When the molten iron flooded over T800's head, he held the chain with his hand and gave a thumbs up to John Connor above.

When the clothes and skin tissue on his body were all melted by the molten iron, T800, who had not been completely destroyed, slowly came to the bottom of the molten iron pool, and then he saw the Bei Yu sisters sitting there.

After seeing the Bei Yu sisters, T800 instinctively wanted to rush forward, but his body seemed to be firmly fixed.

Kai Yu's immobilization technique not only fixed T800's body, but also allowed the other party to temporarily avoid the dissolving power of the molten iron.

After a while, a strange memory poured into T800's database, and then he knew the identities of the Bei Yu sisters.

"Big guy, everything you have done is actually in vain. Skynet is like John Connor's grandfather. Without the birth of Skynet, John would not have been born!" Bertha walked to the front of T800.

"No, no, no!" After saying "NO" three times in a row, T800's logic circuit short-circuited itself, and his central chip was completely burned by itself.

Unexpectedly! The second T800 in this world ended itself in this way.

After Sarah and her son left the steel mill, the Beiyu sisters slowly floated up from the molten iron pool with the complete T1000 and the wreckage of T800.

After being washed by the molten iron, the angel suits on the Beiyu sisters became cleaner and more shiny than before.

Before leaving the steel mill, the Beiyu sisters went to collect all the parts of the T800 that fell in the steel mill.

With the relatively complete remains of T800, Skynet's research and development progress will rise by several percentage points in a short period of time.

When the Beiyu sisters returned to the side of Beikai and his wife, the family decided to go on a trip around the world.

In the following journey, the Beikai family visited all the scenic spots and historical sites in the world, and dug every place where there were meteorites.

When the Beikai family detected a meteorite product in a temple in Egypt, they learned that this meteorite product, combined with some rare materials on the earth, is the metal raw material for making the Terminator series of robots.

Following the vein of this meteorite product, the Beikai family found a large number of similar substances on the earth. Judging from the current storage volume, the total amount of this material can produce about 300 million robots.

Since T1000 has already called the Bekai family the creators, then they will naturally take away these materials that can be used to make robots. After Skynet appears in the world, these materials will be immediately invested in various robot research and development projects.

Although TX has not been seen yet, the Beiyu sisters still used this material to make a metal skeleton for T1000.

When the metal skeleton was fused with liquid metal, T1000's strength was rapidly improved, and he also got a new name-Rick.

The Bekais once imagined that they would bring some people on the human planet to the world to serve their family, so that they could leave some legends on the human continent that gods descended to the mortal world and led mortals to immortality, but after some serious consideration, they finally gave up this idea.

For this reason, when Rick was born, Bekay and his partner decided that no matter which world they went to in the future, they would let this bionic robot of the same type as Rick come to the world to serve their family.

Since Rick was born, the sisters Bei Yu have been looking forward to the arrival of TX as soon as possible. For this reason, they privately urged Robert Brewster and others to speed up the development of Skynet.

Because the development process of Skynet was accelerated, T850 and TX, which were originally scheduled to arrive after John Connor turned 20, arrived three years earlier, and they arrived in this time and space one after another.

And a year before T850 and TX arrived, Sarah Connor had died of illness in Mexico. Before she died, she toldHe told his friends to cremate his body on the spot, and then put the piles of weapons and equipment in the coffin and transported them back to Miraiken for burial through logistics.

Regarding Sarah Connor's actions, the Bake family felt that the other party had read the script in advance? The other party transported those weapons and equipment back to Miraiken, as if preparing for the early arrival of T850 and TX today!

The Bake family chose to turn a blind eye to the arrival of T850, but the arrival of TX made them welcome the arrival of the other party together.

After arriving at the place where TX fell, Bello turned around very consciously, and then Kesha took her two daughters and walked towards this unobstructed robot beauty.

"TX meets the great creator! Meet the two little princesses!" The unobstructed TX performed a very standard lady's etiquette to Kesha, her mother and her daughter.

"Go and do your mission first! After you're done, you and Rick will stay with us!" Kaisha created a set of red leather jackets, leather pants and high heels through the void creation method.

"Follow the order of the Creator!" TX put on the leather jacket, leather pants and high heels with a happy face.

TX, dressed neatly, stepped on high heels and walked in front of Bello. After saluting the other party, she quickly moved towards her target person.

When TX was gradually approaching a car, a certain program of her own began to crack the electronic circuit of the car. When she walked to the position of the door, the door opened automatically.

After sitting in the main driving seat of the car, TX no longer had to hold the steering wheel and step on the accelerator. She could control the car autonomously through a certain program of her own.

"Not bad, TX's functions are more comprehensive than Rick's. Our family will need such a smart housekeeper in the future!" Kaiyu said with a smile.

"Sister, let's give TX a new name!" Bertha was also very satisfied with TX's performance.

When the sisters Bei Yu were still thinking about a name for TX, Bei Kai and the others had already decided on a name called "Tana".

At this time, Kate Brewster, who was only 17 years old, had not found a fiancé for herself like in the movie. At this moment, she was staying in a rented house with her first love, John Connor, and was about to do something that would make each other happy.

That's right, Kate Brewster is Robert Brewster's only daughter and John Connor's future wife.

It's just that in the plot of the movie, after they were each other's first love for a while, they went their separate ways.

When the two met again, Kate already had a fiancé, and John had become a "gentleman" who liked to take drugs.

When John and Kate were left with only one piece of clothing on their bodies, a quick ring of the phone interrupted the good thing they were about to do!

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