The mercenary organization formed by Liang Bing has only a fixed number of 10,000 people.

The condition for joining is to defeat the person at the bottom of the list, and you can join the organization.

After you enter, you can continue to challenge upwards, otherwise you will have to face the challenge of other people who want to join the mercenary organization.

With excitement, Belo went to the personnel department of the mercenary organization and received a number plate with the number "623".

This means that there are 622 challengers ahead of him.

In addition, the person at the end of the mercenary organization can accept challenges from up to ten people every day, and one opportunity to challenge upwards.

This means that if Belo wants to join this mercenary organization, he will have to wait at least two months. It is reported that the warrior has defeated more than 20 challengers.

Fortunately, the mercenary organization has a lot of miscellaneous jobs, which can allow people who have received the number plate to do some menial work here to earn some meager living expenses.

After some thinking, Bello chose to go directly to the quarry to mine ore.

The material to be collected in the quarry is not stone, but a crystal stone with a purple glow.

It is said that this crystal stone is used to provide flight energy for the ships of the angel civilization, but the unprocessed crystal stone is not stable at all. If you are not careful when collecting it, it will cause a small explosion.

Therefore, except for those criminals who were forced to come to mine because of their crimes, people with clean backgrounds rarely choose to work here.

But because of this, the treatment that people with clean backgrounds will enjoy when working in the quarry will definitely be much better than those criminals.

Although they were very careful, the crystal exploded during the collection process. Bello, who was next to the crystal, was blown away more than ten meters. When he landed, he fainted.

When Bello opened his eyes, he found himself sleeping on a simple bed next to the quarry. At this time, there was a beautiful figure standing next to him. Judging from her appearance, she should be Liang Bing in her youth.

"Oh! You woke up so soon. Your physical strength is quite good!" Liang Bing sensed that the person behind her had woken up. She turned around and looked at Bello who was half sitting on the bed and said so.

"You, who are you?" Although he had confirmed that the person in front of him was Liang Bing, Bello could only pretend to be himself and didn't know who the other person was.

"Bello, this is the second prince of our Melo Homeland, Princess Liang Bing!" Before Liang Bing could respond, the person in charge of the quarry answered for her.

"Nosy!" Liang Bing first glanced at the person in charge of the quarry, and only after the other party stepped aside very tactfully did she look at Bello again.

"I know you are also here to participate in the mercenary challenge, but I think your physical strength is much better than many of my subordinates! Therefore, I will make an exception and give you a chance. Tomorrow, you will fight against the 9999th ranked mercenary in my mercenary organization. As long as you beat him, you can join my army!" Liang Bing stated her purpose without any ambiguity.

Obviously, Bello is the only one who was almost not injured in the explosion a few days ago. His physical fitness has entered Liang Bing's eyes.

However, since you said that my body is much better than many of your subordinates, but you asked me to challenge the second-to-last person in the mercenary organization, are you praising me or belittling me?

Thinking of this, Bello instantly felt that Liang Bing's intentions were probably "dark" from the beginning!

"Thank you Princess Liang Bing for giving me this opportunity!" In order to meet his goddess Kesha as soon as possible, Bello could only accept Liang Bing's proposal with a smile.

However, Liang Bing's intentions were not too "dark". After Bello accepted her proposal, she still ordered someone to take him down and serve him well, and also arranged a room for him to rest for a whole night.

Bello's competition with the warrior named "Tito" was arranged by Liang Bing on the morning of the next day. Because of this duel, the challenge of the last warrior was temporarily stopped.

(PS: I'll borrow the names of Atai and Atuo here! )

"Come on! Taito, beat this unknown kid!" Most of the people in the stands were cheering for Taito, and only a few scattered workers in the quarry could cheer for Belo.

Before stepping onto the ring, Belo had already decided in his heart that the skills he learned in the Dragon Ball world must not be displayed here.

Today, he can only use the swordsmanship, physical skills and his own strong physique he learned from Luo to fight.

After all, in the future timeline, Kaisha will encounter the biggest crisis in history (losing her virginity), so Belo's trump cards must be kept until that time to fight Huaye.

After the competition began, a tug-of-war between Belo holding a sword and Taito holding two swords, and the strength of both sides was basically on the same level.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, the two men chose to take a breath. At the same time, they were trying to find and think about each other's weaknesses while taking a breath.

"Dick, do you think that Belo's moves are familiar?" At this time, Liang Bing, who was watching the battle in the stands, asked the person on his left.

"Your Highness Liang Bing, his swordsmanship should come from your Majesty's former palace guard, Lord Luo Ou!" Dick, one of the chief palace guards, saw the origin of Belo's moves at a glance.

"Oh! Is it that old guy Luo Ou? Interesting, Tito's swordsmanship comes from another old guy, Vic! Back then, he and Luo Ou were a pair of old enemies who refused to give in to each other! Unexpectedly, today, their descendants are actually competing together again. The fate between these two people is really wonderful!" Liang Bing said with some interest.

"Yeah! I don't know which of their disciples is better?" Dick took over the conversation and said so.

Soon, Tito discovered that Bello's swordsmanship was very similar to the swordsmanship of an old rival that his teacher Vic had told him about. At this time, he began to fight with Bello while trying to recall his teacher, who seemed to have told him that this set of swordsmanship seemed to have a very fatal weakness!

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