After Primordial Celestial Master took over Quintessa, he, no, now we have to call her that, she directly ordered as the Creator to temporarily evacuate all the Transformers currently on Cybertron.

In the process of moving Cybertron into the Scepter World, Primordial Celestial Master also took this opportunity to dismantle and reorganize the planet.

After dismantling and reorganizing Cybertron, it became a metal planet with only half a sphere in the Scepter World, and then Primordial Celestial Master told Bake and the others that the remaining half of the sphere had to be completed by Unicron.

The Cybertron Civil War many years ago caused many Autobots to leave their hometown, so most of the Transformers who are still on Cybertron are Decepticons, and then under the leadership of Primordial Celestial Master, they all came to see Bake and the others.

After seeing Bake and the others, Primordial Celestial Master brought the Transformers to the new Cybertron in the Scepter World.

Yuanshi Tianzun is not only the creator of Transformers, but also holds a part of the power of the universe. For this reason, with her tacit consent, Bake and the others also collected some small planets in this world into the Scepter World, thus forming a sky full of stars in the small world.

In addition, the newly born Cybertron was also named Electronic Star by Bake and the others. It will become one of the three planets orbiting the same star together with Beast King Star and Humanity Star in the future.

When there were stars in the Scepter World, Bake and the others came to Sky Blade No. 1, enjoying the beauty of the starry sky while enjoying the romance without distraction.

When Bake and the others returned to Earth, the current plot had progressed to Megatron, Starscream, and the Decepticon member-Tornado, fighting Optimus Prime three to one.

Under the joint attack of the three Decepticons, Optimus Prime was knocked to the ground again and again, but he stood up again and again and fought more and more bravely. After he "killed" Tornado, Megatron attacked him from behind.

Megatron stabbed an energy knife directly into Optimus Prime's body, which almost extinguished Optimus Prime's fire, and then his body fell in front of Sam.

After Optimus Prime died in the battle, his body was transferred through layers and finally came to the experimental base of Sky Blade Company.

But Yuanshi Tianzun told Bello that Optimus Prime was only temporarily in a state of suspended animation. If he could find an energy key called "Matrix" and inject it into Optimus Prime's fire, he would be resurrected directly with full blood.

Through the narration of Yuanshi Tianzun, Beikai and the others learned that the matrix was the starting key of a large device. The function of this device was to absorb and convert the energy of a planet to replenish the energy needed to maintain the daily operation of Cybertron.

Tens of thousands of years ago, seven of the thirteen original Vajras were assigned by Yuanshi Tianzun to search for lifeless planets in the universe and transmit the energy of these planets back to Cybertron.

That's right, Yuanshi Tianzun's instruction at the time was to choose a planet without life, but the fallen Vajra among the seven original Vajras accidentally discovered something, that is, the energy of a planet with life is much higher than that of a planet without life.

Therefore, in order to satisfy some of his own selfish interests, after the fallen Vajra discovered a planet with life, he would hide it from the other six companions and wipe out all the life on the planet, and then lie that the planet was a planet without life.

As the saying goes, if you walk at night for a long time, you will encounter ghosts. After the fallen King Kong deceived his companions eight times in a row, he was finally exposed on the ninth time, and the ninth planet was the Earth.

After discovering the conspiracy of the fallen King Kong, the six original King Kongs joined forces to defeat him, and the six of them used their own bodies as a seal to seal the fallen King Kong and the matrix key in a primitive ruin somewhere on the Earth.

For the Bekai family, the seal of the six original King Kongs may be only slightly harder than the paper-pasted wall. After some tinkering by Kaisha, the family successfully walked into this primitive ruins.

When the Bekai family entered the ruins, it was the time when the fallen King Kong, who had been released from the locked state, woke up from his sleep, and he was still in the ruins, giving the remains of the other six original King Kongs to oneOne after another, they carried out wanton destruction.

When facing the Fallen King Kong, the Beiyu sisters first went up to the other party and had a "very friendly" exchange. After beating the other party so hard that he could no longer stand up, the Primordial Heavenly Venerable came to the Fallen King Kong.

Under the guidance of the Primordial Heavenly Venerable, the Fallen King Kong deeply realized his own mistakes, and then he willingly sacrificed his own fire and all his energy to revive the remaining six original King Kongs.

After the resurrection, the six original King Kongs came to the new Cybertron under the leadership of the Primordial Heavenly Venerable, and the matrix key naturally fell into the hands of the Becky family.

When the Becky family had already obtained the matrix key, Sam, Michaela and Reki were still looking for Transformers who knew the clues to the key.

After a difficult search, Sam and his team finally found Skyfire, a Decepticon member who wanted to join the Autobots, in an aerospace technology exhibition hall.

Skyfire's vehicle form is a supersonic Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft. If you only look at his vehicle form, it is quite distinctive, but when he becomes a robot, his appearance makes even the Bei Yu sisters want to laugh, because he looks like an old man in his twilight years.

During the transformation process, Skyfire has to rely on his hands to push some components, and after becoming a robot, a cane appears on his right hand, and when he walks, some dispensable small parts occasionally fall off his body.

Skyfire in this appearance is completely different from the image in the animation. Seeing that he is so weak, let him return to the team early for repair!

So, when Tianhuo was still talking with Sam and others, under the instruction of the Beiyu sisters, the Decepticon combination-Tank Team came together to "attack and kill" him.

"Why are you guys here? Aren't you supposed to be on Cybertron now?" This was the last sentence Tianhuo said in front of Sam and others, and then he was easily "killed" by the combination King Kong-Huantianbao.

After Tianhuo was "killed" by Huantianbao in front of Sam and others, he was taken back to the secret warehouse of Tianren Company in the next second, and then Kaisha used the fire source to repair him, and also made him rejuvenated.

Next, under the strong intervention of the Beiyu sisters, Tianhuo had to change his vehicle form from the Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft to the space transport aircraft according to the image in the animation!

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