When Ying Ruyi, who was in his fiefdom, learned from some miscellaneous notes that his mother, Qi Ji, died at the hands of the Queen Mother, Jiang Yan, he was so bold that he wanted to gather a group of people to go and ask for punishment from the other party.

That's right, in the miscellaneous notes that Ying Ruyi read, it was not written that Qi Ji disappeared for no reason, but that the other party died at the hands of Jiang Yan, and was tortured and killed by the Queen Mother. The book also described in detail an unprecedented term: what kind of pig is a human!

Do you still remember the younger brother of Qin Zudi Ying Zheng, the former Chang'an Jun Ying Chengjiao? That's right, it was the unlucky guy who was pushed onto the puppet throne during the Lu Buwei Rebellion!

When Qin's first emperor, Ying Zheng, unified the country, he did not pursue Ying Chengjiao's guilt out of brotherly love, but kept him in Hejian County after Lü Buwei died.

After Ying Fusu succeeded to the throne, he conferred the title of Lord of Hejian on his uncle. When Ying Ying succeeded to the throne, Ying Chengjiao, who was over 60 years old, was conferred the title of Marquis of Hejian.

Although Ying Ruyi acted impulsively, he knew that his limited force could not be deployed to Xianyang City. Therefore, he quietly went to Hejian County, and then he did not know what method he used, and took all the troops under the command of Marquis of Hejian from Ying Chengjiao.

In this way, after gathering a hundred thousand troops, Ying Ruyi directly announced in his fiefdom that he would exterminate the demon queen Jiang Yan for the Qin Empire. Yes, he launched a war to usurp the throne with such reasons.

When Ying Ying received the news of Ying Ruyi's rebellion, he was furious at first, and then he began to deploy troops calmly.

As a result, Ying Ruyi's rebellion was like a complete joke. Yes, it took the court less than a month to defeat him and his hundred thousand troops.

When Ying Ruyi was captured alive by the court, they also implicated Ying Chengjiao from the other side. In this way, the Hejian Marquis, who had been stable for decades, was brought to Ying Ying together with Ying Ruyi.

"Third brother, uncle, you two are very good! I thought I treated you two well! In the end, this is how you two repay me! Since you two don't like the stable life, then I will fulfill your wish!" Ying Ying was furious and scolded Ying Ruyi and Ying Chengjiao.

In this way, Ying Ruyi and Ying Chengjiao were not only deprived of their royal status, but also exiled to the most bitter and cold place in the Qin Empire by Ying Ying.

As a result, as soon as they arrived in this bitter and cold place, Ying Chengjiao, who was over 60 years old, closed his eyes in pain in less than half a month, while Ying Ruyi struggled in this place for ten years before slowly completing his life journey.

After dealing with Ying Ruyi and Ying Chengjiao, Ying Ying suddenly fell seriously ill. Although he was able to get out of bed and walk after some treatment, his body seemed to be in some bad condition.

As a filial child, Ying Ying, who had a physical condition, not only hid it from the Queen Mother-Jiang Yan, but also asked everyone in the palace to hide his illness from the other party.

On the other hand, with Jiang Yan's company day and night, Jing Niu finally walked her life path without regrets, and at the last moment of her death, she finally returned to the Imperial Master's Mansion.

At this time, in a guest room of the Imperial Master's Mansion, Jing Niu, who had drunk a whole bottle of medicine, still did not show any improvement. Seeing this situation, Jiang Yan, who was about to burst into tears, knew that his mother was really going to die this time.

"Yan'er, life and death are determined by fate, so stop crying! Mother, I am already satisfied to have you as my daughter and Aci in this life!" Although Jingwei did not get any better after drinking the potion, he was able to speak some complete words before his death.

"Mother, speaking of Aci, where is he? Why didn't he come to see you for the last time?" Jiang Yan couldn't stop crying.

"It's all fate! Whether he comes or not, I have alreadyThere is no regret! Yan'er, go out! I want to see the Imperial Master and the Mistress for the last time! "Jingwei didn't want Jiang Yan to see her die with his own eyes.

"Okay! Mother, I...I..." Jiang Yan knew that when she went out and came back, Jingwei would definitely be gone, so she stayed in the room for a long time before she turned around and left reluctantly.

When Jiang Yan left the room, Bei Kai and the others appeared out of thin air in front of Jingwei's sickbed.

"Imperial Master, Mistress! As the saying goes, a dying man's words are good! So, at this time, you two don't continue to pretend in front of me, right? It turns out that your family are all immortals from heaven who have come down to earth!"

After seeing Bei Kai and the others, Jingwei forced himself to sit up from the sickbed.

"As the saying goes, there is a beginning and an end! Jingwei, you are the first person that our family has met since we came to this world! Therefore, at your deathbed, our family will come together to see you off!"

As soon as the voice fell, Belo released Besha and Jiangchen from the scepter world.

"Sister Jingwei, oh no, sister Jingwei, you are leaving, right?" Besha took a step closer to Jingwei.

"Little princess, you are still the same as you were decades ago. Your appearance and height have not changed at all! I really envy you! And you, Miss Jiang, you are still as charming as ever!"

That's right, after Jingwei glanced at Besha, she turned her gaze to Jiangchen on the other side.

"Actually, to be honest, I really don't like your envy of me. It has been almost two hundred years, and I am only this tall! "Betha said so jokingly.

"Jingwei, since you are going, I will tell you my real name! In fact, my last name is not Jiang, my name is Jiangchen!" Jiangchen not only told Jingwei her real name, but also showed the two characters to the other party.

"In fact, I have already expected that your last name is not Jiang!" Jingwei smiled very reluctantly.

"Jingwei, since you have been with us for decades, if you have any wishes, we can fulfill them for you!" Kaisha also came to Jingwei.

"If I ask you to keep watching over the descendants of Yan'er and Aci, it is obviously unrealistic. Then I ask you to help me keep watching over them! I hope they can both have a good end! "

Yes, when Jingwei said these words, she was already in a state of being on the verge of death.

"Okay! We promise you this matter!" Kaisha finally shook Jingwei's hand.

"Okay! Thank you! Imperial Master, Mistress, Little Princess, Miss Jiangchen, I... I'm leaving!"

After saying this last sentence, Jingwei closed her eyes forever!

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