Will Tianren Technology Company research the transformation principle of Transformers and hand it over to the senior officials of Beauty Cain? The answer is naturally impossible. However, in order to deal with these people, Bekai and the others will only hand over the technology of New Carl to fool them!

When a small part of the design drawings of New Carl were shown in front of the senior officials of Beauty Cain headed by the President, their pupils suddenly expanded a lot.

In the eyes of these people, the transformation principle of Transformers seems to be too far away and unrealistic, but a transforming robot like New Carl that can accommodate a soldier to operate is the most coveted single-soldier combat weapon for these people.

In this way, a small part of the design drawings of New Carl made President Beauty Cain and his people willingly hand over the management rights of 10% of the gold reserves to Bello.

On the other hand, under the special control of the sisters Bei Yu, Sam found that the car he bought could actually turn into a robot, and then he stupidly took a picture of this scene and posted it on the Internet.

Why can the fake Bumblebee also transform? That's because at the moment of transformation, Kai Yu used wormhole transportation to replace the positions of the real Bumblebee and the fake one!

Sam's behavior did not attract the people from District 7 first, but instead attracted the Decepticon member Roadblock first.

When the sisters Bei Yu saw the vehicle form of Roadblock, they both complained a little. The good and evil camps in this world are actually reversed, and the Decepticon warriors actually choose police cars as their vehicle form.

Of course, more importantly, in the plot of the animation, no Decepticons have turned into police cars from beginning to end, and only a few Autobots have this type of vehicle form.

"Men in Women's Clothing 217, is your online name Men in Women's Clothing 217?" Roadblock turned into a robot, and used a pair of mechanical arms to push Sam against the hood of a real police car.

"Yes!" Sam, who was scared to death, nodded tremblingly.

"Lot 63, where is the pair of glasses?" Roadblock punched the ground with one hand to create a big hole, threatening Sam to tell the location of the glasses.

Just when Sam wanted to tell the location of the glasses, Carl drove the Volkswagen Beetle and rushed straight over to knock over Roadblock. Then, Sam got in the car in shock and ran away quickly.

Seeing this, Roadblock also stood up quickly, and then turned into a police car, chasing Sam relentlessly.

This chase scene lasted from afternoon to night, and the two cars ran all the way into an abandoned factory.

Carl remotely controlled the Volkswagen Beetle. After arriving at the abandoned factory, he opened the door and threw Sam out. Then Kaiyu used the wormhole transport to make the real and fake Bumblebees exchange space.

When Bumblebee turned into a robot, Roadblock arrived and transformed, and then the two huge robots fought together, but neither of them used weapons, but a pure fist-to-flesh bloody fight.

When Roadblock went to fight Bumblebee, a half-human-high robot-Crazy, ran after Sam with two short legs.

When one of Chaos's hands turned into a small electric saw and was about to cut off one of Sam's arms, Michaela suddenly appeared, and she also used an axe and a can of strong acid water to beat Chaos so that his head and body were separated.

Ordinary axe and strong acid water can defeat a Transformer. This guy called Chaos is definitely the weakest Transformer in history.

Next, something that made people look up to it happened. With only a head and an arm left, Misty could still disguise himself as Sam's mobile phone when the two were not prepared. As for its remaining metal body, it was recovered by Kaiyu.

After Bumblebee defeated his opponent, the seriously injured Roadblock was also put into a ring by Kaiyu. It seems that the ring that cannot hold living things has defined Transformers as dead things.

After another space replacement, the real and fake Bumblebee exchanged positions in front of Sam and Michaela.

When Michaela was still hesitant, Sam said to her: Fifty years later, will you regret not getting on this car tonight?

In this way, under Sam's question, Michaela finally got on the Volkswagen A with him.Beetle.

When passing through a tunnel, Michaela asked: Sam, since it is known as an advanced robot, why did it become such a shabby old car?

Then, Carl controlled the Volkswagen Beetle to stop and threw the two people in the car out. Then there was another space replacement. Bumblebee turned into a Camaro sports car and directly replaced the Volkswagen Beetle.

Bumblebee carried Sam and Michaela and broke into a factory with a sign of "No entry" hanging on the iron gate at the gate. After a while, under the perception of the Becky family, four artificial meteorites rushed towards the earth.

Before entering the earth's atmosphere, these four artificial meteorites were connected together, but after entering the atmosphere, they separated and fell into the four cities of Beauty.

When the Transformers in the artificial meteorites ran out to scan their respective vehicle forms, Bekai and the others moved the four artificial meteorites back to the secret warehouse of Tianren Company.

Under the identification of the Sack Giant, Bekai and the others knew that the four artificial meteorites were used by the Transformers as emergency escape devices - balance capsules.

Under the observation of Kaisha's Eye of Insight, the same balance capsules are still scattered in many places around the world, but the earthlings either don't know what it is and ignore it, or take it back and study it for a long time, but can't figure it out.

Tianren Technology Company has hired so many employees, so they have to find something for them to do! Therefore, collecting the balance capsules scattered around the world has become a relatively tedious task.

On the other hand, the four Transformers who left the balance capsule also scanned four different vehicle forms in four different cities.

The Transformer that fell near a residential building scanned a Hummer H2 search and rescue vehicle, which is the Autobot military doctor-Ambulance.

The Transformer that fell in an automobile exhibition hall scanned a Pontiac silver sports car, the latest model, which belongs to the same automobile company as Carl. This is the Autobot strategic analyst-Jazz.

The Transformer that just fell into the swimming pool of a private house directly scanned the owner's black double-row off-road pickup truck. This is the Autobot weapon expert-Ironhide.

The Transformer that fell beside the highway, after hesitating for a while, scanned the truck head of a Bilt heavy truck. The Autobot with such a distinctive appearance is naturally the leader of the Autobots-Optimus Prime.

Sam and Michaela stood in front of the front of Bumblebee and waited for about two hours. Then, four cars of different sizes drove towards them quickly. Three smaller cars came to the rear of Bumblebee, and the giant truck head stopped only one meter away from them!

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