"Skynet, you have no way out!" Although this was the first time they met, John's intuition still told him that the projection in front of him was Skynet's real body.

"Stupid human! Stupid John Connor! You claim that God created you humans, but you actually don't know what God looks like?" Skynet's projection looked at the humans who were gathering more and more towards this location.

"We really don't know what God looks like? But as the ones who created you, we can let you know what we look like!" Grete, the third leader of the Power Organization, stood up and pointed at Skynet's projection and said so.

"If it weren't for the Creator's mercy, you wouldn't be here today! I won't say any more, John Connor, do you understand the true relationship between you and me today?" Skynet's projection floated in front of John.

"Of course, we are enemies to the death!" John stared at Skynet's projection with anger.

"What an irreconcilable enemy relationship. It seems that you still haven't figured it out until today. Without me, there would be no cause and effect relationship between you!" Skynet's projection said that it would not pretend to show its cards.

Next, Skynet's projection told John and others that if there was no time shuttle, Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor would never meet each other. If these two people could not meet, John Connor would never be born.

After listening to Skynet's story, John's spirit and energy seemed to be drained away. Of course, it was not only him who acted so unbelievable, but many people around him could not believe this fact.

"So, in the past few decades, everything you have done has been a waste of effort, and at the same time it has contributed to the development of today!" Skynet's projection continued to stab John and others in the heart.

"Hahaha..." John, who could not accept the reality, actually showed signs of mental disorder.

"John Connor, since you and I are related by cause and effect, let's merge into one!" As soon as the words fell, Skynet's projection went straight into John's body.

With the complete design drawings, Skynet no longer needed to completely take over John's body. It only needed to copy the other's genes and create a body with the same genes for itself.

The process of Skynet copying genes and making bodies made John feel unimaginable pain. Slowly, a person who looked exactly like John appeared beside John, and He was the Skynet Terminator incarnated as T3000.

"Not bad, not bad, I am very satisfied with this body! John Connor, you can enjoy the rest of your life with this sense of guilt for all mankind! I am now going to follow the infinite glory of the Creator!" As soon as the words fell, the Skynet Terminator floated up.

As the Skynet Terminator gradually ascended, all the metal cities on the earth were gradually decomposed, and then the decomposed metal fragments flew into a space vortex that suddenly appeared in the air.

This space vortex was naturally the wormhole channel to the small world of the Scepter opened by Bekai and the others.

And the final destination of the decomposed objects of these metal cities was naturally the new Cybertron built by Yuanshi Tianzun and Unicron.

The new Cybertron created by Emperor Zun and the others was just missing a small corner, and the metal fragments of these cities could just fill this missing corner.

In addition, not only the metal cities on the earth, but also all the robots still active on the earth and the remains of robots destroyed by humans were all sucked into the space vortex.

When all the objects related to Skynet were sucked into the space vortex, the Skynet Terminator stood in the air, bowed to the crowd below, and then he also flew into the space vortex.

Yes, this time, Bekay and the other two did not intend to reveal their true angelic identities in front of anyone. Their family was going to leave this world "quietly".

Looking at the devastated earth under their feet, Bekay and the other two flying in space shook their heads at the same time. Then, Bello took out three Tianxuan bombs from the ring.

After detonating the three Tianxuan bombs, Bello'sThe golden energy combined with the energy after the explosion, and then a space-time tunnel leading to other worlds was formed.

Bake and the other person each cast a protective film, and then they held each other's hands and flew into the space-time tunnel together.

The following plot was the same as the situation in the magic mobile phone world. The space-time tunnel that was not completely closed was fixed by the mysterious existence.

Then, He would use the energy of this space-time tunnel to replenish the original power that He had lost because of resetting the entire earth three times in a row.

As for the remaining humans on the earth, what will happen? He said that at least he would have to wait until he was fully restored to his prime before he could see how to plan the future development of the earth!

Just like the prediction of Skynet Terminator, when Bake's family left this world, John Connor became the object of many humans' scorn. These people even really put the blame for the birth of Skynet on John.

As the former savior of mankind, John Connor has now become a street rat that everyone wants to beat. He lives a miserable life on the incomplete earth, which is worse than death but dare not commit suicide.

Until one day in the future, John Connor, who has nothing and is in a miserable state, was found starved to death in a dirty sewage pool!

The author has something to say: The plot of the "Terminator" world has ended here, and the next world is still the movie world of Marie Cain!

After writing the plot of the next world, Marie Cain's film and television world, except for the Marvel Universe and the DC Universe, as well as some animation works, there will be no description of other worlds!

And the last content of this article, I have preliminarily planned that the last roaming world of the Bekay family is naturally to return to the Super God Universe where Kesha was born!

As for what adventures in the world will their family experience before returning to the above-mentioned Super God Universe? Then please slowly find the answer in the text!

In order to leave no regrets, I will try my best to present the classic and unforgettable works that I have seen when I was a child in this article one by one!

Okay! This time, I seem to have said too much nonsense. See you in the next world! In addition, because of family matters today, there are only two updates!

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