After Beikai and the other two settled temporarily in the Serpent Man Temple, they entered the scepter space together. As soon as they entered, the "red bracelet" wrapped around Kaisha's wrist fell off.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss (嘤嘤嘤)" The two-headed spirit snake blocked by the scepter made a snake sound desperately around the scepter.

As soon as Beikai and the other two came to the Sky Blade No. 1, the big and small lion kings ran to them one after another. Xiao Zi ran straight to Kaisha's arms with ease, and Da Zi came to Belo and rubbed his head against each other's body.

"My two masters, don't forget that I am your mount!" Da Zi, who was seven or eight meters tall, actually acted like a spoiled child in front of Beikai and the other two.

"Okay! We know, I will ride you more often to travel in the future!" Belo touched Da Zi's lion head.

This time, Beikai and the others came to the scepter space to plant some flowers and plants from Douqi Continent in Tianren No. 1.

The monsters from Douqi Continent cannot be brought into the scepter space at will, but those flowers and plants can be brought in at will.

Beikai and the others planted various flowers and plants from Douqi Continent in the mountains, plains, rivers, and near the palace in Tianren No. 1.

There is a special energy in the scepter space, and with the various nutrient solutions prepared by Kaisha, these flowers and plants transplanted from Douqi Continent are on Tianren No. 1, changing their respective appearance and medicinal value.

"Bero, after these plants are on Tianren No. 1, some single-cell organisms will slowly be born. Soon, a new ecosystem will be formed here!" At this time, Kaisha was bathing in the bathtub of Tianren No. 1 with Belo.

"Kesha, why don't we transplant some of these plants to those two planets!" Bello was giving Kesha all kinds of bathing services.

"That's a good idea! But, doesn't that star have a life span of less than 10,000 years?" Kesha was worried that the star would go out before life could be born on those two planets.

"It's okay! I communicated with the Heavenly Dao of Douqi Continent and I can go to the star in this world and collect some energy! At that time, the life span of that star will be increased!" Bello was washing Kesha's ten toes one by one.

That's right, the so-called star that is about to be scrapped has a life span of less than 10,000 years.

After Beikai and the others finished taking a bath, they did not go any further, but first planted some plants on the two lifeless planets.

After planting plants on the two planets, Bekai and the others returned to Sky Blade No. 1. Next, they walked into the sweet house together to do something that would make both of them happy... (Another 100,000 words should be omitted here!)

After Bekai and the others stayed in the scepter space for more than a month, they walked out together with satisfaction.

After seeing the two of them, the two-headed spirit snake immediately crawled to Kaisha like a wronged child and asked for comfort.

"I'm sorry! I actually forgot about you, little guy!" After Kaisha comforted the two-headed spirit snake for a while, she asked Bello to make another beast-controlling spell for her.

After Kaisha signed a contract with Xiaoling (two-headed spirit snake), she put the other party into the internal space of the scepter to accompany the big and small lion kings.

"Oh! Bello, the commotion outside seems to be quite loud!" At this time, in a room of the Serpent Man Temple, Kaisha was lying naked in Bello's arms. At this moment, the two of them had just finished a wonderful "journey".

"Keisha, should we go out now or wait a while?" Bello, who was also naked, gave the decision to Kaisha.

"Wait a little longer! Let's go out after Xiao Yan enters the hiding place of the strange fire!" Kaisha's face was filled with a happy smile.

"In that case, why don't we have another wonderful journey!" As soon as Bello's voice fell, he and Kaisha lay down together... (Another 100,000 words are omitted!)

"Xiao Ling, let's go!" Kaisha, who was dressed neatly, called out to the two-headed spirit snake coiled in another room.

Then, this little cutie flew out with a "whoosh" and even wrapped around Kaisha's wrist on his own.

Yes, Xiao Ling is always on the Sky Blade No. 1.The big and small lion kings joined forces to bully it, so it appeared in the outside world again.

In addition, when Beikai and the others were "traveling by car", how could they bring this little "light bulb" with them!

When Beikai and the others came to the sky above the Snake Man Temple, Xiao Yan had already slipped into the main sacrificial hall of the Snake Man Temple in the chaos, and the strange fire was hidden in the lake island below the main hall.

The two people used Dou Qi to transform wings to stand in the air. After watching Yun Yun and Gu He and others fighting with Yue Mei and Yinshi Elders for a while, Beikai and the others flew towards the main sacrificial hall together. This time, neither of them hid their breath.

"Elder, two more humans have sneaked in, and they are a Dou Huang and a Dou Wang!" Yue Mei said to Yinshi Elders while fighting Yan Shi.

"Could it be other strong men from the Jia Ma Empire? I didn't expect Gu He to invest so much this time!" Elder Yin Shi kicked Feng Li away in front of him.

"Master Yun, are those two people the reinforcements you invited?" Gu He shook away the dozen snake guards in front of him with a sword.

"No, I don't know them!" Yun Yun used a wind spirit fractal sword to shake off the group of snake guards in front of him.

"Who are they? Could it be that they are also here for the strange fire?" Gu He's worries became more and more.

At this time, Bei Kai and the others, who were constantly guessed by Yun Yun and others, had already arrived at the lake island below the main sacrificial hall.

And the various mechanisms and restrictions in the main hall were completely useless to them, and even the no-fly barrier in the lake island was the same.

Not only that, even Xiao Yan had to wrap himself in the Bone Spirit Cold Fire to survive the lake, but Bei Kai and the others also jumped directly into it and roamed freely, and they also played with another cute little girl in the lake!

"Bero, Xiao Yan has already arrived on the island!" At this time, Kaisha was sitting on the head of the cute little snake in the lake with her legs crossed.

"Don't worry, let that beautiful snake evolve first, it won't be too late for us to go out again!" Bei Luo was using a small Dou Qi protective shield to wrap some natural treasures to feed the cute little girl in the lake in front of him.

"Okay! Anyway, I can clearly see all the scenes on the island from here!" Kaisha teased the little spirit wrapped around her wrist.

"It's him! He has been chasing me from the Snake Temple all the way here. I think this should be God's revelation to me! After all, someone has to witness my feat!" When Medusa found Xiao Yan hiding behind the stone, she did not launch any attack on him.

"Teacher, Queen Medusa found me, but why didn't she..." Xiao Yan asked in confusion.

"Maybe she didn't expect that she would have such a fate with you!" Yao Chen's words were about to come true.

"I can't hesitate any longer, let's start!" Medusa cut her palm and let her blood drip onto the rune formation in front of her.

Then, after a huge red light flashed, her half-snake, half-human body turned into a huge purple-red snake, and this snake was Medusa's true body - the Purple Nether Flame Snake!

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