You Zuowei was such a smart man. He knew that the Bull Demon King had concealed something from him. Therefore, when Huang Mei and Zhu Bajie went to help each other, he used the prince to scan Huang Mei and Zhu Bajie's brains.

The result was that Huang Mei and Zhu Bajie had forgotten what they had done in the past few days.

For this reason, the Bull Demon King also sent a very "considerate" sentence: This immortal pill is my patented product, please forgive me for not being able to tell you the details of the formula.

Although he had forgotten what he had done, Zhu Bajie's intuition told him that he must have done something bad!

Therefore, when the Bull Demon King came again to ask Zhu Bajie to do something for him, Zhu Bajie refused with a firm attitude.

In order to punish Zhu Bajie, the Bull Demon King put his nose ring on his neck, and when he chanted the spell, the nose ring produced an effect similar to the tight hoop spell.

However, Zhu Bajie would rather lose his magic power temporarily due to the pain than surrender to the Bull Demon King, and He Lan witnessed all this with her own eyes.

"He Lan, you didn't make a mistake. Brother Zhu is a great hero!" He Lan silently chanted in her heart when she was taking care of Zhu Bajie who had lost his magic power.

Zhu Bajie's resolute resistance slowed down the Bull Demon King's drug-making process. For this reason, he had to bring You Suowei, Huang Mei, Wang Tianba, Xiao Wu, Dong Zi and Sun Feiyan to his workplace for extracting sam liquid.

It turns out that the Bull Demon King's worries were unnecessary, because even after seeing the Thum Liquid, You Suowei and others could not recognize it as the source of life on Earth. They just thought that the Thum Liquid was just some kind of liquid energy in the center of the Earth.

Without knowing the truth, except for You Suowei and Huang Mei, who were still a little hesitant, Wang Tianba and the other four people were doing their best to assist the Bull Demon King and produce the elixir day and night.

Yes, the Bull Demon King used the elixir as salary to make Wang Tianba and the other four his employees.

In addition, in order to improve the strength of Wang Tianba and Xiao Wu, the Bull Demon King made two magic phones for them, the Third Prince and the Fourth Prince.

Although You Suowei didn't know what the Thum Liquid was, his intuition told him that the Thum Liquid was definitely not a pure energy source in the center of the Earth!

Therefore, You Suowei, who was skeptical about this matter, secretly found Lu Xiaoqian. He hoped that the other party could come to help him and figure out what the essence of this Thum liquid was!

After this period of precipitation, Lu Xiaoqian had slowly recovered from the pain of losing Silly Girl. Therefore, when he received You Suowei's request for help, he agreed without saying a word.

In this way, Lu Xiaoqian, who agreed to You Suowei, went to Zhou Wang to borrow the magic phone called "Sandstorm" made by the police.

However, when things progressed to the most critical moment, You Suowei actually turned against Lu Xiaoqian, and the other party crushed the sandstorm in front of him.

When Lu Xiaoqian lost his superpowers and was fixed, the Bull Demon King searched Silly Girl out of him.

"Lu Xiaoqian, you will not have a good ending if you go against me!" As soon as the voice fell, the Bull Demon King used the Three Flavors True Fire in front of Lu Xiaoqian to burn the crystal doll in his hand.

When the Bull Demon King was burning Silly Girl, although Lu Xiaoqian could not move, he showed a very distressed expression, while You Suowei and Huang Mei, who were standing by, showed expressions of reluctance.

"Okay! This time, Silly Girl is going to be reborn from the ashes!" Kaisha, who was watching the real-time picture through the virtual light screen, said this to Bello and the other three with a calm face.

Everything was just as Kaisha said. When the Bull Demon King was burning Silly Girl, about an hour later, dots of light appeared on the surface of the crystal doll.

Seeing this, the Bull Demon King increased the intensity of the Three Flavors True Fire, but the light on the crystal doll became even more shining.

When the light reached its peak, the crystal doll automatically flew out of the Bull Demon King's hand, and it returned directly with the remaining Three Flames, hitting the somewhat confused Bull Demon King.

After hitting the Bull Demon King, the crystal doll was in the crowd.In front of the people, it grew bigger little by little, and finally became the size of a person. Then when the light faded away, the real person form of Silly Girl appeared in front of everyone.

"Alive... Alive!" Huang Mei pointed at Silly Girl and said so happily.

After Silly Girl was reborn from the ashes, she did not immediately remove Lu Xiaoqian's immobilization state. She went straight to the Bull Demon King.

I don't know if it was due to the restriction of the novice protection period? The Bull Demon King was actually a little bit unable to beat Silly Girl for a while!

After seeing that the situation was not good, the Bull Demon King immediately took You Suowei and Huang Mei and flew away from Silly Girl.

When the Bull Demon King and others flew away completely, Silly Girl went to remove Lu Xiaoqian's immobilization state.

"Silly Girl, scan my brain quickly!" After removing the immobilization, Lu Xiaoqian immediately said to Silly Girl with an excited face.

After scanning Lu Xiaoqian's brain, Silly Girl went to hug her for a long time.

Next, Silly Girl told Lu Xiaoqian that she had been upgraded after her rebirth. From now on, after using the function transfer, she would no longer turn into a mobile phone, and she could still maintain her combat effectiveness.

In other words, from now on, Silly Girl can fight side by side with Lu Xiaoqian.

In addition, Silly Girl's expression management options are also combined, that is, from now on, she can control her expression at will.

Facing Silly Girl who is becoming more and more humane, Lu Xiaoqian was so excited that he couldn't sleep all night.

And during this whole night, Lu Xiaoqian took Silly Girl to the streets of Beizhixing and played crazy all night. In addition, he took her to buy a dress with floral prints.

After putting on this dress, Silly Girl's appearance improved by several levels.

When Lu Xiaoqian brought Silly Girl back to Lu's house, Zhou Wang had been there waiting for them for a whole night.

"Although the sandstorm is gone, Silly Girl is back, which is still worth celebrating!" As soon as Zhou Wang finished speaking, he turned away from Lu Xiaoqian and Silly Girl.

In the following interactions, the relationship between Lu Xiaoqian and Silly Girl made some leaps and bounds, but the two of them did not do what any couple should do.

Of course, although Silly Girl is more humane, she is still a bionic robot after all, so the relationship between her and Lu Xiaoqian can only be maintained within a very limited range of intimacy index!

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