During Li Shuren's teaching career, he taught countless students. Among these students, some became pillars of the country, but some became pests in society.

Whenever Li Shuren heard that a student he taught became a pest in society, he would feel extremely sad and at the same time he would feel sorry for the families of the victims who were harmed by the bad students.

In the end, Li Shuren, whose conscience was tormented, made a more "crazy" decision. He sold the house under his name and used the money from the sale of the house, together with all his savings, to compensate the families of the victims.

In addition, Li Shuren also used his monthly pension to compensate, and he also used all the money his daughter and son-in-law who were overseas sent him every month to compensate.

After losing his house, Li Shuren moved into the staff dormitory of Beizhixing University, and then he lived the life of a scavenger. The income from picking up waste, in addition to maintaining the most basic expenses, the extra money was also used for compensation.

Although the sages often say: If the teacher is not strict, he will be lazy! But Li Shuren's approach is really too extreme!

After learning about Li Shuren's deeds, Lu Xiaoqian and Xiao Chuchu were deeply moved by each other's spirit.

Just after Li Shuren woke up, he received a call that made him feel extremely sad. A female student he had taught and who made him feel very satisfied passed away.

After graduating from university, this female student actually chose to teach in rural areas. Of course, at that time, she went there with some forced attributes.

But when she received the news that she could return to the city, she chose to stay, and she stayed for a full thirty years. Just a few days ago, she passed away forever due to a serious illness.

After hearing that his favorite student had passed away, Li Shuren lay on the sickbed and cried, while Lu Xiaoqian and Xiao Chuchu kept comforting him.

Next, every time Lu Xiaoqian went to work, Xiao Chuchu listened to Li Shuren telling the story of his female student who went to teach in the countryside.

After listening to the life story of this female student, Xiao Chuchu decided to become a volunteer teacher. Of course, the reason why she did this was, first, for those children in difficult conditions, and second, she wanted to use this to escape from Lu Xiaoqian.

When everyone learned of Xiao Chuchu's decision, He Lan, as a good friend, took the initiative to donate 5 million to the school where the other party was going to teach. Then, You Suowei and Hua Mei also took out 5 million. Of course, Bei Kai and the others also took out 5 million.

Under Lu Xiaoqian's repeated retention, Xiao Chuchu finally embarked on the journey to teach.

After Xiao Chuchu taught for a month, she found that the school building was in a state of disrepair. For this reason, she called the county many times to ask Bei Kai and the Kerosene couple and He Lan why the 15 million donated had not been implemented yet?

But no matter how Xiao Chuchu asked, the other party's answer was always this: There are many schools in our county that need to be repaired, and the maintenance funds there should be in place soon!

Is the real situation really like this? The answer is naturally no! The 15 million donated by Beikai and his wife, Kerosene and He Lan had already been embezzled by officials from the county magistrate to the bottom!

For this reason, Beikai and his wife would not stop Beisha and Jiangchen from teaching these people a lesson, and Belo also told his two daughters that as long as they were not killed, they could do whatever they wanted!

Yes! Is Beikai's money so easy to take? Since these officials dared to take it, they must be prepared to regret coming to this world!

"Kesha, let's be prepared. If Sun Wukong also participates at that time, then Emperor Xia and Shura Xia will also show up!" When Beisha and Jiangchen sisters left the villa, Belo said to Kaisha beside him.

"Bero, I hope he can participate. I haven't exercised for a long time!" Kaisha responded eagerly.

That's right, when the Flame Dragon and the Wind Eagle go to punish those officials, the Flying Man team will definitely not sit idly by.Ignore them. If Sun Wukong comes to support them, they will not be the opponents of Sun Wukong with their strength.

The style of the sisters, Besa and Jiangchen, is not too roundabout. After putting on their armor, they arrested the officials who took money from their family one by one in public from all places.

And they gathered these officials in a crowded square. When all the officials were in place, Yanlongxia and Fengyingxia would start to kill them.

According to the amount of money each official took, the sisters, Besa and Jiangchen, set a set of strict disability standards for each official. The county magistrate who took the most money not only had his hands and feet broken, but also had his face disfigured.

"Stop!" When Yanlongxia was about to attack the county magistrate, You Suowei and Huang Mei arrived at the same time.

"Why are there only two of you? Where are Flying Man No. 1 and Flying Man No. 4?" Jiang Chen used the original voice of the Wind Eagle Armor to ask You Suowei and Huang Mei knowingly.

"Whether they are here or not is none of your business! I order you now to release them!" You Suowei shouted loudly to the Wind Eagle Man.

"They deserve it!" As soon as the Wind Eagle Man finished speaking, the Flame Dragon Man started to attack the county magistrate.

"Ah..." The county magistrate, whose left arm was ignited by the strange fire, began to scream.

After seeing the Flame Dragon Man attacking the county magistrate, You Suowei and Huang Mei immediately went up to stop her, but the Wind Eagle Man stopped them.

"Your opponent is me!" As soon as the Wind Eagle Man finished speaking, the Wind Eagle Man attacked You Huang.

The strength of You and Huang was not enough in front of Fengyingxia, especially You Suowei, whose body was cut by petals and leaves, while ordinary petals and leaves could not break Huangmei's defense.

In this way, the Fengyingxia, who was at ease, was just playing when facing the joint attack of You and Huang, and her purpose was just to delay the two opponents and not interfere with Yanlongxia's punishment of those officials.

When Yanlongxia punished these officials, she adopted the method of boiling frogs in warm water. Therefore, after ten minutes, the county magistrate's left arm had not been burned clean.

"Please, kill me!" In extreme pain, the county magistrate wanted to die.

"Are you happy with the money?" Yanlongxia asked the county magistrate in a somewhat irrelevant way.

"I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again!" As a county magistrate who had received a lot of money, he immediately understood the meaning of Yanlongxia's words.

However, no matter how the county magistrate begged for mercy, Yanlongxia continued to punish him as usual!

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