Since the death of the brothers Ying Gong and Ying Hong, Jiang Yan lived like a person without a soul. She seemed to be doing the same things as the day before every day. Even when she heard that she had a new grandson, she was too lazy to change her expression.

Jiang Yan spent seventeen years in the palace in a daze. It was not until the news of Ying Heng's death reached her half-deaf ears that she stood up from her seat as if she had just woken up from a dream.

"Mother... Mother..." Like Ying Ying on her deathbed, Ying Heng also wanted to see his mother, Jiang Yan, again when he was dying.

In the end, Jiang Yan was carried to Ying Heng's bed by eight palace servants in an eight-carrying sedan chair, because she was not only half-deaf, but also half-blind.

"Heng'er, where are you?" Jiang Yan tried to touch Ying Heng's hand.

"Mother, I'm here. I finally see you again..." With the help of a palace servant, Ying Heng was able to shake hands with Jiang Yan at the last moment, and then he died in front of her.

When Ying Heng closed his eyes, Jiang Yan couldn't cry anymore, because her tears had completely dried up five years ago.

Yes, five years ago, Jiang Yan personally saw off her last two relatives besides the royal family, her younger brother Tian Ci and sister-in-law Zhao Zhi, and the couple didn't leave any children.

During Ying Heng's funeral, Jiang Yan half-reclined on an open-air soft couch and participated from beginning to end. The ministers of the Ministry of Rites and Ying Qi, who was about to ascend the throne, drafted a posthumous title of Emperor Qin Wen for the late emperor.

After Emperor Wen of Qin, Ying Heng, was buried in the imperial mausoleum of the Qin Empire, Jiang Yan fell ill again and again, but this time, no one of his descendants would taste the medicine for her in front of her sickbed.

When her condition improved a little, Jiang Yan ordered the palace servants around her to call the new emperor, Ying Qi.

"Grandmother, are you feeling better?" Ying Qi asked Jiang Yan with a neutral expression.

"Much better! Qi'er, what season is it now?" Jiang Yan asked in an old and frail manner.

"Grandmother, it's spring now!" Ying Qi responded slowly.

"Spring is here, Grandmother wants to go for an outing, Qi'er, please arrange it for her!" Jiang Yan said eagerly.

"Grandmother, you have just recovered from your illness! It is not suitable to go out now!" Ying Qi rejected Jiang Yan's request for an outing, or he really considered the other party's illness, or maybe for some other reason.

"Okay! That's right!" Jiang Yan lay back on the sickbed.

"Grandmother, you have a good rest, I will come to see you later!" As soon as the voice fell, Ying Qi got up and left in front of Jiang Yan's sickbed.

That night, Ying Qi did not fulfill his promise to come and see Jiang Yan's condition again, because he was entangled by his favorite concubine-Li Ji.

But Jiang Yan took Ying Qi's promise seriously, so she didn't dare to let herself fall asleep all night, and when it was dawn, her eyes went black again.

"Your Majesty, it's bad! The Empress Dowager fainted again!" The next morning, when Ying Qi was still immersed in the gentleness of Li Ji, a palace maid ran in hurriedly.

"What? I remember that I promised the Empress Dowager yesterday that I would visit her again in the evening! All this is caused by you, a bastard!" Ying Qi immediately pushed all the responsibilities to Li Ji beside him.

That's right, Ying Qi is so moody. He just had a romantic time with Li Ji last night, and now he immediately turned his face and refused to recognize her.

In the end, before Jiang Yan woke up from his coma, Li Ji was punished by Ying Qi to kneel outside the Empress Dowager's bedroom, and there was a thick washboard under her knees.

As a result, before Jiang Yan woke up, Li Ji, who had been punished to kneel for a day and a night, fainted first, but Ying Qi still did not intend to let her off easily.

Therefore, Li Ji, who fainted, was sent to the Shenxingsi in the palace. Although she did not receive any kind of punishment in there, she was alsoShe hated Jiang Yan for this.

"Old woman, I will stab you and you will never wake up!" Originally, Ying Qi released Li Ji, who was imprisoned in the Ministry of Punishment, out of a trace of pity, but she actually stabbed a figurine in her own bedroom again.

And on this figurine, the name and birth date of the Empress Dowager Jiang Yan were written.

This time, Li Ji really touched the reverse scale of Ying Qi and the entire palace.

Therefore, when Li Ji was sent to the Ministry of Punishment for the second time, she personally experienced all the torture instruments inside.

When Li Ji was beaten to death, Jiang Yan finally woke up slowly from his coma.

"You are really a bastard! You were beaten to death, but the Empress Dowager woke up. It seems that you are suitable to stay here!" Ying Qi came to the Shenxingsi and said this to Li Ji, who was no longer angry.

After Ying Qi left the Shenxingsi, the managers and jailers knew how to treat Li Ji, that is, they could not let her die easily, but they could not let her live too easily.

In the end, the literati who wrote unofficial history and miscellaneous notes put the blame on the Empress Dowager Jiang Yan.

When Jiang Yan woke up, Ying Qi agreed to her request and let her go outside her bedroom to go for a walk, although it was already past the spring season.

After the walk, Jiang Yan's body really became a little better than before, but at this time, her eyes were almost completely blind, and one of her ears was completely deaf.

In the following period of time, after finishing the affairs in the court every day, Ying Qi would take a little time to visit Jiang Yan, and his mother, Feng Yifang, would often accompany the Empress Dowager.

"Mother, this is the son-in-law that your majesty and I have chosen for Piao'er! What do you think? This girl can finally marry herself this time!" Feng Yifang brought a portrait of a young talent in the court to Jiang Yan.

Yes, Ying Qi's sister, Ying Piao, has become a real old leftover woman, and she has not yet married herself.

"Yifang, the age difference between them is a bit big!" Although Jiang Yan could hardly see, she could still vaguely see from the portrait that this young talent was much younger than Ying Piao.

"Mother, the age difference is not a problem! The key is that this Chen Wu is really outstanding! It's settled! I will go find Piao'er now!" Feng Yifang was in high spirits, holding the portrait of Chen Ping's grandson Chen Wu, and went to find her daughter Ying Piao happily!

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