The location of the martial duel between Kaisha and Liang Bing was set in the royal duel arena of Melo Home.

Although Bello got Liang Bing's approval and was able to enter the duel arena to watch the battle, he could only stand at the edge of the stands.

"Kesha, come on!", "Liang Bing, come on!" The number of people in the duel arena cheering for the two was basically half and half.

"Sister, it seems that our last duel was ten years ago!" Liang Bing, holding a sword, stood on the left side of the arena.

"Yes! Liang Bing, it has been ten years since we last met. Are you still running that mercenary organization? Do you know? The thing that my father hates most is the mess you make!" Kaisha said to Liang Bing with a smile.

"Sister, don't underestimate my mercenaries. Each of them is a first-class elite!" Liang Bing said self-proclaimedly.

"Oh, really? After the competition, I will go and test how strong their fighting power is?" Kaisha pointed the sword in her hand at Liang Bing.

Kaisha and Liang Bing's swordsmanship were basically taught by the same group of people.

Therefore, after hundreds of rounds of fighting, the two sisters were still in a tie. For this reason, they had to use their strongest killer moves to prepare for the final blow.

"No, this will hurt both sides." Bello, who was standing on the edge of the stands, whispered to himself with some concern, and there were many people who shared the same view as him.

Kaisha, who loved her sister so much, actually gave up her strongest killer move at the last moment, but Liang Bing did not choose to stop at the right time. The sword in her hand directly pierced into the opponent's left arm.

"Liang Bing, what are you doing?" Hoffman, who was in the center of the stands, spread his wings and flew to the ring. He supported Kaisha and questioned Liang Bing.

"Father, this has nothing to do with Liang Bing. I took the initiative to stop," Kaisha pleaded for Liang Bing.

"It is because you took the initiative to stop that she shouldn't be so cruel to you. Liang Bing, apologize to your sister immediately!" Hoffman stared at Liang Bing with a serious face and said so.

"Father, you want me to apologize to my sister in front of so many people. Where do you want me to put my face?" Liang Bing retorted.

"If you don't apologize to your sister today, you will leave here from tomorrow and go to the border of the planet to guard the duty!" Hoffman said so mercilessly.

"Father, you... I think you are partial to my sister. You have been like this since childhood. If you want me to guard the border, no problem, I will go!" Liang Bing threw down the sword in her hand and flew away without looking back.

"Father, don't be so cruel. Liang Bing didn't mean it!" Kaisha continued to beg for mercy for Liang Bing.

"Kesha, Liang Bing's personality is too impulsive. It is a good thing to let her go to the border for training. You don't have to persuade me about this matter!" Hoffman gently stroked Kaisha's face.

The next day, Liang Bing gathered her 10,000 mercenaries and prepared to take them to the border.

"Okay, warriors, let's go together..." Liang Bing's words had not been finished yet, and a voice that she felt disgusted suddenly came.

"Wait a minute!" Hoffman came to Liang Bing and others with 10,000 angel warriors.

"My dear father, what do you want to do?" Liang Bing turned around and looked at Hoffman and asked.

"I came here today to test how strong your mercenary team is. I want to see if they are worthy of guarding the border with you. Come on!" After Hoffman gave an order, the 10,000 angel warriors behind him each chose an opponent and fought with the mercenaries under Liang Bing.

At the beginning of the battle, many mercenaries were stunned by the sudden attack. Some of them were killed by the angel warriors with one sword.

At this time, people with discerning eyes can see: what is the difference between professional warriors and non-professional warriors?

The male angel who fought against Bello was at the upper-middle level among the 10,000 angel warriors. The opponent took advantage of his flying ability and suppressed him from the beginning.

Seeing that he was gradually losing the upper hand, Bello had no choice but to reveal some of his trump cards in advance. He performed the Air Dance in front of everyone. In an instant, heFrom being at a disadvantage, they became evenly matched with the opponent.

"Bero, this guy, can actually fly without wings. He has been hiding it from us all these days!" Liang Bing was a little surprised by Bero's flying technique.

Bero's sudden display of this skill made many people present pay attention to him, and even Hoffman looked at him a few more times.

With the blessing of flying technique, Bero relied on his desperate ruthlessness to barely defeat his opponent. He became one of the few mercenaries who could kill the angel warriors.

"Well, very good, you are all real warriors. Now the king officially invites you. You can become a glorious knight of the royal family!" Hoffman made a sincere invitation to Bero and others.

However, what no one expected was that except Bero, all the others actually rejected Hoffman's invitation. After all, they were Liang Bing's most loyal supporters.

"Bello, you will have no future if you follow my father. Besides, do you know what a knight of honor is? It is different from a regular knight! You should go to the border with us!" After Hoffman and others left, Liang Bing went to find Bello alone again.

"Your Highness Liang Bing, remember I once told you that I came to your command just to meet Her Highness Kaisha. Now I finally have this opportunity, so I can only appreciate your kindness to me!" Bello rejected Liang Bing's kindness in person.

"Oh, you! Well, in that case, I won't force you. If you can't stay with my father one day, you can come to me at any time. My door will always be open to you!" After Liang Bing finished this sentence, she spread her wings and flew away.

The so-called knight of honor is actually similar to the menial disciples in those immortal sects in some fantasy novels.

Because they not only have to undertake the same guard work as regular knights, but also have to be responsible for various miscellaneous tasks inside and outside the palace.

And in the internal training of the knights, they often exist as human sandbags.

However, this job may be a bit embarrassing for others, but it makes Bero feel extremely honorable, because he can finally take the opportunity of cleaning the palace to openly and openly have a one-sided look at Kaisha from a distance!

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