After the fake Carl exploded, in order to be more foolproof, the Bei Yu sisters really hired some repair shops.

They asked these repair shops to invite the owners of hundreds of Pontiac Firebird black sports cars to their respective repair shops for modification, and also installed a red breathing light in front of the body of these sports cars.

When the breathing light was installed on all the Pontiac Firebird sports cars of the same model to the 80th car, the Bei Yu sisters had no money left in their pockets.

For this reason, the Bei Yu sisters came to a casino without a teacher, and then relied on some of Carl's abilities to win a lot of money from it.

"Sister Bei, Sister Yu, someone is following you, it should be someone from the casino!" When the Bei Yu sisters got on Carl, Xiaoyu sent such a reminder.

"My dear ladies, do you need me to teach these people a lesson?" Carl spoke some unfamiliar Chinese voices.

As expected of an AI that can evolve autonomously, Carl's voices are unfamiliar Chinese voices, not mechanical and poor Chinese.

"No need, Carl! My sister and I have plenty of ways to deal with them!" As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chen started Carl's engine.

When Carl was driving in front, the thugs in the casino drove behind to chase him.

Next, Betha asked Xiaoyu to locate Kit's location, and then Jiang Chen let go of the steering wheel and let Carl move towards the destination spontaneously.

Michael's mission this time was during his vacation. In a supermarket in a western town, he met a group of speeding gangs who were planning to take advantage of the supermarket's female owner.

Because the appearance of Carl and Kit's cars were exactly the same, the Bei Yu sisters used a trick to make the casino thugs' cars meet the motorcycle team of the motorcycle gang.

Because both sides were hot-tempered, the motorcycle gang and the casino thugs fought as soon as they met.

In the end, the fight between the two sides turned directly into a fight to the death between the casino and the motorcycle gang.

And the final outcome was that the police chief of this western town got a big bargain. He subdued the people of both sides by picking up leaks, and then relied on these walking merits to get himself a chance for promotion.

As for Michael and the female boss of the supermarket, they also had a romantic candlelight dinner because of this incident.

However, Michael is still a true gentleman who knows how to keep himself clean. After the candlelight dinner, when the supermarket boss invited him to come in, he found an excuse and drove Kit away.

Seeing such a "pure" Michael, the sisters Bei Yu once again strengthened their belief and asked Bei Kai to play the role of matchmaker.

Back to Bei Kai, since the sisters Bei Yu had Carl's company, their current life can really be described as "unbridled".

"Bello, it's almost time! It's time to let the daughters come back!" Keisha, who was in full view and covered with traces, gently pushed away Bello who wanted to come again.

"Keisha, this is a rare opportunity. Let's not take the initiative to call them back. Let's let the daughters come back naturally!" As soon as the voice fell, Bello started the Nth round of cultivation again.

Sometimes, Bello's mouth is a "crow's mouth" that "works all the time". When he and Kaisha had this round of love and romance for less than half an hour, the barrier around them began to respond with energy feedback.

"Bello, the daughters are coming back. I'm going to pick them up. You should also adjust your state quickly!" After Kaisha pushed Bello away, she also deliberately took a look at the other party's dragon.

Kaisha stood up and snapped her fingers. Some smells and all traces on her body disappeared in an instant, and then she put on her clothes and showed her figure.

When Kaisha left as light as a swallow, Bello, who was in full view, showed his figure. Unlike his wife's simple and rough way, he used a little bit of divine power to condense the moisture in the air to clean his whole body.

When Kaisha returned to Bello with her two daughters' hands, the other party had taken out from the ring.RV, and also set up a bonfire and barbecue outside the RV.

When the Bekay family gathered around the fire and ate barbecue happily, Carl voluntarily parked next to the RV.

While eating barbecue, Betha accidentally revealed that she and Jiangchen wanted to match Michael and Bonnie.

"You two stinky girls! You really think that your father and I are the matchmakers!" Kesha stood up and tapped the heads of the Beiyu sisters lightly.

"Mom and Dad, you two have matched so many couples, it doesn't matter if you match one more. After all, in this world, you two have to find something to do!" Jiangchen stuck out his tongue at Bekay and the others.

When they heard Jiang Chen say that he wanted to find something to do, Bei Kai and his wife both thought of that kind of thing in their minds. That's right, it was the kind of thing they had been doing before their two daughters came back.

"Yes! Dad and Mom, this is my sister and I, the first couple we have ever chosen. Please help us!" Beisha used the tried and tested method of acting like a spoiled child to Bei Kai and his wife.

"Okay! Your mother and I will go and see what's going on between the two people first, and then we'll talk!" Belo touched the back of Bei Kai's head.

"Thank you, Dad, thank you, Mom!" Beisha stood up and kissed Bei Kai and his wife lightly on their cheeks.

"Xiaoyu, don't come!" When Jiang Chen followed closely and kissed Kai Sha on the cheek, Belo declined her next move.

Yes, since Jiang Chen has been treated as a daughter, for Bello, the principle of "a grown-up girl should guard against her father" must be resolutely implemented.

After the Beikai family sat together and happily finished the barbecue, they returned to the RV together.

That night, Bello slept alone, because Kesha took her two daughters to sleep together, and she did not return to her husband's room in the middle of the night.

"My two babies, it's time to get up!" The next day, after Kesha woke up and put on her clothes, she turned around and woke up the Beiyu sisters.

After the Beiyu sisters got up, they both went up and hugged Kesha at the same time, because their mother was with them all night last night.

When the mother and daughter came to the living room, Bello had already prepared today's breakfast. Yes, when Kaisha was no longer by his pillow, he would naturally wake up early. As for the specific reason, everyone knows it.

After breakfast, Kaisha used the wormhole to transport Carl and the RV along with their family to the highway outside the forest park.

Next, Carl used the powerful grappling hook at the rear of the car to drag the RV towards the nearest city!

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