That night, the Bekai family came to a high-end cocktail party. The reason they came here was because they heard that the menu for tonight's banquet was very good.

When the Bekai family appeared, they immediately became the focus of the entire cocktail party.

At this time and in this occasion, there will no longer be those who want to have bad intentions when they see a lady is beautiful. After all, those who can come to this cocktail party are all real gentlemen of great status.

Therefore, if they have a good impression of a lady, they will take a glass of wine and come to chat with her in a gentlemanly manner.

I don't know why, as long as they think of the word "gentleman", the Bekai family will think of Mare in the last world at the same time? For this reason, they all have no good feelings for these men who come up to chat with them!

Although they have not been in the modern civilized world for too long, the modern aristocratic temperament of the Bekai family is still very well grasped.

Especially when Kaisha rejected those men who wanted to chat with her, she was able to make them retreat without hurting their self-esteem.

Seeing this, slowly, no man would come to Kaisha to make trouble.

On the other hand, the Beiyu sisters were also very elegant. While eating countless delicacies, they did not let the guests at the party feel that their behavior was inappropriate or improper.

As for Bello, he quickly integrated into the ranks of those truly beautiful and modern aristocrats, and he quickly got along with them and talked and laughed.

Just as the Beikai family gradually integrated into the various circles of the party, a really handsome man in a white suit and a really beautiful woman in a golden mink coat appeared together, and immediately became the new focus of the audience.

As soon as the handsome man and the beautiful woman appeared, the Bekai family all noticed that there was something wrong in the temperament of these two people.

Although through "eavesdropping" on their conversation, the handsome man named "Michael Lang" and the beautiful woman named "Tanya Walker" are a pair of very good friends, but their life values ​​are very different.

In order to be able to play the game of the world, in the following time, the Bekai family secretly agreed to go and infer the true identity of Michael Lang and Tanya Walker without using any divine power or superpowers.

As for why these two people? The Bekai family said: This is a kind of intuition. Our intuition believes that Michael Lang and Tanya Walker should be the two key figures in this cocktail party!

However, when the Beckay family listened to Michael and Tanya chatting for half an hour without using their divine power, neither of them revealed any particularly useful information to each other.

However, when Michael reached the second half of the chat, he had a very obvious intention to deliberately get some words from Tanya.

As for the Beckay family hearing that Michael and Tanya had been together in the past three nights, it was purely an insignificant accident.

While Michael and Tanya were still "chatting" there, the host of the cocktail party, Charlie, finally showed up. It is said that this person's ancestor seemed to be a monarch from a small country in Northern Europe.

When Charlie was giving a speech on the stage, Michael's eyes would intentionally or unintentionally look at Charlie under extremely concealed conditions.

"Bero, I have roughly guessed the true identity of this Michael Lang!" Kesha suddenly raised the corners of her mouth and said so to Bero beside her.

"Keisha, I have roughly guessed some of the truth!" Bello smiled at Keisha, showing a smile that he saw through but didn't say it.

"Mom and Dad, my sister and I have also found some clues!" The Beiyu sisters came back from the bathroom and came to Beikai and his wife hand in hand.

Yes, in order to be able to integrate into the circle of ordinary people, the Beikai family, who don't need to go to the toilet at all, will pretend to go to the bathroom from time to time during this cocktail party.

When the Beiyu sisters went to the bathroom, they were very sharp.They found that in the corridor of the cocktail party, there was a black electrician with a suspicious look, pretending to repair the circuit.

The reason why he looked suspicious was that the black electrician spent five minutes to install a simple light bulb, but he still couldn't install it.

Combining all the above information, the Becky family came to the conclusion that Michael Lang and the black electrician should be two undercover policemen who sneaked into the cocktail party in a bright and dark way, and the host of the cocktail party, Charlie, was the subject of their investigation!

As for the true identity of Tanya Walker, the Becky family had some differences.

Bello believed that Tanya and Charlie were in the same group, while Keisha believed that the other party should be just an informant who knew some inside information.

But Betha thought that Tanya was just Michael's lover, and only Jiangchen was true. She made wild guesses and even thought that the other party should be Charlie's immediate superior.

Oh my! There are four conclusions for a family of four. Is this still called a little disagreement? This is a huge disagreement that runs counter to the original!

When the Becky family was still analyzing secretly, Charlie had already finished his task. After he finished his speech and speech at the cocktail party, he left the cocktail party with a calm and polite face, accompanied by his assistant and bodyguard.

When Charlie left the cocktail party hall, the Becky family was keenly aware that Michael Lang reached into his pocket the second after he walked out of the hall, as if he had pressed a hidden button.

At the same time, under the slight secret investigation of the Bekay family, the black electrician who was repairing the circuit in the corridor jumped down the folding ladder at the same time, and then he walked towards the place where Charlie was about to get on the car.

However, when the black electrician walked forward, one of Charlie's men also quietly followed him.

Seeing this, Bello, who was a little playful, said goodbye to his wife and daughter because he wanted to save the black electrician.

In this way, when Charlie's men took out a revolver and shot the black electrician without hesitation, Bello, who was hiding behind a car, used telekinesis to make the bullet deviate a little bit after entering the black electrician's body, thus avoiding the black electrician's heart.

In this way, the black electrician, who should be said to be an undercover policeman, barely saved his life.

Charlie's subordinate was probably a very conceited and confident person, because after hitting the opponent, he didn't even go up to check whether the opponent was really dead, and just left the parking lot like that.

When Bello returned to his wife and daughter, Michael Lang and Tanya Walker were about to drive a black car to catch up with Charlie and his group.

Next, in order to verify who was right about Tanya Walker's identity speculation? The Becky family drove the car and turned off the lights, and then quietly followed Michael Lang's car!

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