After finishing the lunch that the family worked together to prepare, the Beikai family came to the garden of the villa and played various parent-child games.

When Kaisha took her two daughters to play hopscotch, Belo, who was sitting aside to watch the show, received a call from You Suowei.

You Suowei told Belo on the phone that because he had found a way to save costs, the prices of Eric Food Company would all be reduced by a few percentage points. Therefore, the total price of each food order of Yusha Jewelry Company would be reduced.

It must be said that You Suowei is really a gentleman, whether he treats friends or business partners, he is a modest gentleman. Logically speaking, he hired Huang Mei to purchase raw materials, thereby achieving cost savings, and he could make a small fortune quietly.

But after You Suowei got the benefits, he automatically lowered all the prices in the company. This kind of thing, in Belo's view, is really a rare and valuable quality.

Therefore, after the phone call with the other party, about half an hour later, Bello took the initiative to contact You Suowei again. He wanted to increase the food procurement plan for Eric.

After signing a new food procurement contract, Bello invited You Suowei to a five-star hotel for a good meal. Of course, he brought his wife and daughter with him.

After having a big meal with Beikai's family, You Suowei had the idea of ​​starting a family for the first time.

After having this idea, You Suowei said goodbye to Beikai's family and called Xiao Chuchu, but he was unexpectedly rejected.

After Xiao Chuchu rejected him, You Suowei stood there and thought for a while. He called He Lan again, but no one answered the call.

After two consecutive rejections, You Suowei had no choice but to drive back to his villa in a lack of interest.

On the other hand, since Huang Mei "joined" You Suowei, he has not gone to the outside world to stir up trouble. For this reason, Lu Xiaoqian has been concentrating on his task of flying after work.

But in a peaceful life, there are always those who like to be afraid of chaos in the world.

On one occasion, Huang Mei took Wang Tianba and three others to a three-star restaurant. After a good meal, Xiao Wu, who was drunk, talked about You Suowei's exploitation of Huang Mei's surplus value in front of Huang Mei.

"Master, think about it, how much transportation cost have you saved by helping You Zong? But he only gave you a salary of 200,000 yuan a month. Even I feel it's not worth it for you!" Xiao Wu said to Huang Mei, cursing.

Yes, not long ago, under Xiao Wu's deception, Huang Mei had already accepted Wang Tianba and the other two as his registered disciples.

After hearing Xiao Wu's words, Huang Mei immediately used his magic power to evaporate all the alcohol in his body, and then he came to You Suowei's office angrily.

After hearing Huang Mei's questioning, You Suowei also admitted very frankly that he was indeed grabbing the other party's surplus value.

However, when You Suowei wanted to continue to explain why he wanted to grab Huang Mei's surplus value, the other party could no longer listen to a word he said!

"You Suowei, You Suowei! How I wished I could hear that you were not squeezing my surplus value!"

"I treated you as a brother, but what do you treat me as? You Suowei, listen to me, from now on, we will go our separate ways, and we will never see each other again until we die! Oh no, only you will die of old age!"

After saying the words of distress in his heart, Huang Mei left You Suowei like a gust of wind.

When You Suowei reacted, he could no longer catch up with Huang Mei's footsteps.

After leaving You Suowei, Huang Mei used his own magic power to run forward for dozens of kilometers, and then he sat down on a flower bed in a park.

When Huang Mei sat on the flower bed and was in a daze for about half an hour, You Suowei's biggest competitor in business, Mr. Fan, came to him quietly.

Yes, when Mr. Fan learned that You Suowei had lowered the prices of Eric's goods,He went to investigate the other party. He originally thought that the other party had used the same inferior raw materials as himself, but he found that it was not the case at all.

After that, after another investigation, Mr. Fan found that Eric's transportation line had been shut down for a period of time. Then, he locked his sights on Huang Mei.

That's right, you should never underestimate the ability of a rich tycoon. The previous tycoons were able to investigate the true identity of the Justice Flying Man, and Mr. Fan could naturally investigate Huang Mei's affairs.

Similarly, even if Bello did not use his divine power, as long as he was willing to work hard and spend money, he could also investigate a lot of secrets.

Next, under Mr. Fan's deception, Huang Mei joined his company, and he also waved his hand and gave him a salary of one million per month.

Yes, although the food materials used by Mr. Fan were all very inferior, the transportation cost of these materials was almost the same as that of You's company. Therefore, Huang Mei's joining would also save him about one million yuan in transportation costs every month.

In fact, after staying in the modern world for a few months, Huang Mei also knew that Mr. Fan was not the kind of person who would treat him sincerely, but the other party gave too much, so he stayed in the other party's company with peace of mind.

After staying in the villa provided by Mr. Fan for a few days, Huang Mei brought Wang Tianba and the other two here to live and eat with him.

Based on the principle of "whoever gives milk is the mother", this time, Xiao Wu kept saying all kinds of good things about Mr. Fan in front of Huang Mei, and he also seriously calculated an account in front of Huang Mei.

After some serious calculations, Xiao Wu assured Huang Mei that Mr. Fan had not exploited his master's surplus value at all.

However, was Mr. Fan really so generous to Huang Mei? The answer is of course no!

In the first two months, Mr. Fan would generously transfer the one million salary to Huang Mei's account at the end of each month.

But starting from the third month, Mr. Fan began to find all kinds of excuses in an attempt to delay Huang Mei's salary!

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