After formulating a plan to bring down the economy of the United States, and after teaching the Bei Yu sisters a lesson, the Bekai family began to use the money in their hands to buy a large amount of the country's reserve gold.

When faced with the exorbitant price demanded by the United States government, the Bekai family would not be stingy with the money in their hands, anyway, this money was just the wool pulled from the fat sheep on the other side.

In more than three months, the Bekai family and a certain official in the United States made a total of eight gold transactions.

The first seven transactions were normal one-hand payment and one-hand delivery, but in the eighth transaction, the other party not only delayed the delivery, but also mixed a full 700 kilograms of brass in a ton of gold.

Based on the principle of courtesy before force, Bello directly found the official and explained to him the fact that brass was mixed in the gold.

As a result, the official named "Dirk" actually said confidently: You have purchased such a huge amount of gold in a few months. What do you want to do? We all know each other, so there are some things that we should keep tacitly understood!

Very good, Bello has always adhered to the principle that if you cheat me 10%, I will take 100% from you. Therefore, after saying goodbye to Dirk, he sneaked directly into the underground gold warehouse of Meilijian.

Seven hundred kilograms of gold is the principal, and seven tons of gold is the interest. For this reason, Bello put a total of 7.7 tons of gold into his ring.

7.7 tons of gold reserves disappeared. Such a major case immediately attracted the attention of the top leaders of the United States. After the joint action of the police and soldiers, all of which yielded nothing, the people above handed the case over to the Zhengfa Foundation for handling.

When Bello moved the gold, he naturally left no traces, but after some investigation, Michael and Kit concluded that the thief might have high-tech artificial intelligence?

For this reason, Michael asked all the engineers and technicians who participated in the manufacture of Kit, and as a result, these people also had doubts about Carl's explosion.

So, the staff of the Zhengfa Foundation came to the ocean under the cliff of the coastal highway and salvaged the remains of the fake Carl. Then, Michael and Kit naturally learned that the real Carl was still alive.

However, there are more than 10,000 black Pontiac Firebird sports cars with red breathing lights installed on the front of the car body in the entire Beauty Cayenne area. It is very difficult to check them one by one.

After Michael and Kit checked more than 3,000 sports cars of the same model, they were exhausted.

In the end, Devin had to persuade the directors of the Zhengfa Foundation to transfer a sum of money from the foundation's account to compensate for the loss of the Beauty Cayenne vault.

After a period of tug-of-war between the two sides, the highest government of Beauty Cayenne asked the Zhengfa Foundation to compensate the loss of the vault of 154 million US dollars at a price of 20 US dollars per gram of gold.

The price of gold settled to the Fa-rectification Foundation was 20 US dollars per gram, and the price of gold sold to the Bekai family was 35 US dollars per gram. In this way, Dirk suffered such a huge price difference, so he had to give up something!

Therefore, the Beiyu sisters drove Carl to search Dirk's house completely!

The case of Dirk's house being searched completely made Michael and Kit more convinced that Carl was not dead.

For this reason, after work, Michael would drive Kit to search for Carl's traces in the cities of Meijian, and sometimes Bonnie would come to help them spontaneously.

Yes, Bonnie usually brought an instrument that could detect the same signal as Kit within a certain range and sat in Kit's co-pilot seat.

After a period of searching, Michael and Kit did not find Carl's trace, but the relationship between him and Bonnie was gradually warming up.

When they couldn't help themselves, Michael and Bonnie almost had a romantic scene in Kit's car body that shook the car.

Fortunately, Kit got himself in time andIt drove to the door of a hotel and honked automatically to remind Michael and Bonnie.

And when Kit honked, Michael and Bonnie were almost out of clothes.

"Kit, delete the picture you just saw!" This is what Bonnie said to Kit when Michael got out of the car with Bonnie in his arms.

After Michael left with Bonnie in his arms, Kit thought for a while and decided to delete all the pictures just now, but to back them up and leave them in the bottom layer of his database.

"Sister, Kit's logical thinking has finally evolved a little bit!" Jiang Chen pointed at Kit in the virtual light screen.

"Sister, although it has evolved, it is not much. Compared with Carl, it is much inferior!" Betha patted Carl's co-pilot console.

Compared with Kit's co-pilot seat, which had nothing but the seat, Carl's co-pilot seat console is now full of useful equipment. Various instruments are placed here, and the device that is projecting the virtual light screen is also located at this position.

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Second. I will continue to work hard!" Carl said in a playful tone.

After watching the drama between Michael, Bonnie and Kit, the Beiyu sisters asked Carl to drive home. They are now good girls and dare not stay out all night.

"Bero, it's almost time. They are coming back!" Keisha interrupted the romantic affair that was already halfway through.

"Keisha, you scolded them too much before. Now they don't even dare to spend the night outside!" After Bero exerted a lot of force, he got off Keisha.

"It's right to be strict. Do you want them to learn bad things?" Kaisha asked Hai Xinyan to come out and clean the smell and traces on herself and Bello.

"Of course not. It's okay to be bad in moderation. It's absolutely unacceptable to be bad without moderation!" Bello took Kaisha's hand, and the two of them put on their clothes in seconds when they stood up.

"We have already bought 4% of the gold reserves of this country. Do you want to continue buying?" Kaisha sat in Bello's arms.

"Of course we have to continue buying, but since the last lesson, we are afraid that we can no longer buy it through normal channels! Therefore, we have to try some unconventional purchasing methods!" Bello hugged Kaisha tightly in his arms.

"Are you talking about looking for those termites? I don't know how much gold reserves these termites can provide for us?" Kaisha leaned in Bello's arms and closed her eyes.

"Maybe these termites will surprise us!" Bello kissed Kaisha gently on the forehead.

After Bei and Kai were in the RV, they were being affectionate for about fifteen minutes, and then the Beiyu sisters drove Carl back!

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