While Bello and Kesha were traveling around the world, the Xiongbinglian was desperately undergoing various harsh trainings under the supervision of Lianfeng. For this reason, some members were strict with themselves, while others complained about the world.

The members who chose to complain simply felt that the earth was now calm and there was no need to continue such high-intensity training.

For this reason, Lianfeng sternly warned them: The reason why the earth is now calm is because there are two great gods staying on the earth. Once these two great gods leave the earth, those aliens who have ill intentions towards the earth will come to invade the earth regardless of everything!

"In this case, Lianfeng has a long hand (anti-harmony)! Then let the two great gods stay on the earth forever, isn't it better?" During the free time of lunch break, Ge Xiaolun said a whimsical topic to Lianfeng.

"Xiaolun, the safety of the earth must be in your own hands! If everyone only puts all their hopes on the two great gods, how can the earth develop?" Lianfeng said to Ge Xiaolun earnestly.

Next, Lianfeng asked Ge Xiaolun to find other members of the Xiongbinglian, and then she told everyone about some things that had happened in the Denor civilization.

"Xiaolun, Lianfeng is right. The earth must rely on itself to protect it. If you always put your hopes on others, the earth will not be able to develop in the long run!" After listening to Lianfeng's story, Qilin came to Ge Xiaolun and persuaded him.

"Lunzi, sister Qilin is right. Although I don't understand some great truths, I also know the meaning of this sentence that everything depends on myself!" After listening to everyone's speeches, Liu Chuang also understood some truths.

"Xiaolun, stop daydreaming. No matter what difficulties lie ahead, we brothers will help you overcome them!" Zhao Xin patted Ge Xiaolun on the shoulder.

With the encouragement of the members of the Hero Company, Ge Xiaolun finally understood the true meaning of relying on himself for everything! So, he never complained in the following training.

In this global trip, Bello took Kaisha to many different places (anti-harmony) and experienced various customs and customs. They left their footprints in Meilijian, Yindu, Russia, Ghana, Deyizhi, Yingjili, Ireland, Vatican (all anti-harmony)... and other places (anti-harmony).

"Keisha, do you know? When I was in the Dragon Ball World, I went to many scenic spots alone to check in, and then I would cut your figure next to me in the photos I took!" Bello took out a lot of commemorative photos taken with Kaisha in various places (anti-harmony).

"Bero, I am the same. In these 30,000 years, whenever I record various data of the angel civilization, I always write your name behind me!" Kaisha casually retrieved a record from the sacred knowledge treasure house of the angel civilization. After each "Kesha", the word "Bero" was written.

"Kesha, it is my greatest honor to meet you in this life!" Bero put his hands on Kaisha's shoulders.

"Bero, me too!" Kaisha threw herself into Bero's arms.

"Kesha, do you want to experience what the underwater hotel is like tonight?" Bero, who was holding Kaisha, suddenly proposed.

"Go! As long as you are with me, let alone the underwater hotel, even the magma hotel is no problem!" Kaisha agreed to Bero's proposal without hesitation.

Because of Kesha's joke, after Bello took her to experience an underwater hotel, the two of them actually stayed overnight in Fuji Mountain (anti-harmony) on Dongdao Island.

This round-the-world trip took more than a year to come to an end. When the two were about to go to Melo Heaven, Bello brought Kesha and used teleportation to the vicinity of Demon No. 1 located at the Pluto Worm Bridge Station.

"Kesha, now there is an opportunity in front of you. Do you want to take this opportunity to eliminate Liang Bing and those demons in one fell swoop?" Bello held Kesha's hand with one hand and pointed at Demon No. 1 in the distance with the other hand.

"Bello, forget it! Liang Bing and his demons should be left to Yan and the others as whetstones!" After Kesha stared at Demon No. 1 for a long time, she finallyOr give up the idea of ​​destroying the other party directly.

"Okay!" Bello unconditionally accepted all of Kaisha's ideas.

"Yan and Leng, I'm going back to Melo Heaven with Bello. After we leave, the things on Earth will be left to you two!" After Kaisha used dark communication to send a message to Angel Yan and Angel Leng and others, she and Bello set out on the road back to Melo Heaven.

"Atomic detection is underway... Welcome home, Heavenly War King!" When Bello passed the entrance detection of Melo Heaven, the system's voice came into his and Kaisha's ears.

After Bello and Kaisha smiled at each other, the two of them flew hand in hand towards the planet called "Melo Heaven" floating in the current universe.

At this time, He Xi and other female angels of the older generation had already gathered on the square of Melo Heaven, ready to welcome Bello's return and Kaisha's return home, and the statue of the Heavenly War King stood behind these angels.

"He Xi, Liu Yue... and everyone, I'm back!" Bello came to He Xi and others and greeted them one by one.

Just as Kaisha said before, many angels that Bello knew are no longer there, such as: Alan who died in Fraser, Yutong who lost his trace... and Ruoning who betrayed the angel civilization.

After greeting everyone, He Xi turned into a tour guide and took Bello around in Melo Heaven, while Kaisha went to arrange some of the next things.

"Are these your genetic codes?" He Xi asked, staring at a set of data on the virtual screen.

"Yes, this is the data of my Saiyan genes!" Bello pointed to the long list of data on the screen and said so.

After He Xi took Bello to visit the entire Melo Heaven, she took him directly to the space-based laboratory.

When collecting Bello's blood sample, He Xi tried all the knives in the angel civilization, but none of them could cut through the other's skin.

In the end, Bello used the bottom of the scepter to cut a hole on his arm.

When He Xi put Bello's blood sample in a small culture dish, she was surprised to find that the blood samples were moving autonomously.

Later, through Bello's description, He Xi learned that after the other's blood left his body, it would produce a certain self-awareness and want to return to his body.

In order to allow He Xi to better study his genetic data, Bello could only remove the self-awareness of those blood samples.

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