Although the Beikai family learned the truth, they were restricted by the power of the law of time and space, and they could not tell the truth to anyone else. They could only continue to be spectators.

On this day, Lu Xiaoqian drove Xiao Chuchu to Huangjia Village Primary School, and the two of them came to Xiao Chuchu's staff dormitory.

"Xiaoqian, I know that you will not come to see me again after you leave! Therefore, before leaving, can you satisfy my wish?" Xiao Chuchu was bold enough to remove her clothes one by one in front of Lu Xiaoqian.

"Chuchu, I... you are a good girl, but I am not worthy of you to do this!" Lu Xiaoqian stopped Xiao Chuchu's action.

"It doesn't matter! From now on, you are my ex-boyfriend. A girl who has been in love, even if she is no longer virgin, is not something to be ashamed of!" Xiao Chuchu pushed Lu Xiaoqian's hand away, and then she continued to remove her clothes.

When seeing Lu Xiaoqian still hesitating on the virtual screen, Belo helped him with Kaisha's acquiescence, and the power of the law of time and space did not "jump" out to stop him.

In this way, with Belo's help, Lu Xiaoqian and Xiao Chuchu completed their first but also possibly the only baptism in their lives in this staff dormitory... (Someone said: Although Lu and Chu may only have one train, I should still show my face!)

"Xiaoqian, go! From now on, we will not owe each other anything! Don't worry! If I have to act in front of them in the future, I will continue to cooperate with you!" Afterwards, Xiao Chuchu's performance seemed to be more determined than Lu Xiaoqian.

"Chuchu, I'm sorry! I swear to the sky now that I will protect you in this life! But I'm afraid I won't marry you!" Lu Xiaoqian really swore to the sky.

After Lu Xiaoqian left, Xiao Chuchu lay on the table and cried loudly.

After leaving Huangjiacun Primary School, Lu Xiaoqian drove a long way and finally came to the place where he and Shanu met for the first time, which was the park with the lotus sculpture.

Next, Lu Xiaoqian climbed up the lotus sculpture when there was no one around. He finally found the crystal doll that Shanu had turned into in the flower core of the sculpture.

As soon as Lu Xiaoqian came into contact with the crystal doll, Shanu immediately took him and directly activated the time-space shuttle function, and then the two of them went to a past time and space together.

As soon as Lu Xiaoqian and Shanu left, Lu Dongyu flew into the park with a little tail.

"Little Tail, where are Dad and the third party (Silly Girl) now?" Lu Dongyu tried hard to suppress his anger, because he didn't want to lose his temper with Little Tail.

Yes, in Lu Dongyu's heart, he had determined since he was very young that Silly Girl was the third party that intervened between his parents.

"Dad, the signal of Sister Silly Girl only appeared here for a short while! And, Grandpa seems to be with her too!" Little Tail responded with a look of disappointment.

"Damn it! Silly Girl, the third party, I must teach her a lesson after I catch her!" Lu Dongyu punched the ground, and a big hole was punched on the ground.

Yes, the ability of the magic watch not only allows Lu Dongyu to fly, but also makes him extremely powerful.

"Dad, don't be sad, I'll sing a song for you!" Little Tail hummed a nursery rhyme to Lu Dongyu, and this nursery rhyme was also heard by the other party since childhood.

In the song of Little Tail, Lu Dongyu's mood gradually calmed down.

On the other side, in order to avoid Lu Dongyu's pursuit, Silly Girl took Lu Xiaoqian and traveled to the Northern Song Dynasty first.

"Brother Xiaoqian, I miss you so much!" After landing, Silly Girl immediately went forward and hugged Lu Xiaoqian.

"Silly Girl, I miss you too!" Lu Xiaoqian responded to Silly Girl's hug.

Next, Silly Girl briefly told Lu Xiaoqian about what happened after the explosion five years ago and what happened with Lu Dongyu.

Five years ago, when Silly Girl stopped the explosion, Dr. Cheng and others in 2060 took her back to 2060.0 years ago.

In the next three years, Dr. Cheng and others tried their best to repair Silly Girl, but the results were minimal. However, they also used the upgraded Silly Girl to uniformly upgrade all the mass-produced machines of Silly Girl.

However, the upgraded mass-produced machines of Silly Girl were mixed, and the best upgraded machine was Silly Girl No. 10.

Lu Dongyu suddenly broke into the laboratory and took Silly Girl and Silly Girl No. 10 away. When Dr. Cheng and others saw his face, everyone was afraid of him.

Therefore, from the perspective of Silly Girl, Lu Dongyu seemed to be a very dangerous person in the future time and space.

After Lu Dongyu got Silly Girl, he also tried to repair it himself, but the result was still minimal.

Then, a mysterious person appeared and told Lu Dongyu that if he wanted to fix Silly Girl, he had to go to Lu Xiaoqian, or more precisely, Professor Lu who was already too old to look good.

When Lu Dongyu met Professor Lu, the other party used his mobile phone without saying a word to remove the XE Yuan poison in Lu Dongyu's body.

"Dad, how do you know that I was poisoned by XE Yuan?" Lu Dongyu asked Professor Lu with a puzzled look.

"Dongyu, I can't tell you the specific reason now! But what I can tell you is that XE Yuan poison is actually a synonym for evil. Its function is to make people black, so as to achieve the so-called blackening three points stronger and whitening ten points weaker effect!"

"Therefore, with its help, you can escape from the so-called most solid cell on earth!" Professor Lu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Dad, why do you always know everything? But you never tell me who my mother is?" Lu Dongyu asked anxiously.

"Dongyu, who is your mother? I really can't tell you, but you can hand over Silly Girl to me, and let me repair her and let her take you back to the past to find your mother!" Professor Lu stretched out his right hand to Lu Dongyu.

"Dad, you even know that Silly Girl is with me now! What else do you not know!" As soon as the voice fell, Lu Dongyu reluctantly handed Silly Girl to Professor Lu.

In this way, after Professor Lu repaired Silly Girl, the two of them first talked about the past briefly together, and from the conversation between the two people, it can be learned that the two of them have not been separated for more than 40 years, but met once in a hurry 20 years ago.

But Silly Girl showed that she knew nothing about the fact that the two of them had met once 20 years ago.

Next, Professor Lu asked Silly Girl to take Lu Dongyu to the time and space of 2016 to find Lu Dongyu's mother.

In addition, the day when Silly Girl was repaired was also Lu Dongyu's 20th birthday. Professor Lu gave his son a birthday present that he made by himself, and this birthday present was naturally a little tail!

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