After figuring out everything about Carl, the Beiyu sisters worked together to put it back together.

"Are you God?" This was the first sentence Carl said after being reassembled.

After hearing Carl's question, Beikai and the others both spread their angel wings.

"Carl is willing to serve the two angels!" Carl said so with a true sense of urgency.

"Carl, remember, the first person you want to serve is her!" Kaisha brought Jiangchen to the front of Carl's breathing scan light.

After seeing Kaisha's expression change, Belo knew that this super car named Carl must have satisfied his wife's little sense of achievement.

In the future, Kaisha will definitely show off in front of Hexi. She will definitely say that Carl is just a car for my daughter.

Since Carl has his own logical thinking, Keisha doesn't need to change its basic code at all. The family only needs to show their magical powers a little bit, and Carl will follow them willingly.

Yes, in Carl's logical thinking, following the angels whose strength is close to God, his future path will definitely be an infinitely bright road to heaven.

Carl's basic code does not need to be modified, but its body needs to be improved. Although its outer shell steel plate is made of the most advanced alloy in the world today, the proportion formula of this alloy can still be further adjusted.

Carl's car paint is composed of a polymer compound like Kit, and the ratio of this compound can also be optimized.

Although Carl's car bottom can withstand the power of more than ten grenades exploding at the same time, its various electronic components are directly exposed to the outside.

Therefore, Kaisha was really distressed, and took out a little dark iron element to build a complete bottom shell steel plate for Carl.

After improving the appearance of the car body, Belo loaded some weapons that he thought were very conventional into the interior of Carl's car body, and these weapons were all hidden, including weapons such as lasers, Gatling and Barrett. In addition, the energy shield is also an indispensable device.

After remodeling Carl inside and out, Besha was very considerate and asked Xiaoyu to set up a small holographic projection device in the center of the steering wheel.

In the case of automatic driving, Carl can project a holographic human projection in the main driving position, so that passers-by outside the car can see that the car is not running autonomously, so as to avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

When all the transformation processes were completed, Carl really wanted to sigh: I think I can beat the ten previous me now!

After the Bei Yu sisters sat in the front and rear seats of Carl, they drove Carl away from Bei Kai and the others.

"Keisha, I estimate that they will not come back unless they play for a few days and nights outside! So we can..." Bello picked up Keisha and said meaningfully.

"Bello, to be on the safe side, let's set up a barrier around our bodies from now on!" Keisha cooperated with Bello and came to the top of a big tree.

Then Keisha began to pull off Bello's clothes. Of course, the other party was also pulling off her clothes.

"There is no need to set up a barrier. Just open an energy magnetic field that will transfer in advance when there is communication being connected!" When Bello was left with only a pair of underwear, he entered the invisible state.

At the same time, when there were not many clothes left on Kaisha's body, she also turned on the invisible mode, and then, an energy magnetic field that could transfer the call in advance was quickly formed around the bodies of Beikai and the others.

When Bello, who was exposed and a little tired, fell asleep in the tree hole, Kaisha, who was only wearing a gauze, quietly contacted Hexi, and she also described the "glorious deeds" between herself and Bello to the other party in a really shameless and vivid way.

"Tomboy, when did you two start to play so much?" In the sacred knowledge treasure house, Hexi asked back with a blushing face.

"That's right, old goblin, we are playing nowIt's getting more and more expensive. Do you want to join us? I don't mind if we go on a threesome together!" Kaisha proposed to Hexi in a charming way.

Hexi was so speechless by Kaisha's proposal that he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Hexi, it has been hundreds of years since you and Bello had a blind date last time! To be honest, do you still plan to continue to be single?" Kaisha suddenly became serious.

"Kesha, maybe you are right. In the known universe, maybe in all the heavens and worlds, there is really no male god who can match me except Bello!"

"Therefore, I decided to give myself a chance. If your family has a chance to return to the Super God Universe, I will seriously consider having a romantic date with your male god!" Hexi blinked her blue eyes at Kaisha.

"Okay! I will tell him your wish. He will wake up soon and I have to go spend some time with him now! "The first half of Kaisha's sentence was quite normal, but the second half was a little bit off.

After Kaisha left the sacred knowledge treasury, He Xi thought seriously. She felt that maybe she should really try to accept Bello.

However, Bello only had Kaisha in his heart, and He Xi probably had to be one-sided and wishful thinking.

After waking up, Bello pulled Kaisha, and the two of them ran wantonly in the uninhabited area of ​​the forest park in an invisible and unobstructed manner. After running, the two of them spread their wings and flew into the air together. After a while, the two of them simply played the game of flowers, snow and moon in the sky.

On the other side, when Bei Kai and the other two were playing more and more, the sisters Bei Yu drove Carl, locked Kit's signal, and moved towards each other and Michael's position.

At this time, Michael was driving Kit, looking for Carl's traces on the street, and there was another way for this person and car to find Carl. The trend of not giving up.

Seeing this, when the Beiyu sisters drove Carl to the vicinity of Michael and Kit, Bertha asked Xiaoyu to use the 3D printing function to disguise a car parked on the side of the road into a black Pontiac Firebird sports car that was exactly the same as Carl and Kit.

As for why they chose this car? That's because the two people in the car were two people who were responsible for multiple murders. They were the kind of criminals who couldn't be worse, and they They are still the kind of "Zhang San" type of madmen who are out of the law!

When Michael and Kit found the trace of "Carl", they followed him quietly.

And when the two people in "Carl's" car found that someone was following them, they were like frightened birds, trying to quickly get rid of the person and car behind them.

So, a wonderful car chase drama began in full swing from the perspectives of the Beiyu sisters, Xiaoyu, and Carl!

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