Because of the intervention of the Becky family, the battle scene between the Autobots and the Decepticons began to become really weird.

At this moment, the noisy, who had been subdued by force, had turned back into the form of an M1 main battle tank, while the Flame Dragon was sitting in the driver's cab of the tank, controlling the tank to bombard Jazz and other three Autobots.

At this time, Optimus Prime was surrounded by countless petals and leaves and lost his way.

After Emperor Man cut the Spark Source, Shura Man, under the reminder of the low voice, launched an air wave attack on Megatron.

The air wave attack hit Megatron's chest directly. According to the original plot, this position was to be hit by the huge energy of the Spark Source. Although a different attack method had been changed at this time, it still made him fall into a state of suspended animation.

After defeating Megatron and getting the Allspark, the Bake family left in public, and when they left, Hawkeye took away the most seriously injured Autobot, Jazz, and the late-coming Dizzy were all packed up and taken away by Dragonite.

And when the Red Spider, the traitor, saw that the situation was not good, he turned into an airplane and ran away quickly, and when he left, he also shot down four Merken fighters that came to reinforce.

After this battle, the Autobots and humans formed a fighting alliance, and Megatron's body was thrown into the Atlantic Ocean by humans.

In addition, after careful consideration, Jazz decided to return to Sam instead of Bumblebee.

But when he left, Keisha deleted part of Jazz's memory in front of other Transformers, so that he would never remember such an experience in the future, in other words, he would forget the existence of Bake's family.

After seeing Jazz whose memory was deleted, all the Decepticons who were still here knelt more thoroughly than before.

With the help of the Spark Source, all the Decepticons that were damaged in the battlefield were completely repaired, and their main task now was to play with Betha.

Since the Spark Source was brought back, the scanner on the front of Carl's car has been staring at the Spark Source. It fantasizes every moment about how tall and handsome it will be when it becomes a Transformer!

On this day, Kesha finally decided to upgrade the Porsche that has been with their family for hundreds of years into a Transformer.

Before injecting the radiation energy of the Spark Source, Bekay and the others first modified the equipment and parts of the Porsche, and then Kesha injected 1.5 times the Spark Source energy, which was very accurate enough to make a Transformer, into the body of the Porsche.

Under the infusion of 1.5 times the energy of the fire source, the Porsche was quickly transformed into a brand new Transformer, and the other party was a female robot, because her exterior coating, facial contours, and even her voice all pointed to very obvious femininity.

"Thank you, Mother God, for giving me life. Please name me!" The Porsche, which had become a robot, said to Kesha respectfully and elegantly.

"Erin!" After thinking for a while, Kesha gave the other party a truly feminine name.

"Erin, thank you, Mother God, for giving me a name!" Erin performed the robot version of the lady's etiquette to Kesha.

After a conversation with Erin, Kesha discovered one thing, the fire source can not only give life to machines, but also allow machines to have memories all the time.

In other words, Erin can clearly remember and speak out all her memories from the factory to the present.

Therefore, Irene knew that in this family, only Keisha cherished her. The other three family members did not treat her as an ordinary car and treated her gently when they controlled her.

In this way, when Irene became a Transformer, she refused to let the other three family members except Keisha sit in her main driving seat.

Because Irene had been transformed by Bekay and the others before she became a Transformer, she could open two hidden rocket propulsion devices at the rear and back of the car when she was in car form and robot form.

With these two rocket propulsion devices, Irene's robot form can flyOkay, although her car form can't fly, it can travel at a maximum speed of five times the speed of sound with the help of rocket thrusters.

After seeing Irene's changes, Carl is more eager to become a Transformer, but Keisha deliberately drags it and prevents it from changing its life form in a short time.

Although it can't become a Transformer for the time being, it doesn't prevent Carl from pursuing Irene's idea, because the other party's appearance and figure are all growing in all its aesthetic points.

"Miss Irene, I want to go for a ride with you, what do you think?" Carl asked Irene in the car form in a gentle tone.

"Carl, your proposal, from the perspective of humans, is just flirting with girls, am I right?" Irene responded to Carl.

"Yes, but who made Miss Irene, you look so beautiful?" Carl continued.

"It has been thirty years since you followed the Goddess' family for the first time. You seem to have never looked at me straight in the eye! Carl, put away your thoughts, you are not my type!" As soon as the voice fell, Irene left Carl's side on her own.

Since Carl failed to confess his love to Irene, Irene has become the object of the Decepticons' confession and courtesy. In this way, Carl suddenly has several more rivals in love.

"Ms. Kaiyu, please help me beg the Goddess! I want to become a Transformer as soon as possible!" Carl came to Kaiyu, who had just driven the Bumblebee on the streets of the city at lightning speed.

"Carl, I've heard what happened. You confessed your love to Irene and got rejected, right? But who can you blame? Who told you to never look at her in the eyes in the past few decades?"

"As for you asking me to help you beg my mother, I'm sorry, in this family, my mother's words are the first imperial decree. No one can persuade her to do anything she has decided!" As soon as the voice fell, Kaiyu drove Bumblebee for a ride again.

Seeing the back of Bumblebee's car going away, Carl felt that he was about to fall out of favor in this family.

Half a year after the Los Angeles War, the Transformers wreckage scattered around the world, including the empty shell wreckage made by Kaisha, were all sent to Sky Blade Company.

In the matter of recycling wreckage, humans did not hide any metal fragments in this regard, so Bello was embarrassed to do anything to these humans again.

Since the Mericains were so sensible, Belo gave them a small part of the new Carl's design drawings, in exchange for the management rights of 5% of the gold reserves.

During this half year, some Autobots and Decepticons came to Earth one after another. In addition, I don't know if it was due to the needs of the plot, but during this half year, the Transformers who "died" in the battle were all Decepticons. For this reason, the number of Betha's toys has now exceeded ten!

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