In the eyes of the Bekai family, the so-called transformation of the new Carl is simply the simplest folding and stretching.

The entire cab is erected to form the so-called torso, the four wheels are supported by two triangular iron frames, which become the so-called legs, and the pair of iron claws usually hidden in the chassis are stretched to both sides of the cab, which form the so-called arms.

In addition, the front part of the new Carl and the yellow light scanner, at the same time of the transformation, turn 90 degrees to face forward, forming the so-called face and eyes, and most of its weapons and equipment are also concentrated on the shoulders.

However, the most "strange" thing is that whether the new Carl is in car form or robot form, its entire cab can only accommodate one driver.

When Rojek thought he had calmed down the new Carl, he turned around and arranged his subordinates to go and chase Kurt back.

But just as Rojek turned around, New Carl turned into a robot with his back on him without making any sound.

Then, taking advantage of Rojek's momentary unpreparedness, New Carl quickly used an iron claw to grab the other party tightly in front of him.

"Carl, let go, I am your direct superior, you can't do this!" Rojek, who was tightly clamped by New Carl, said so with a painful face.

"That's right, you are my direct superior, so as long as you and I become one, then my order is your order!"

"In this way, I go to kill Kurt, which is your direct order!" As soon as the voice fell, New Carl stuffed Rojek into his cab, and it also inserted two electronic catheters into the other party's brain.

In this way, Rojek and New Carl, one person and one car, really have completely merged into one.

Logical genius, this is definitely a logical genius! For the new Carl's actions, the Bekai family had to give it a thumbs up!

After merging with Rojek, the new Carl first killed people in the laboratory in a good mood. It killed all the insiders, and then it turned into a car and went to chase Xiao Mai and Kurt.

So, Kurt's memory was neutralized, what program of the new Carl? It is estimated that these memories only make it more independent and arrogant!

On the other hand, since most of Kurt's abilities have been uninstalled, its maximum speed has been severely limited. Even if Xiao Mai has completely stepped on the accelerator, its maximum speed is only 60 kilometers per hour.

In this way, under the continuous pursuit of the new Carl, it caught up with Xiao Mai and Kurt in less than an hour.

"Kert, are you afraid of death?" Xiao Mai asked Kurt after seeing the figure of the new Carl in the rearview mirror.

"Michael, my suggestion is to avoid Carl for the time being. After I recover all my abilities, we will come to fight him!" Kurt made a very pertinent suggestion.

"Kert, Carl is unstoppable now. He won't give you time to recover, so I'm sorry!" While changing the subject, Xiao Mai hit the steering wheel violently, and Kurt immediately met the new Carl head-on.

Seeing Kurt coming towards him, Carl immediately switched to the form of a robot, and then the various weapons on his shoulders fired fiercely at the opponent.

But in the end, the new Carl turned out to be a real master of outlining, and all the firepower rubbed against the body of Kurt and fell on the road on both sides.

In this way, the new Carl not only did not hit Kurt, but when the opponent drove in front of it, the opponent used the tail drift method under Xiao Mai's fancy control to hit one of its legs.

After being hit on the left leg by the rear end of Kurt's car, New Carl actually staggered and almost fell.

Damn, who came up with this stupid idea? The entire cab of New Carl is so heavy, you actually use six steel pipes that are not as thick as an adult man's arm to form two triangular steel frames to support most of its body!

In this way, isn't this the most typical unstable structure with a heavy top? Yes! If a human grows into this appearance, then this person's lower body skills will become aThe most fatal physical defect!

As expected, when Xiao Mai learned about this weakness of Xin Carl, he drove Kurt recklessly and continuously hit the opponent's legs.

However, Xin Carl is also a robot that knows how to learn. When it discovered Xiao Mai's intention, it used its two iron claws to prevent Kurt from approaching its legs.

Under the attack of Xin Carl's iron claws, Kurt's body was constantly damaged, but under the opponent's repeated attacks, Xiao Mai gradually discovered that Kurt's rear grabber seemed to be usable.

Next, Kurt, who was unable to take off with the turbo, found a slope of about 45 degrees under Xiao Mai's control, and then the two of them used this slope to perform a scene in front of Xin Carl, rotating 720 degrees in the air and floating in front of it.

When New Carl was about to use his iron claws to attack Kurt who had landed on the ground, he was shocked to find that the opponent's rear grabber had hooked the window glass of his cab at some point.

Just when New Carl wanted to get rid of the grabber, Xiao Mai stepped on Kurt's accelerator hard, and then, driven by the powerful traction, New Carl's window was torn off in one piece.

"Michael, you are my exclusive driver. The two of us can be invincible together!" When Xiao Mai was about to drive Kurt and hit New Carl, he actually made a sound similar to praying.

"Sorry, Carl, I already have my own partner!" Xiao Mai stepped on Kurt's accelerator and used the slope again to hit the middle of New Carl's car body, where the window glass was torn off.

Under Kurt's violent impact, New Carl exploded without any hindrance, and then its parts fell to the ground with fire.

After crashing into the body of the new Carl, the body of the Kurt was also seriously damaged. It looked like it had been squeezed by a hydraulic press.

Little Mike got off the Kurt and found Rojek Smith, who had lost his limbs, in a pile of burning wreckage.

"Michael, I'm sorry, I just want to save the lives of the soldiers. I never thought of harming any of you!" After saying a relatively complete last words, Rojek, who was seriously injured, closed his eyes forever.

Perhaps Rojek's original intention was well-intentioned, but behind him, there were countless big men with ill intentions.

Therefore, Rojek's series of actions were both full of righteousness, helpless, and used as a gun by others, but all of this has temporarily come to a temporary end with his death.

Yes, there is never a shortage of ambitious people in this world. Therefore, super weapons like the New Carl will continue to be produced. At the same time, there will also be passionate people like Roger who have been used by some bigwigs and will continue to fight for this type of cause!

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