As the saying goes: Ordinary people want to become superheroes! There is a theorem called: the rich rely on technology, the poor rely on mutation!

When both the rich and the poor rely on technology to become superheroes, whoever has more financial resources will have more advantages!

Therefore, You Suowei, who has much more financial resources than Lu Xiaoqian, artificially created many unexpected encounters with each other in the next period of time.

Then after each unexpected encounter, Lu Xiaoqian would be beaten by You Suowei and couldn't get up.

In the understanding of Beikai's family, You Suowei was purely tormenting Lu Xiaoqian, because every time he knocked the other party down, he didn't take the opportunity to take the silly girl away from the other party.

But in Lu Xiaoqian's understanding, he felt that You Suowei was getting worse and worse.

In addition, Beikai's family also complained about You Suowei. They all thought that why didn't the other party create two or even more princes?

If You Suowei had brought more than two princes with him, there would not be a situation where the battery was running out and he had to "flee in panic"!

"Xiao Qian, why are you injured recently?" One day, when Lu Xiaoqian, who was beaten up, returned home, his father couldn't help but ask him.

Yes, although Shanu has the function of medical rescue, she can't completely heal Lu Xiaoqian's injuries.

"Dad, I accidentally fell while working today! The previous injury was also caused by a fall!" Lu Xiaoqian made up a lie casually.

"Xiao Qian! You are hiding something from me and your mother!" Lu's father stared at Lu Xiaoqian with a serious expression.

"Dad, I really just fell! I will pay more attention in the future!" Lu Xiaoqian said so with a guilty look.

"Okay! Now you have grown wings and learned to lie! I will punish you by not allowing you to eat tonight!" Father Lu cursed and left in front of Lu Xiaoqian.

"Xiaoqian! Listen to your mother's advice, go and admit your mistake to your father!" Mother Lu persuaded Lu Xiaoqian with a distressed look.

After Mother Lu's persuasion, Lu Xiaoqian went to admit his mistake to Father Lu, but he still did not tell his parents that he was the No. 1 Flying Man.

After that, after being beaten by You Zuowei, in order not to arouse his parents' suspicion, Lu Xiaoqian chose to stay overnight outside, but he had almost no money in his pocket, so he could only live in the park or in the bridge hole.

"Young man, what's wrong with you? You have healthy hands and feet, why are you sleeping in the park?" An old man who picked up rubbish came to Lu Xiaoqian who was sleeping on a bench in the park.

"Old man, I'm sorry, I had a quarrel with my parents and was driven out by them!" Lu Xiaoqian made up another lie.

"Young man, listen to my advice, there is no overnight hatred between parents and children. You should go home quickly and apologize to your parents!" The old man who picked up rubbish said to Lu Xiaoqian kindly.

"Old man, thank you, I'm going home now!" In order to prevent the old man from worrying about him, Lu Xiaoqian had to walk towards a certain bridge hole.

But what Lu Xiaoqian didn't expect was that the old man who picked up rubbish actually rode a tricycle and followed him all the time.

"Young man, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice! Can you still hide it from me with your little tricks? This road is not your way home at all!" The old man who picked up rubbish caught up with Lu Xiaoqian.

"Old man, you and I are not related at all! What does it have to do with you where I stay?" Lu Xiaoqian said to the old man who picked up rubbish in a very impatient way.

"Okay! You don't listen to me! Okay, I don't bother to care about you anymore!" As soon as he finished speaking, the old man who picked up rubbish rode his tricycle and left directly in front of Lu Xiaoqian.

After the old man who picked up rubbish had completely gone away, Lu Xiaoqian found a wrinkled fifty yuan on the ground where he had just been. I thought, this must be what the old man who picked up rubbish left for him.

When Lu Xiaoqian wanted to find the old man who picked up rubbish, he had disappeared in the vast night.

Yes, the old man who left fifty yuan for Lu Xiaoqian was also the old man who gave Huang Mei ten yuan.

The old man who picked up rubbish gave Lu Xiaoqian fifty yuan, and his purpose was naturally to let him stay in the hotel tonight, but Lu Xiaoqian was reluctant to do so. In the end, he still found a bridge hole and barely made do with it for one night.

The next day, whenWhen Lu Xiaoqian woke up from the bridge hole, You Suowei was already standing in front of him.

"Lu Xiaoqian, you are amazing! You can even adapt to the bridge hole. If you want to be a beggar, I can teach you. After all, I have experience in this area!" You Suowei said to Lu Xiaoqian with a mocking look on his face.

That's right, in those ten years of eating fish, You Suowei lived worse than a beggar.

"Mr. You, as the saying goes, forgive others when you can! You have beaten me eighteen times. No matter how much hatred you have for me, it should have disappeared now!" Lu Xiaoqian knelt directly in front of You Suowei.

"Lu Xiaoqian, do you know how many fish I have eaten in the past ten years? Every time I eat a fish, my hatred for you deepens!"

"For this reason, if you want me to stop hating you, you have three choices: one is to hand over the silly girl, the second is to eat fish for ten years, and the third is to let me beat you enough times for the number of fish I have eaten!" You Zuowei said to Lu Xiaoqian relentlessly.

Faced with the three choices proposed by You Zuowei, Lu Xiaoqian said that he didn't want to choose any of them, but the other party would not give him extra time to choose.

When You Zuowei was about to beat Lu Xiaoqian again, a nine-toothed rake appeared in front of him. He looked carefully and saw that it was Zhu Bajie who came to rescue Lu Xiaoqian.

Faced with the joint attack of Lu Xiaoqian and Zhu Bajie, You Zuowei was naturally at a disadvantage, so he flew away directly after saying a cruel word.

When Zhu Bajie learned that Lu Xiaoqian was temporarily homeless, he took her to He Lan's house.

"Lu Xiaoqian, what can I say to you? Why didn't you tell your parents that you are a flying man?" He Lan, with a strong aura, scolded Lu Xiaoqian.

Facing He Lan's constant scolding, Lu Xiaoqian didn't know how to respond for a moment, fortunately Zhu Bajie was there to help him smooth things over.

In this way, Lu Xiaoqian, who was temporarily homeless, temporarily stayed at He Lan's house.

Since Lu Xiaoqian had Zhu Bajie's protection, You Zuowei did not bother him for the time being, but he was also secretly brewing a more perfect plan!

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