Among the Decepticons who started the operation, Red Spider, whose vehicle form was a supersonic fighter, was the first Transformer to arrive at the Hoover Dam. After he flew to the embankment and turned into a robot, he did not hesitate to launch three powerful rockets at the wall of the dam.

When the underground headquarters of District 7 began to shake obviously, the Minister of National Defense of the United States made a series of tactical arrangements. After a tug-of-war between the soldiers and the security personnel of District 7, Reki and others finally released Bumblebee.

When Bumblebee went to shrink the fire source from a huge cube to a small cube, Chaos took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness and went to turn off Megatron's freezing equipment.

When Chaos did all this, he disappeared without a sign. Yes, he was carried back to Skyblade by Kaisha. After all, if he continued to stay there, he would most likely be eliminated.

Compared with Bug and Barricade, when facing Kesha, Panic slid to his knees faster and more thoroughly, because before Kesha gave instructions, Panic turned into a music player and played very beautiful and pleasant music.

The Decepticons in reality and the Decepticons in the animation actually have one thing in common, that is, when facing powerful people, they will be more submissive than one another.

When Megatron's ice device was turned off, less than five minutes later, he woke up from his sleep, and then he was in the headquarters of District 7, killing people fiercely for a while, and then he turned into a strange-shaped jet.

In the animation, Megatron, whose vehicle form is a pistol, is actually a jet in reality, which surprised the Bekay family a little.

After Megatron flew out of the headquarters of Sector 7, he met Starscream, who was respectful to him on the embankment of the Hoover Dam. Then, when he learned that the Allspark had been taken away by Sam and Michaela, driving Bumblebee, Starscream was scolded by him.

On the other side, Bumblebee, carrying Sam, Michaela and the Allspark, had already joined Optimus Prime and other Autobots, and they were driving towards the city at full speed.

The roadblocks sent by Kesha and the rapidly arriving Bone Crusher were chasing after Optimus Prime and other Autobots.

In the next period of time, there will definitely be a world-shaking war between the Autobots and the Decepticons.

But what? These Melcans did not lead them to an open area, but instead led them into a densely populated city. Is this deliberately seeking death or taking human life lightly?

In this regard, the Bekai family said: Sometimes even God can't understand the mysterious operation of the Mericaine!

When more and more vehicles were heading into the city, the Bone Crusher began to use his digging arm to continuously clear the ordinary vehicles on the road.

After the Bone Crusher cleared a passage, the Roadblock took the opportunity to drive to the side of Bumblebee. Because the Roadblock had changed its vehicle form, Sam and others did not recognize him. It was not until the Roadblock was close enough that the Autobots detected the Decepticon signal.

Next, in order to stop the Roadblock, Optimus Prime and other four Autobots took the approach of uniformly slowing down and connecting in a line to completely block the entire road. Seeing this, the Bone Crusher immediately turned into a robot.

When the Bone Crusher turned into a robot, the four wheels of its vehicle form became a pair of roller skates under his feet. In this way, he could slide freely on the road, and then ordinary vehicles coming and going would be knocked over or directly exploded by him.

Faced with the recklessness of the Bone Crusher, Optimus Prime also turned into a robot form. The process of his transformation while driving can only be described as "pleasing to the eye".

After turning into a robot, Optimus Prime took a big step forward and knocked down the Bone Crusher who was still trying to hit a school bus. Then, the two robots fell down from the viaduct.

The Bone Crusher was no match for Optimus Prime at all. He was suppressed by the opponent throughout the whole process, but he also had some highlights. At a certain moment, his excavator arm still hit Optimus Prime directly.Flying.

But after Optimus Prime regained his balance, he put on the same metal mask as in the animation, and then his hands turned into two sharp blades that looked like red-hot irons.

Then in the next two combos, the sharp blade in Optimus Prime's left hand directly cut off the excavating arm of the Bone Crusher, and the sharp blade in his right hand pierced into the opponent's chest.

After the Bone Crusher had completely lost its combat power, Optimus Prime crossed the two sharp blades on the left and right sides of the opponent's neck. After hesitating for about two seconds, Optimus Prime still cut off the head of the Bone Crusher.

Without the head, the body of the Bone Crusher immediately fell down, and then Optimus Prime turned back into the form of a truck and went to chase Bumblebee and other Autobots.

Is the Bone Crusher really dead? How is that possible? How could the toy that Betha had reserved die so easily?

Therefore, when Optimus Prime's double blades just cut into the opponent's neck, Kesha replaced a metal shell that was exactly the same as the Bone Crusher with the real Bone Crusher!

As for the severed excavation arm of the Bone Crusher, Kesha did not recover it, because as long as the fire source was obtained, these things would be insignificant problems.

In addition, when Optimus Prime was fighting the Bone Crusher, Roadblock had completed his mission and returned to the secret warehouse of Sky Blade Company.

After returning to the warehouse, Roadblock lay down and continued to drink a bucket of high-concentration energy solution, which was prepared by Belo himself and was a high-end food designed specifically for Transformers.

On the other side, Bumblebee and other four Autobots had brought Sam and Michaela, as well as hundreds of Meriken soldiers, to the city center of Los Angeles.

While they were waiting for rescue, a jet fighter with military logo flew low in front of them.

Then some stupid soldiers, afraid that the other side could not see them, stood on the ground and lit the burning sticks in their hands.

"Oh no, that's Red Spider, everyone disperse!" The sharp-eyed Iron Skin finally recognized that the real identity of the jet fighter was Red Spider.

Although Iron Skin reminded them in time, they still did not have time to disperse, so several air-to-ground rockets from Red Spider reduced the combat effectiveness of the human soldiers by more than half.

In addition, Bumblebee was going to have one leg blown off, but under Kaiyu's secret manipulation, he only suffered some minor injuries.

"My toy, I protect it myself!" After moving the key position of Bumblebee, Kaiyu blew on his right index finger.

After Red Spider's intensive bombardment, Noisy made a deafening roar of tracks and drove towards the crowd while firing.

Seeing this, Ironhide switched forms and moved towards Noisy, using the energy guns on his arms to offset Noisy's artillery attack. However, when he transformed in front of a lady, the lady was so scared that she opened her mouth and let out a deafening scream!

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