After learning from the mistakes of more than 20 years ago, engineers such as Charles Graman wrote the self-protection program and the three laws of robotics into the underlying code of New Carl when designing it.

The result was naturally a failure. In the electronic brain of New Carl, the self-protection program still dominated, and it also killed all engineers except Charles after it went completely out of control.

After the manufacturing plan of New Carl was temporarily shelved, the bigwigs headed by Gars ordered people to clear the memories of all the low-level insiders who participated in the plan.

For a genius engineer like Charles, the memory clearing method they adopted was relatively mild. These people were really-careful, and cleared the memories related to New Carl in his mind bit by bit.

But when dealing with ordinary soldiers like Xiao Mai, their methods were much simpler and more brutal.

Therefore, in this process, not only was Xiao Mai's memory of Xin Carl cleared, but he also completely forgot about the substantial progress between him and Sarah.

After forgetting the fact that he and Sarah had a romantic experience, Xiao Mai met a female soldier named "Lucy" again in the military training camp, and the two soon developed into a romantic relationship.

On the other hand, Sarah, after waiting for Xiao Mai for a long time without success, accepted the courtship of a senior student during her college years, and the two soon developed into a romantic relationship.

What a perfect match for this golden boy and jade girl! Then because of the dark side of Meilijian, so many hardships were added for no reason!

Charles, whose memory was erased, had forgotten the existence of the new Carl, but he was implanted with a new memory. This new memory would subconsciously suggest to him to build a supercar second only to the new Carl.

This new supercar made by Charles and his assistant, Fred, was named "Kert" by them.

As soon as Kert was completed and had no time to test it, a group of fully armed gangsters cut off the power supply in the villa and the laboratory, and then they broke in violently.

In the face of such a critical situation, Fred let Charles slip away from the back door of the villa, and he went to face the gangsters with weapons. As a result, he died of a heart attack due to excessive fright.

Since the gangsters were only entrusted to carry out a plan called "Prometheus", and they did not know Charles, they naturally mistook Fred for Charles.

After Fred died, the gang conducted a thorough carpet search of the villa and the laboratory in the dark.

When the gang broke into the laboratory, they saw the steering wheel, license plate and two tires removed from Kit under the light of the flashlight.

After one of the gangsters accidentally stepped on a small robot in the shape of a spider, Kit, who was in the off state, started up automatically.

After two long red strips of light flashed in front of a Ford Mustang, the car quickly crashed through a wall of the laboratory, and then it sped away into the vast night.

After seeing Kit walking away, the leader of the gang, Ryan, gave the next instruction. They went straight back to the laboratory, took away the laptop computer that recorded Kit's backup data, and then drove separately towards the university where Sarah was.

On the way to the University of California, Ryan told his friends about the urban legend from more than 20 years ago. He talked about the story of Charles Graman building the most advanced supercar in the world for Wilton Knight.

The next morning, Sarah, who was now a visiting professor, was in a classroom at the University of California, telling hundreds of students about a scientific experiment called "Nano Repair".

This experiment was a project Sarah learned after she saw her mother who was seriously injured and died in a traffic accident.After that, a scientific idea was proposed on a whim, and then this idea was completed by her father, Charles, and she also personally participated in some elementary design concepts.

Just when Sarah finished the day's class and walked out of the teaching building, an anonymous call came on her mobile phone.

Out of caution, Sarah hung up twice in a row, the call from this strange number, until the third call, she answered the phone angrily.

Just when Sarah wanted to curse, the other end of the phone directly said the contact code between her and her father, Charles: Ranger!

After hearing this contact code, Sarah knew that things seemed a little bad, so she followed the other party's guidance and came to the agreed meeting place step by step.

After arriving at the agreed meeting place, the person on the other end of the phone had not arrived yet, but Ryan, disguised as a university security guard, had been waiting there for a long time in advance.

Next, the clever Sarah, under the instruction of the other end of the phone, asked Ryan a question that all university security would know. The answer from the other end was naturally the answer she least wanted to hear.

Just when Ryan and another accomplice were planning to hijack Sarah into the car, the person on the other end of the phone finally appeared, or more precisely, the car on the other end of the phone appeared. Yes, this car was naturally Kurt.

Through precise calculations, Kurt not only forced Ryan and his companions to avoid the speeding self, but also braked his car body only 0.1 centimeter away from Sarah's legs.

Then, Sarah, who was still a little frightened, sat in Kurt's co-pilot seat. When facing a car that could drive automatically, she didn't even show a little surprise.

Kurt drove Sarah on the university campus, avoiding the pursuit of Ryan and others, and avoiding letting other innocent people get hurt.

When Ryan and others shot at Kurt, after the bullets hit its body, spider web-like cracks first appeared on the window glass and the body shell.

Then they quickly started their own nano-repair program, and in the process of repairing, they expelled the deformed bullets from their surfaces.

For this new bulletproof method, the Beckey family and Carl all felt a little sneer.

Because the defects of this bulletproof method are simply a lot. Although it seems to be compared with the bulletproof method of more than 20 years ago, in terms of technology and visual impact, it is indeed a lot of innovation and improvement, but its actual effect is definitely not satisfactory!

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