While Bekay and the other two were in the villa without any scruples, Besha and Jiangchen had already arrived at a prosperous area in the North Star.

"Xiaoyu, search for the Yellow Eyebrow King!" After Besha and Jiangchen looked at each other, she turned on the search function of the pendant on her neck.

Yes, just when they were having dinner, Kaisha accidentally mentioned the matter of the Yellow Eyebrow King, so Besha and Jiangchen decided to go out and look for each other.

"Location!" When Xiaoyu searched for the trace of the Yellow Eyebrow King, Besha blinked and projected the other party's current coordinates on the windshield of the car.

Next, Jiangchen started the car according to the coordinate instructions and headed towards the location of the Yellow Eyebrow King.

Jiang Chen drove from the first ring of the North Star to the sixth ring. When she and Besha saw the Yellow Eyebrow King, he looked like a beggar, or more precisely, he was already a beggar.

In Besha and Jiang Chen's perception, although the Yellow Eyebrow King's demonic power had weakened, he would not have become like this!

The monster came to the modern world, and he obviously had demonic power. He could chant a spell to collect all the beverage bottles in the city and sell them at the scrap collection station. He would not have become a beggar!

Just when Besha and Jiang Chen were about to get off the car to help Huang Mei, an old man who was picking up rubbish came to him on a tricycle.

"Young man, you have hands and feet, how did you get yourself like this?" The old man asked Huang Mei with a puzzled look.

"Hungry, I'm hungry!" Huang Mei covered his stomach and kept repeating these three words.

The monsters in this world are a bit weird. They will be hungry if they don't eat, but they will never starve to death. Anyway, they are always hungry.

"Young man, you are lucky to meet me today! Here, give it to you!" The old man who picked up scavengers took out ten yuan from his pocket and handed it to Huang Mei.

"How do you eat this?" Huang Mei took the ten-yuan bill and looked left and right, not knowing how to eat it.

"Put it in your mouth and eat it!" The old man who picked up scavengers said this philosophically, and then he rode away on his tricycle again.

"Sister, this old man is not simple!" Betha kept staring at the back of the old man who picked up scavengers.

"Sister, this really fits the saying, it is called a great hermit hiding in the city! However, what I am more curious about now is whether King Huang Mei will really give the ten yuan to..." Jiang Chen hadn't finished speaking yet, and the scene she expected appeared.

Huang Mei thought seriously for a while, and after the words of the old man, he really put the ten yuan into his mouth as if it were food, and really chewed it.

"Oh my god! There really is a person who eats money, no, a monster who eats money! Hahaha, I am dying of laughter!" Besha couldn't help but started laughing.

Compared with Besha's laughter, the surrendered minister on the side had to laugh a little more restrained.

"Bah! What the hell! Why is it so unpalatable? And there is a strange smell!" After chewing for about five minutes, Huang Mei spit out all the crumbs of the ten yuan.

The money of the old man who picked up the garbage was covered with countless bacteria. Fortunately, Huang Mei was a monster. If it were an ordinary person, he would definitely be sent to the hospital for chewing money.

After watching the show for a while, Besha and Jiangchen got out of the car hand in hand, and then they walked to Huangmei.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Besha asked Huangmei with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes! Thank you, goddess!" Huangmei knelt down to Besha.

"Okay, okay, you know how to praise people, so praise them a little more!" Besha let go of Jiangchen's hand, and said to Huangmei with her hands on her waist.

While Huangmei was constantly praising Besha, Jiangchen had already understood and went to park the car. About fifteen minutes later, the three of them appeared together in a roadside food stall.

Huangmei was indeed born in Buddhism. Even though he had become a monster, he kept in mind the principle of not breaking the precepts. Therefore, he ordered a bunch of vegetarian dishes on the menu of the food stall.

"Warning, this food contains dangerous elements. Long-term consumption will lead to dementia!" When Betha picked up a skewer of lamb and was about to eat it,At that time, Xiaoyu on her neck gave such a reminder.

Coincidentally, Jiangchen, who was about to eat a skewer of roasted kidney, also received the same reminder from Xiaoyu.

Originally, Besha and Jiangchen still had some appetite, but after hearing Xiaoyu's reminder, they both put down the skewers in their hands in unison.

In fact, with their divine bodies, even if they ate piles of skewers, there would be no problem, but after hearing such a reminder, they both lost their appetite instantly.

However, Huangmei, who was sitting opposite Besha and Jiangchen, didn't mind at all. Of course, no one would remind him, so he ate indiscriminately. The bamboo sticks and plates in front of him were also growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Huangmei burped for the first time, his eating speed began to slow down, but he was still stuffing food into his mouth.

"Sister, you watch him, I'll go to pay the bill!" Jiang Chen smiled helplessly at Huang Mei, then she got up and went to the stall owner to pay the bill.

After learning that this food stall did not support card payment, Jiang Chen went to the nearest ATM.

As a result, while they were going to withdraw money, a few really blind hooligans came to Beisha and Huang Mei.

Facing the verbal teasing of these hooligans, Beisha directly asked Xiaoyu to activate her immobilization function. Beisha wanted these people to stand here for seven days and seven nights. Forget it, seven days and seven nights would cost lives, so let's stand for five days and five nights.

For this reason, Beisha also said in her heart: This princess is a very kind little fairy. It is your blessing that you met this princess today!

When Jiang Chen took out a stack of RMB from a nearby ATM, she smiled at the hooligans who were pinned down, and then went to the stall owner to pay.

Huang Mei, who had already eaten and drunk enough, watched the whole process of Jiang Chen using RMB to pay thoughtfully.

"It turns out that this thing is used to pay in this world!" Huang Mei thought to herself, while silently memorizing every detail on the RMB.

When Jiang Chen finished paying, she took Beisha's hand and turned away from Huang Mei.

"Goodbye, two female Bodhisattvas, thank you for today!" Huang Mei bowed deeply to the backs of Beisha and Jiang Chen!

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