When the activities of Feiyin Thief became more and more frequent, all of this naturally attracted great attention from relevant people, so a special response team was born for Feiyin Thief.

That night, when Lu Dongyu transformed into Feiyin Thief again and went to steal the technology of a certain technology company, he met the members of the response team on the evacuation route.

Although Lu Dongyu was in an invisible state at this time, there was an electronic device called a thermal energy detector. The police only needed to make this instrument into the shape of glasses and wear it on their faces, and they could capture the thermal energy image of Feiyin Thief.

After a fierce battle, Lu Dongyu, who encountered the police for the first time, almost fell into the hands of these people. Therefore, after realizing his own shortcomings, he began to learn various martial arts.

After mastering enough martial arts, Lu Dongyu fought back and forth with the policemen. Gradually, he liked this feeling. Therefore, after that, every time he stole a certain technology, he would stand there and wait for the policemen to arrive.

From Lu Dongyu's point of view, his actions were just revenge on those bosses who went back on their words and wanted to play with the policemen's childish psychology, but in the eyes of the victims and the policemen, Feiyin the Thief was an extremely rampant super villain.

As the saying goes, if you walk on the road at night for a long time, you will encounter ghosts. After a certain theft operation was over, the people waiting for Lu Dongyu were no longer the policemen with ordinary combat power, but the members of the well-trained Feilong Team.

Yes, the organization of the Feilong Team has been preserved to this day, and the current captain of Feilong is Zhou Wang's grandson-Sun Feilong.

Sun Feilong and eight team members surrounded Lu Dongyu tightly. Under the premise of sandstorm, they were equipped with glasses with thermal energy detection devices.

This time, in order to get out smoothly, Lu Dongyu had to use heavy hands on Sun Feilong and others. As a result, he seriously injured three of the team members before he was not careful. However, he also suffered some injuries.

When Sun Feilong used a handkerchief to pick up some blood dripping on the ground from Feiyin Thief, the Beikai family knew that it would not be long before Lu Dongyu's identity was exposed.

Yes, although the population of this world is large, even if they slowly compare the past, the police will sooner or later find out about Lu Dongyu.

In this way, relying on Lu Dongyu's secret support, Lu Xiaoqian and Huang Dehua finally overcame all the difficulties and successfully restored Silly Girl. The final improvement and testing links will naturally be handed over to Dr. Cheng and others to complete.

Just when Lu Xiaoqian was about to hand over Silly Girl to Dr. Cheng and others, the police finally found out that Lu Dongyu was the culprit. On that day, many people came to the courtyard of the Lu family.

When the CEOs whose technology was stolen followed the police to the Lu family, when they saw Lu Dongyu's face, except for a few who were particularly thick-skinned, most of the CEOs lowered their heads in shame.

Yes, at this time, these CEOs already knew why Lu Dongyu came to steal the technology of their own company? It was because they deceived the other party first!

In addition, the CEOs' lowering of their heads naturally did not escape the sharp eyes of the police.

"Lu Dongyu, we now have enough evidence to prove that you are the active Feiyin thief! Since you are still young, we will give you a chance. Tell us! Why did you steal other people's technology?" Sun Feilong came to Lu Dongyu.

Facing Sun Feilong's questioning, Lu Dongyu had nothing to hide, and he told the whole story.

As soon as Lu Dongyu finished telling the story, Mr. Yang, who was the most shameless and the first to deceive him, turned around and questioned him, "What evidence do you have to prove that we took your technology? I think everything you just said was completely nonsense!"

After being asked by Mr. Yang, Lu Dongyu didn't know how to answer for a while. In addition, those exchange agreements with loopholes were all destroyed because of his anger.

As for the police, after observing the changes in the micro-expressions of those bosses, they also feltIt is roughly known that what Lu Dongyu said is probably true.

However, the police have always focused on evidence, and according to the existing laws and regulations, the micro-expression changes of the crowd cannot be used as evidence for the time being.

Therefore, Lu Dongyu, who cannot produce evidence, will be punished without consideration, and those thick-skinned bosses will not let him off easily for this.

In the end, in order to let Lu Dongyu suffer less punishment, except for a few insiders, the patent rights of Silly Girl were transferred by Lu Xiaoqian to these thick-skinned bosses, and General Manager Yang was the biggest beneficiary.

After General Manager Yang obtained the patent rights of Silly Girl, he acquired the team of Dr. Cheng and others, and he personally named Silly Girl the Chinese brand mobile phone.

However, Lu Dongyu, who was imprisoned in an ordinary cell, escaped from it only after one month, and then he went straight to find General Manager Yang.

"Lu Dongyu, why did you come out?" When Mr. Yang saw Lu Dongyu, he instinctively began to back away.

"You go back on your word, don't keep your word, and you're even blaming others. People like you are just wasting air!" Yes, after a month in the cell, Lu Dongyu has now completely turned evil.

That's right, when he was in the cell, because of the joint efforts of these bosses, Lu Dongyu was bullied by others in the cell. Therefore, his hatred for these bosses has reached an unprecedented height.

If you go back on your word, then your tongue is useless, so Lu Dongyu took the lead and forcibly pulled out one of Mr. Yang's tongues.

If you blame others, then your hands are redundant, and then Lu Dongyu tore off Mr. Yang's two arms alive.

When seeing Mr. Yang fall to the ground and roll around in pain, Lu Dongyu was so happy.

After seeing Mr. Yang's miserable appearance, Lu Dongyu set off to find other CEOs.

Yes, in Lu Dongyu's cognition, he did not take Mr. Yang's life, which was a manifestation of mercy, so he naturally thought that his behavior was still in the category of conscience.

On the other hand, when the sisters Betha and Jiangchen saw Lu Dongyu's performance, they both agreed that the other party's style of behavior was really in line with their taste.

Yes, in the past period of time, the Flame Dragon Man and the Wind Eagle Man were also so hateful and vengeful.

In fact, Lu Dongyu didn't need to do this at all, because the police and the superiors above the police were willing to believe that what he said was true.

Therefore, these relevant people are currently trying their best to find evidence that can help Lu Dongyu reduce his punishment, and before Mr. Yang suffered, they had already found some clues!

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