Although Stephanie was not dead, her colleagues at the Los Angeles Police Department still held a formal and grand funeral for her, and all her relatives and friends came to attend the funeral with grief on their faces.

Yes, from now on, Stephanie will change her name and identity like Michael Lang did in the past, and go to enjoy her happy life.

When other relatives and friends left Stephanie's tombstone one after another, Xiao Mai was still standing there blankly. At this time, Michael, who had been standing not far away and watching all this, finally took heavy steps and came to his side step by step.

"My name is Michael, Michael Knight, I am your father!" Michael told Xiao Mai his identity intermittently.

"Why? Why did you leave me and my mother?" Xiao Mai turned his head and asked Michael.

"More than 20 years ago, a seriously ill old man held my hand and told me that he hoped I could change the world by myself, and I agreed to his request, so..." Michael responded to the point.

In the next conversation between father and son, Michael hoped that Xiao Mai could take over the career of Knight Rider from his hands.

Xiao Mai neither agreed nor objected to Michael's proposal.

"Father, can we meet again in the future?" When Michael turned around and walked a few meters away, Xiao Mai finally shouted the word "father" to the other's back.

"Yes, maybe I will wait for your arrival with Kit!" Michael turned around with a smile and responded to Xiao Mai kindly.

After saying goodbye to his father-Michael, Xiao Mai finally agreed to become a person who can change the world pattern under the joint persuasion of Sarah and others.

Although he had agreed to everyone's request, Xiao Mai did not take up the post immediately. He first took a check and went to the loan shark to exchange his good friend Jessica, and then he went to find a few beauties and had a crazy seaside trip.

One day a month later, Xiao Mai drove Kurt and backed out of a jet carrier in a handsome manner.

"Kert, do you mind if I drive you all the time?" Before leaving the plane, Xiao Mai asked Kurt's central control display with a smug look on his face.

"Will this become a normal thing?" Kurt asked back in a teasing tone.

Although Xiao Mai did not respond, Kurt still let him drive his car body and drive it backwards from the plane.

After the plane took off, Xiao Mai drove Kurt and turned the car body straight, and then he was going to perform his first mission as the Knight Rider of the new century!

Author's message: As of the above content, the plot of the theater version of "Knight Rider 2008" has been completely updated, and the next is the content of the TV series.

But I will not describe it according to the number of episodes, but will roughly describe all the cases, and then I will end the wandering journey of this world!

Continuation of the above:

After Xiao Mai and Kurt completed several missions, they were appreciated by many bigwigs.

Then the Fa-rectification Foundation, which had been silent for many years, revived again, and they also set the location of the base in a giant fortress that was said to be indestructible.

Compared with more than 20 years ago, Kurt's maintenance technician is no longer a single person, but a very professional maintenance team, and each person in this team is often only responsible for maintenance and replacement of a few modules and parts.

That night, Xiao Mai and Sarah came to a banquet hosted by a wealthy man to carry out a mission to steal his trade secrets, because the senior executives of Meilijian suspected that the wealthy man had illicit secret transactions with some overseas countries.

In this mission, Sarah used her beauty to attract the wealthy man's attention, while Xiao Mai went to his office to steal evidence of his secret dealings with other countries.

After copying all the data in the wealthy man's computer, Xiao Mai was besieged by countless bodyguards when he left, and then Sarah's identity was revealed in front of the wealthy man.The tycoon was exposed openly in front of him.

Although this tycoon was rich enough to rival a country, he was a poor fighter with poor skills. Therefore, Sarah beat him to the ground and could not get up again before she had used a few punches and kicks.

Then, Sarah ran to meet Xiao Mai, and then the two of them used the ventilation ducts in the banquet venue to escape under the siege of countless bodyguards.

After escaping from the ventilation duct, Sarah pulled out a hairpin on her head and combined it with a pen in Xiao Mai's hand to form a pair of miniature laser welding pens, and then she completely welded the iron fence of the ventilation duct.

"Kert, start the latest program!" While running wildly with Xiao Mai, Sarah used the miniature earphones in the cochlea to contact Kurt who was parked nearby.

"What is the new program?" Xiao Mai asked back in confusion, but Sarah did not respond.

At this moment, the tycoon's outer bodyguards have found the signal source that transmits information to Xiao Mai, and this signal source is naturally Kurt who has been upgraded again.

In order to prevent Kurt from leaving, the bodyguards have parked more than a dozen cars on all sides of it and surrounded it tightly.

"Gentlemen, I will leave here in a while. In order to avoid you from getting hurt, please leave my surroundings immediately!" Before going to meet Xiao Mai and Sarah, Kurt kindly reminded the bodyguards.

"Wow, a talking car!", "Don't be fooled, this is the electronic sound of some kind of anti-theft device!", "Yes, I have a car at home with this anti-theft device installed!"... Faced with Kurt's kind reminder, all the bodyguards present were constantly teasing.

"Oh, then can your car do this?" As soon as the voice fell, Kurt activated his own super mode.

After turning into super mode, Kurt activated its turbo take-off function. Four streams of nitrogen-like gas were ejected continuously from the sides of its four tires.

Then, Kurt's entire body flew straight out of the air from the strict defense of more than a dozen vehicles.

When Kurt was driving to a position 50 meters away from Xiao Mai and Sarah, it started the so-called latest program, which was to change its body shape. It changed from the super mode of Ford Mustang to a double-row pickup truck.

In this way, Xiao Mai and Sarah did not have to let Kurt stop the car before getting in the car, thus wasting some unnecessary time. The two of them could jump directly into Kurt's pickup trailer.

After Xiao Mai and Sarah jumped into Kurt's pickup trailer, Kurt turned into super mode again, and then the two people in the car naturally came to its front and rear seats.

"Karl, are you envious?" After seeing Kurt's transformation function, Kaiyu asked Karl beside him.

"Miss Kaiyu, what is there to envy? Isn't this just a basic folding and stretching?"

"And during the transformation process, my nephew will become extremely fragile! Therefore, for such a low-level function, I naturally won't have any envy!"

That's right, Karl not only did not envy Kurt's transformation ability, but he also pointed out many weaknesses in this function of the other party!

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