Having just left the previous world of Merijian, the Bekai family actually came to the new world of Merijian again, but this time, they came directly to the technologically advanced 21st century, instead of the 1980s when modern technology had just started.

In the technologically advanced 21st century of Merijian, security forces across the country have been greatly enhanced, and even around the wishing fountain, there are security personnel patrolling day and night.

In addition to the cameras everywhere, whether you go to get the wishing coins in stealth or in broad daylight, it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

Since the wishing coins in the wishing fountain could not be taken, you had to pick up the money on the ground. After collecting 10,000 US dollars, Belo took the change to the casino and killed all four sides, and then after only one night, he earned 50 million US dollars.

The 21st century's Meriken Casino still has the nature of a black gang, but some things are no longer exposed. Therefore, when Bello walked out of the casino gate with the 50 million US dollars, he was immediately greeted by two people in uniform.

Relying on the identity information fabricated by Keisha, when the two uniformed guys verified Bello's identity, they immediately saluted respectfully and let him go politely.

After the two uniformed guys returned to the casino and explained the situation to the casino owner, the casino owner did not dare to continue to pester them.

Keisha directly used 30 million of the 50 million US dollars to buy a luxurious manor located in the city's mountain in the downtown area of ​​New York, and then she took out another 10 million US dollars to hire several bodyguards and servants.

As for the remaining 10 million US dollars, Kesha gave it to the sisters Bello and Bei Yu, and asked them to use it as the capital to make more money.

After each of them got 5 million US dollars, Bello and Bei Yu no longer chose to rely on gambling to make money, but to buy some stocks that would definitely rise sharply. After only a short month, the amount of money in the Hoffman family turned into a pile of golden numbers again.

With endless money, the Bekai family quickly integrated into the upper class circle of this world. They often attended various top social banquets. Soon after, Bello took advantage of the current president of this world, the United States.

However, this president of the United States is a "hard-to-get-to-get-together" person. No matter how generous the conditions Bello proposed, the other party would not give up the management rights of the gold reserves at all.

When the way of buying the gold reserves of Meilijian was not feasible, the Beikai family had to settle for the next best thing and buy various jewelry circulating on the market.

When the life of the rich became a little plain, Beikai and his wife could still spend some boring time with the days of romance, but the Beiyu sisters had already begun to get a little bored.

In order to squander the money in their hands, the Beiyu sisters even replaced the water used for bathing in the bathtub with several high-end liquors with the most expensive market value, and they often drank their bath water while bathing.

"Sister, the world of ordinary people is really boring! No, I really can't stay here, let's go find mom and dad now, let's change to the next world!" Bertha stood up straight from the bathtub filled with whiskey.

"Sister, mom and dad are making a little brother for us now, so we should wait a while before going over!" Kaiyu scooped up some bath water and drank it straight into her mouth.

"Sister, mom and dad have made a little brother for us for decades, but there is no movement until now. I am wondering if mom is..." Before Beisha finished her words, she covered her mouth very timely.

Yes, Kaisha, who was enjoying the romance with Bello, really gave Beisha a little warning: Xiaobei, if you dare to talk nonsense again, be careful that your butt will continue to bloom for two and a half weeks!

In addition, Kaiyu, who said nothing, was really innocently caught in the crossfire, because Kaisha also warned her: Xiaoyu, if you can't control your sister's mouth, your butt will also bloom!

In order to add a little fun to their simple life, the sisters Beiyu would buy all the luxury goods they saw as soon as possible.But no matter what kind of luxury goods, they will not last more than a day in their hands and will be thrown into the trash can of the manor.

After the bodyguards and servants in the manor confirmed that these luxury goods would not be taken back by the two young ladies, they would rush to look through the trash can.

On this day, when the Beiyu sisters were dismantling and reassembling an expensive lithography machine, Carl's electronic voice suddenly came into Kaiyu's ears.

"Miss Kaiyu, I detected a special signal. I believe you and Miss Betha will be interested!" Carl's electronic voice echoed in Kaiyu's ears.

"Carl, it's better to interest my sister and me, otherwise, we will have to dismantle you tonight!" Kaiyu put the lithography machine that was assembled for the eighth time on the bookshelf in the room, and then she took Betha to the garage.

"Ms. Kaiyu, Miss Betha, I welcome you two to come and tear me down anytime!" Carl started his engine in front of the Beiyu sisters and opened the doors on both sides.

After the Beiyu sisters got in the car, Carl drove them out of the manor.

Carl drove the Beiyu sisters away from the noisy downtown area and came to the remote suburban area of ​​New York. Then he parked his car behind a Volkswagen Beetle with yellow as the main color and black stripes.

"Ms. Kaiyu, Miss Betha, those special signals came from this Beetle!" Carl's scanner was doing its best to scan the Volkswagen Beetle, but apart from that insignificant special signal, it could not scan any other information.

Kaiyu stuck her head out of Carl's car window. She activated her own Eye of Insight towards the Volkswagen Beetle. Unfortunately, the Eye of Insight technology was not mature yet. Like Carl, she could not read any other information except for the weak special signal.

"Interesting. Although my Eye of Insight is not mature yet, it can block my eyes. From this point of view, this car is obviously not an ordinary car!" Kaiyu finally showed a long-lost smile of interest.

"Sister, why don't you let me try it!" As she spoke, Betha had already condensed a green fire lotus in the palm of her right hand.

"No, sister, why don't we keep staring at it and see what's so magical about it? Only such an experience will be more interesting!" Kaiyu stopped Betha from taking further action.

"Okay! I hope it won't disappoint us, otherwise, I will turn it into a pool of molten iron!" Betha gently blew out the green fire lotus in the palm of her right hand.

About half an hour later, the Volkswagen Beetle started up on its own without a driver, and its driving direction and trajectory followed the father and son who just passed by it in a classic car.

For the Volkswagen Beetle, which could start and drive on its own, the Beiyu sisters did not show any great surprise, but Carl sighed leisurely!

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