the official history, the person who finally proposed the ingenious plan to destroy Chu seemed to be Li Si.

But now, Li Si has become a member of the rebellious clan of Lu Buwei and Ying Chengjiao. Therefore, with this identity, it is naturally impossible for him to appear in front of Ying Zheng again, let alone present the ingenious plan to destroy Chu to Qin Wang Zheng.

What's more, after being with people like Lu Buwei for a long time, Li Si is probably no longer the genius who can come up with ingenious plans.

Although Bei Luo can no longer remember what kind of ingenious plan to destroy Chu Li Si presented to Ying Zheng in the official history, but in his heart, he already has his own ingenious plan.

"Your Majesty, and all the ministers, please be patient! This national teacher does have a brilliant plan to destroy Chu! Please listen to this national teacher's story!" Belo said this in a mysterious way in front of Ying Zheng and the Qin ministers.

Next, as Belo told the story, Ying Zheng and the Qin ministers slowly learned about a secret about the palace of Chu.

Although the current King of Chu, Xiong Jian, has many descendants, the most qualified descendants to inherit the throne are only the two sons of the current Queen Li: the eldest son, Xiong You, and the youngest son, Xiong Lie!

According to some gossip, before marrying Xiong Jian, Queen Li was once a concubine of Chunshen Jun Huang Xie, one of the four princes of the Warring States Period. Then, Li's brother, Li Yuan, in order to covet wealth and glory, advised Chunshen Jun to send Li to the palace of Chu.

For Huang Xie, Li was just a concubine, so under Li Yuan's advice, he really introduced his concubine to Xiong Jian, who was the prince of Chu at that time.

To say that Li was really beautiful, so when Xiong Jian saw her, the two of them had a romantic affair together that night, and in the next half month, the two of them spent every night together.

Just one month after Li became Xiong Jian's woman, she unexpectedly became pregnant, which made the other party overjoyed. Therefore, the prince of Chu gave her a formal status.

But some things are just so coincidental. Li's eldest son, Xiong You, was born nine and a half months after she and Xiong Jian had their first love affair, and she had been with Huang Xie for several days before being sent to the prince of Chu.

Therefore, more than 20 years ago, there was a rumor in the streets of Chu that Xiong You was actually Huang Xie's son, but with the accidental assassination of Chunshen Jun and the gradual rise of Li Yuan, this matter was gradually forgotten by people.

Yes, there was once a rumor in the streets of Chu that Chunshen Jun-Huang Xie was silenced by Li Yuan, but as time went by, this matter eventually came to nothing.

Today, Li Yuan and Queen Li are supporting Xiong You as the heir of the Chu Kingdom.

Xiong Lie, the biological son of Xiong Jian and Queen Li, has not received the support of his mother and uncle. Therefore, in the heart of the Chu prince, he has always wanted to get rid of his elder brother, Xiong You. At the same time, he also hates the fact that Queen Li and Li Yuan do not distinguish between the primary and the secondary.

In fact, the reason why Li Yuan and Queen Li support Xiong You is actually because of their considerations. At the beginning, they just wanted to stop the people of Chu from talking nonsense in this way. After the people of Chu gradually forgot about that incident, they turned to support Xiong Lie.

However, Xiong You is not a fool. He directly took advantage of the support of his mother and uncle to pull a large number of important officials of Chu into his own camp.

Therefore, when Li Yuan and Queen Li wanted to change sides, Xiong You was already in a situation where he could not be removed.

At this point, if Li Yuan and Queen Li continued to support Xiong Lie, they would inevitably clash with Xiong You, and the final outcome would only be a loss for both sides. Therefore, the siblings could only grit their teeth and continue to support Xiong You.

"Your Majesty, and all the ministers, in view of the current situation in ChuAs long as the King of Chu, Xiong Jian, dies, the brothers Xiong You and Xiong Lie will inevitably fight each other for the throne of Chu. As long as they keep fighting, our Qin will have a chance! "Belo paced in the hall and told his brilliant plan to destroy Chu.

"Good! This plan is great!" Ying Zheng was the first to agree with Belo's brilliant plan.

"Your Majesty, I also think this plan is feasible!" Feng Quji was the first Qin minister to stand up and express his agreement.

"Your Majesty, I second the proposal!" Wang Guan followed closely.

"Your Majesty is wise! The great master is wise!" Gradually, more and more court officials stood up one by one, and flattered Ying Zheng and Belo respectively.

"Prime Minister Han, why don't you say a word? "When all the Qin officials present stood up and expressed their opinions, only Han Fei, who was now the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, stood alone in his original position without moving or saying a word.

"Reply to the king, although the plan of the great master is wonderful, there is a most fatal factor at present!" Han Fei came to the front of Ying Zheng.

"What kind of fatal factor? Prime Minister Han, you can tell me!" Ying Zheng said excitedly.

"If this plan is to be implemented smoothly, the only prerequisite is the death of King Xiong Jian of Chu! But now Xiong Jian is still in good health. When will he die?"

"Is it one year, five years, ten years, or even twenty years! After a long time, no one can guarantee that the situation in Chu will remain unchanged! "Han Fei responded to Ying Zheng calmly.

"Prime Minister Han, you are right!" After listening to Han Fei's opinion, Ying Zheng felt as if a basin of cold water was flowing from his head to his feet.

"Yes! Prime Minister Han is right!" After Ying Zheng, one after another, the Qin officials expressed their approval of Han Fei's opinion.

"Grand Master, what do you think of Prime Minister Han's opinion?" Feng Quji came to Belo on behalf of all the Qin officials and asked.

"Isn't it just that you want the King of Chu to die! What's the difficulty?" Belo asked Feng Quji in a sonorous and powerful voice.

"Grand Master, do you want to order someone to go to Chu to assassinate the King? Please forgive me for being blunt. If it was an ordinary minister of the State of Chu, perhaps there would be someone in the world who could assassinate him. However, if it was a slightly more important minister, the difficulty would be comparable to ascending to heaven! Therefore, I advise you, the Grand Master, to give up this unrealistic idea as soon as possible! "Feng Quji said this to Belo in a kind way.

Faced with Feng Quji's sincere and kind advice, Belo just stood there quietly. From his appearance, he seemed to be waiting for some news!

The author has something to say: The content of this chapter is linked to another article of mine in a dream!

In the article "The Qin Dynasty of the First Emperor", for the magical operation of Li Yuan and Queen Li, I just used a sentence "I wonder if the brothers and sisters' heads were kicked by a donkey?" and then hastily passed it over!

But in the content of this chapter, I gave a very clear reason for the actions of the brother and sister!

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