How come Manager Yang was exposed in just one month?

Next, after a serious calculation, he only embezzled less than 100,000 yuan from the company in this matter, and he had a house worth more than 800,000 yuan in his name!

Therefore, when Bello looked at the report in his hand, he really felt sorry for Manager Yang. In this way, the house under the other party's name was saved, which was very different from his expectations.

Next, according to the company's regulations, Manager Yang was fined twice the amount, and he was demoted to an ordinary employee. In addition, his actions will be posted on the company's bulletin board.

As for the assistant of the pig teammate, he accidentally found a borer in the company, so he was praised and rewarded, but soon, he was very tactful and submitted his resignation letter to the company's human resources department.

Yes, the assistant knew very well that although he was praised, he also left an impression of framing his boss in the minds of his colleagues. Therefore, he had no face and no qualifications to continue to stay in the company.

After dealing with Manager Yang's affairs, Belo released some of his spiritual sense to observe the other department managers and supervisors. Yes, that is, the remaining fifteen people who were trapped by him.

After observing for a while, Belo found that there were still eight people who were working hard and down-to-earth, and were not blinded by those petty gains. In this case, these eight people will be the company's senior executives that he will focus on training.

After selecting the eight future company executives, the remaining seven people were the termites who were completely blinded by those petty gains. Therefore, Belo would never show mercy to these seven people.

Days passed one by one. In the following days, Belo went to work on time every day, and then the mother and daughter at home would go shopping or play together, and sometimes Kaisha would go to see Mrs. Ma and other rich ladies to play cards or go to the health center for entertainment.

Whenever Kaisha went to meet with the rich ladies, Besha and Jiangchen sisters would drive together to stroll around the city casually, and by the way, take a look at the interesting life of the Yellow Eyebrow King in the modern world.

Of course, occasionally, Besha and Jiangchen sisters would still pay attention to the progress of the relationship between Lu Xiaoqian and Shanu.

It must be said that Lu Xiaoqian is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. After he figured out all of Shanu's abilities, he let her maintain the real-life mode for a long time.

Then, Lu Xiaoqian's parents discovered the existence of Silly Girl. In order to save face, he even let Silly Girl pretend to be his assistant in front of his parents, and for this, he used up the other party's illegal use times.

Yes, in Silly Girl's underlying code, it is stipulated that she must not lie to humans at any time, even if her master issues an order, she must not lie to humans. Once she lies, it will offset the number of illegal uses.

"Sister, even a boy like Lu Xiaoqian who doesn't cherish Silly Girl so much, Silly Girl actually falls in love with him? Isn't this called out of the ordinary?" Betha pointed at Lu Xiaoqian in the virtual screen and said so.

"Sister, maybe this is not out of the ordinary, but it is called the need of the plot!"

In fact, Jiang Chen was a little confused. Although Silly Girl was just a mobile phone, what advantages did a boy like Lu Xiaoqian have that would attract the other party!

The more she thought about it, the angrier Bessa almost wanted to take Silly Girl away from Lu Xiaoqian. But just after she had this idea, the car she and Jiang Chen were sitting in began to tremble without warning, but the surrounding scenery was motionless! Obviously, this was the power of the time and space laws of this world, reminding her not to do "stupid" things!

Therefore, when Bessa gave up the idea of ​​taking Silly Girl away from Lu Xiaoqian, the Porsche naturally stopped shaking.

However, Lu Xiaoqian was not a useless person. When he saw someone bullying the weak or someone doing something against the law, he would use Silly Girl's function to transfer himself into a masked flying man to help the weak and do justice.

However, Lu Xiaoqian'sThe flying man costume made Bessa and Jiangchen sisters laugh so hard that they couldn't close their mouths, especially the four big words "fight against piracy" on the other party's cloak. Is this not a joke?

In addition, there is almost no difference between Lu Xiaoqian's disguise and no disguise. In addition to the helmet, sunglasses, face cloth (a handkerchief), gloves and cloak, the other clothes on him are just regular clothes that can be seen everywhere.

Look, on this day, when Lu Xiaoqian turned into a flying man and once again helped a college student who was robbed by a bad guy, the other party was Lu Xiaoqian's roommate, so the other party saw through the true identity of the flying man at a glance.

However, what made Bessa and Jiangchen sisters laugh even more was that after his identity was discovered, Lu Xiaoqian actually tore off his face cloth and asked the other party seriously: How did you know it was me?

For this reason, the sisters Betha and Jiangchen said: Lu Xiaoqian, with your psychological quality, you'd better not be a masked hero, because the real masked hero, even if his identity is exposed in person, will continue to pretend to be aloof and pretend that he doesn't know the other person!

So, the masked heroes in the animation are all plots to coax children. The half face exposed by Batman is almost exactly the same as the half face of Bruce Wayne. Therefore, even the audience who have not seen his transformation will guess his true identity in a very short time.

Similarly, the true identities of masked heroes like Zorro, Flash, Daredevil and Green Arrow, who only show half of their faces, are really guessed by the audience watching TV.

Therefore, if you want to conceal your identity, you have to wrap yourself up like Spider-Man, Masked, Armored Hero and Kamen Rider.

In this way, Lu Xiaoqian, whose identity was exposed, invited the rescued party to the restaurant and paid for a big meal in order to let his roommate keep the secret for him.

After finishing the meal, Lu Xiaoqian's roommate also proposed that he wanted to fly in the sky, so the flying man took him to fly in the sky for about half an hour!

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