When Xiang Yu stood there motionless, Liu Bang was full of vigor and ordered his men to capture him alive. At this time, he had already begun to imagine the glorious scene of parading the King of Western Chu.

"Liu Bang, you despicable villain, don't even think about succeeding in your wishful thinking!" Just when the Han soldiers were about to approach him, Xiang Yu used his last bit of strength to wipe his neck directly.

This unexpected scene made Liu Bang, who was riding on horseback, a little at a loss, so he quickly ordered that anyone who got Xiang Yu's body could be made a marquis of ten thousand households.

As the saying goes, there must be brave men under heavy rewards. After Liu Bang's order, all the Han soldiers rushed towards Xiang Yu's body, and then the other party's body was divided into eight parts by eight Han soldiers.

In the Super God Universe, Liu Chuang's catchphrase, "You have to be divided into eight parts", was vividly displayed at this moment.

However, don't worry, the body divided into eight parts is not the real body of Xiang Yu. In fact, as early as when they were surrounded by enemies, Bei Kai and the others had already known about it, and the subsequent plot developments.

So, Kaisha returned to the Scepter World and made two replacement empty shell bodies for Xiang Yu and Xiao Yue in the laboratory of Tianren No. 1.

However, compared with the empty shell bodies of Bei Kai's family of three left in the Bad People world, the two empty shell bodies of Xiang Yu and Xiao Yue will naturally decompose and decay over time.

Yes, the empty shell bodies of Bei Kai's family of three left in the Bad People time will not produce any decomposition and decay reactions over time. Therefore, even after a thousand years, these three empty shell bodies will be lifelike.

However, Xiang Yu and Xiao Yue did commit suicide, but they both fell into a state of suspended death under the intervention of the Heavenly Stone.

After all, with their identities, if they were not completely dead in Liu Bang's eyes, Xiang Yu and Xiao Yue would not be able to live a secluded life in this world.

As for the swapping of the real and fake bodies of Xiang Yu and Xiao Yue, it was naturally the task of Besha and Jiang Chen, who were also in the invisible state.

And when swapping Xiang Yu's body, Jiang Chen, who was in a playful mood, briefly controlled some of the Han soldiers, allowing them to perform a scene in front of everyone, where they fought against their own people because they could not compete for the body of the King of Western Chu.

Afterwards, Liu Bang kept his promise and conferred seven titles on the seven Han soldiers on the spot, which made the Beikai family feel that the titles were really hilarious: titles such as the Marquis of Seizing the Head, the Marquis of Broken Wrists, and the Marquis of Dividing Shares.

This kind of directional and obvious marquis title actually made the seven Han soldiers accept it with joy, and they also showed off their titles for a long time in the future.

Wasn't Xiang Yu's fake body divided into eight parts? Why were only seven soldiers rewarded? That's because the soldier who got the left arm was under the control of the surrendered minister and was killed by his companion who got the right arm!

That's right, among the seven rewarded soldiers, one got two arms by force.

For this reason, Belo said: If it were me, I would not have beaten Liu Bang on the spot, because I have a good temper!

By the way, after Xiang Yu "died", his mount, Taxue, naturally became a trophy in Liu Bang's hands. Beikai and the others said: Liu Bang, let's feed Taxue for a while!

Yes, after Liu Bang got Taxue, he really wanted to stay, but he couldn't do so, because he wanted to treat the other party as a gift to reward meritorious ministers and use it to reward a famous minister of the Western Han Dynasty!

"My king, since you like Taxue, why don't you stay?" Liu Bang's wife, Lv Wan, asked her husband.

"What do you know about women's kindness? It is because I like it that I have to reward it to the ministers! You won't understand this kind of pattern!" Liu Bang said to Lv Wan with disdain.

"Okay! I don't understand, but the thank you I want, my king, you won't give it!" Lv Wan suddenlyChanged the topic.

"Don't worry! I will give you what you want! But you have to agree to my conditions!" Liu Bang tried hard to hold back his emotions and didn't want to get angry at Lv Wan.

"Don't worry, my king. Ying'er will be my biological son in the future. I will treat him like Le'er!" As soon as the voice fell, Lv Wan turned and left Liu Bang.

Yes, Liu Bang was able to suddenly become rich because of the great help of his widowed wife, Lv Wan, and her family.

That's right, before Lv Wan married Liu Bang, she was a widow with a child. Her child was a daughter, named after her, Lv Le.

As for Ying'er in Lv Wan's mouth, it was naturally the son of Liu Bang and the middle-aged woman.

After the middle-aged woman spent all the money given to her by Bei Kai and the others, she sent Ying'er to Liu Bang.

At first, Liu Bang would not accept Ying'er. Fortunately, Bei Kai and the others acted in time, which made the other party's mind have a dreamlike and illusory story between him and the middle-aged woman.

In this way, Liu Bang accepted Ying'er, and the middle-aged woman continued to return to the land of love, and then within two years, she died of illness.

I don't know if it is because Ying'er has the same "Ying" in her name as Yi Ying, so Liu Bang placed all his feelings for Yi Ying on Ying'er.

After he became successful and recognized his ancestors again, Liu Bang directly named Ying'er Liu Ying, and after that, when he married Lv Wan, he changed the other party's daughter's name to Liu Le.

Needless to say, such a plot was partly the work of Beikai and the others, but more of it was the masterpiece of the Stone of Heaven. Some historical plots in this world were revised in this way.

After being "captured alive" by Liu Bang, Beikai and the others had a good meal in the camp of the Western Han Dynasty, which was about to start the dynasty, and then they chose to fake their death and escape.

Liu Bang was so angry about this that he even cancelled the funeral and mausoleum of Beikai and the others.

On the other hand, when Beikai and the others were eating and drinking in Liu Bang's camp, Beisha and Jiangchen went to "rescue" Xiang Yu and Xiaoyue together. In fact, it was the Stone of Heaven that woke them up from their fake death.

"You are Miss Bei! I have seen you several times at Mr. Bei's house!" After waking up, the first person Xiaoyue saw was Beisha.

"You have a good memory, Sister Xiaoyue! Sister Jiangchen, it's time for us to go too!" After Betha greeted Xiaoyue gently, she took Jiangchen's hand, and the two of them turned around and left in front of Yu Ji and Xiang Yu who had just woken up!

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