Bello took Kesha and traveled almost half of the known universe, and only collected a star that was about to be scrapped and two lifeless planets that were only one-fifth the size of the earth into the internal space of the scepter.

When Bello and Kesha finished their planet collection journey and returned to Melo Heaven three months later, Angel Yan suddenly sent a secret message from Earth: Morgana had sent the demon warrior Atuo to assassinate Enixid on the planet Frazer.

"Kesha, let me ask you another question. Angel Yan and Enixid, who is your favorite successor?" When it was time to set off, Bello asked Kesha this question.

"Bello, personally, I still prefer Angel Yan, but I can't ignore the best algorithm of the sacred knowledge treasure house! Therefore, I can only bet on both of them at the same time!" Kesha answered in detail.

"That means, one of them made a rational choice, and the other made a data choice, right?" Bello changed his mind and commented on this matter.

"Yes, that's it, let's go! Let's go and perform on the stage that Morgana and Carl have built for us! Don't let the audience who are ready to watch the show wait too long!" Kaisha said with great interest.

Through chatting with Bello, Kaisha has confirmed that her plan to kill gods is not only led by the devil and the Styx, but also involves Lieyang and Denor.

"Well, let's go now! Oh, sorry, my teleportation can't move that far now!" Bello took Kaisha's hand. He wanted to use teleportation, but he couldn't accurately lock the specific location of Angel Yan and others.

"It's okay. We can go through Tianren No. 1. No, we have to use Tianji No. 1 now, and use its No. 15 insect gate to get through!" Kaisha took Bello's hand in turn, and then the two flew towards Tianji No. 1 together.

After arriving on Earth, Bello and Kaisha temporarily separated. He went directly back to the War Blade Group and made some arrangements for the aftermath, while Kaisha went to meet up with Angel Yan and others.

"Yan, you go to find the Galaxy Force and ask him to go to Frazer with you to protect Enesid and kill the demon Atuo!" Kaisha made such arrangements to Angel Yan.

"Yes, Queen Kaisha!" Angel Yan then spread his wings and flew away.

"The rest of you, follow me to have a decisive battle with Morgana's demon group!" Kaisha said to Angel Leng and other female angels.

"Yes, Queen Kaisha!" Angel Leng and other female angels answered in unison.

After Belo arranged all matters of the War Blade Group, he came to the training ground of the Xiongbing Company.

When he saw Ge Xiaolun again, the pair of wings behind him had more golden feathers than before, and the power in his body was stronger than before.

"Yes, now you look more like the power of the galaxy!" Belo was still generous in praising Ge Xiaolun for his rapid progress in a short period of time.

"This is all thanks to you! If it weren't for you, my power wouldn't be so strong now!" Ge Xiaolun scratched the back of his head and said so.

"Ge Xiaolun, the angel gene in you comes from me, so your future belongs to the angel! Listen to my advice, the time and space rose is not suitable for you, the future angel queen is more suitable for you!" As a member of the angel, Belo naturally favors the CP of Angel Yan and Ge Xiaolun.

"Ah! The future angel queen, what does that mean?" Ge Xiaolun asked back without knowing why.

"It means exactly what it says. Okay, she's here now!" As soon as Belo finished speaking, Angel Yan came behind him and Ge Xiaolun.

Although the Xiongbing Company had changed its commander, Lianfeng still agreed to Angel Yan's request and let Ge Xiaolun go to Fraser Star with him.

Unlike the original work, this time, when Ge Xiaolun left the earth, he went to Rose solemnly and said goodbye.

However, when the ambiguous atmosphere on the scene came, Ge Xiaolun wanted to kiss Rose, but he was greeted by a fist from the other party.

Afterwards, Ge Xiaolun, with a fist mark on his face, boarded a small angel spaceship with Angel Yan and set off towards Fraser Star.

......I am a lovely dividing line......

"My dear sister, why are you alone? Where is my bastard brother-in-law?" When Morgana led the flying demons to Kaisha and others, she mocked her sister as soon as she appeared.

"He went to find your ally!" Kaisha replied lightly.

"I don't believe he dares to find Carl!" Morgana said angrily.

"Believe it or not, but I want to tell you that your plan is doomed to fail!" Kaisha's words were extremely sincere.

"I don't want to say a word of nonsense to you now!" Morgana said angrily.

"That's true! We have been sisters for only a thousand years! And then you have been against me. Okay, enough teasing, get ready to die!" When Kaisha sensed that Bello had gone to find Carl, she issued combat instructions to the female angels around her against the demon group.

Then, the female angels fought with the demons. The angels relied on the flaming sword and their own super defense, while most of the demons fired with an energy cannon (anti-harmony). Therefore, the entire battlefield looked like people from two different eras fighting each other.

After all the angels and all the demons found their respective opponents, Morgana launched an attack on Kaisha!

At the same time, Bello also came to the periphery of the Styx civilization, and the person standing here to greet him was Carl's first loyalist-Snow.

"Tianshan King, what do you want to do to my god Carl?" At this moment, Snow holds a huge black sickle and the lower part of the body, and it is also shrouded in a purple and black mist. The sacred Casha's personal grievances, I hope that you will not intervene in the king of heaven, otherwise ... "Snow's words have not finished, and his mask was punching a solidly. I don't want to intervene. Do you and Carl have no brains like this? "Belo issued three consecutive questions and slammed Snow with his fist crazy. Bello just used the most ordinary fist to attack, but he beat Snow so badly that he had no power to fight back.

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