When Alice and Matt were forcibly taken back to the Umbrella Corporation by Umbrella's armed personnel and began to implement the Alice Project and the Nemesis Project, the Bekay family also began to prepare for the full outbreak of the biochemical crisis.

In fact, there was nothing to prepare. It was just selling the current small villa, buying all the materials that could be bought from Raccoon City and putting them into the ring. By the way, we discussed which Transformer the Bekay family would drive in the zombie hunting war in Raccoon City!

Kesha's car-Irene, will never change from beginning to end, and Belo's car-Lockdown, was re-elected again after a competition.

As for the cars of the Beiyu sisters, after Shockwave defeated all his competitors, he had to change the seats in the cockpit to a flat style, and then Besha confirmed his car identity.

This time, Carl actually lost to the Autobot Smokescreen, who can fly short distances in the form of a car.

Half a year has passed in a flash. On this day, a group of employees of the Umbrella Corporation opened the second Pandora's box. They opened a heavy iron door of the Hive Laboratory. As a result, the zombies in the hive rushed out and bit the employees.

The Umbrella Corporation's style of doing things is so selfish. After the zombies were released, they did not issue an order to evacuate the entire city. Instead, they sent Umbrella's private vehicles to send all the senior employees of the company out of Raccoon City.

As for the officials and civilians in this city, in the eyes of Umbrella, they are a group of insignificant little characters, and can even be said to be their experimental materials.

That's right, Umbrella just wants to take this opportunity to test and see how strong the zombies will be when facing human modern weapons and equipment?

In this regard, the Bekay family said: Come on! Come on! Let your zombies see what weapons power beyond this era is!

Just after the vehicles arranged by Umbrella took away the senior employees of the company in the city, about sixteen hours later, the zombies walking in the underground passage finally came to the ground along the veins of the sewer.

Faced with this kind of zombies that bite people, the citizens initially thought it was some kind of infectious disease. Therefore, all the people who were bitten just went to the hospital for a simple disinfection, and they thought everything was fine.

After the first batch of bitten people became zombies, people gradually realized the seriousness of the matter, but the situation at this time had become extremely critical.

When Jill Valentine, who was on vacation, was summoned by his boss and returned to work, the Bekay family got on their respective cars and started their journey to hunt zombies.

In just one day, Umbrella had built a metal fence more than three meters thick and more than five meters high around Raccoon City, and they only retained a bridge as the only land route to leave the city.

When the citizens rushed to the bridge, the number of zombies in the downtown area was already in groups.

Seeing this, all the armed forces in Raccoon City joined forces at this moment. For a while, all over the streets, there were either the roars of zombies or the shooting of various weapons.

In order not to affect the fun of hunting zombies, the Bekai family deliberately chose a block where no armed personnel had arrived at the scene.

There is a saying: The ideal world is full, and the reality is often very skinny!

When the sisters Bei Yu each held a machete and walked towards the zombies, the zombies turned around and fled as soon as they saw them, and the faster they chased after them, the faster the zombies fled.

"Sister, why are they afraid of us?" Beisha asked Kaiyu beside her with a puzzled look on her face.

"Sister, I don't know either!" Kaiyu was also confused.

Not only the sisters Bei Yu, when the zombies saw Bei Kai and the others, they fled even faster.

"I understand, they are so afraid of us because they feel the powerful aura of our family!" Bello used his divine power to suck a male zombie in front of him from a distance.

"Oh, it means to restrain the aura, the zombies"After the words fell, Kaisha took the lead in restraining her breath.

When Kaisha stopped emitting her breath, the zombies dared to approach her tentatively, but they still did not dare to come forward to bite her.

Like Kaisha, when Bello also restrained his breath, the zombies would only stop running for their lives, but they did not dare to approach him.

As for the Beiyu sisters, after they restrained their breath, the zombies also kept a certain distance from them.

"Ungrateful zombies, sister, let's get in the car! "Seeing this, Betha gave up using the machete to hunt zombies one by one, and instead controlled Shockwave's square-mouthed cannon to kill zombies in large numbers.

Since there were not many zombies in this street, when Betha drove Shockwave to kill the zombies, Kaiyu sat in the body of the Smokescreen and did not take any action.

Yes! The zombies on this entire street were not enough for Betha and Shockwave to hunt in ten minutes, so even Becha and Kai sat down separately, and Confinement and Irene Inside the car body, quietly watching the zombies flying all over the sky!

Whether in vehicle form or robot form, Shockwave is equipped with a square-mouthed and square-tubed energy cannon. Yes, in robot form, this cannon is one of his arms, and he can switch between the left and right hands freely.

Betha sat in Shockwave's cockpit and called up the manual operation page on the center console. At this moment, she seemed to be playing a game, letting Shockwave's energy cannon, She fired energy bombs of varying power and speed at piles of zombies.

Watching this, Kaiyu seemed to have found a way to join the hunt. She switched the smoke screen to flight mode and flew over the street. Then she made the chassis of the smoke screen emit an ultrasonic wave that only zombies could hear.

Under the interference of this ultrasonic wave, the zombies that were originally killed by the shockwave energy cannon and fled in all directions had to gather in groups of three or five.

Yes, the reason why Kaiyu wanted this was because This was done to allow Bessa to experience the fun of hunting!

That's right, you can only kill one zombie at a time, how can you kill three, five, or even more zombies at a time, which is more enjoyable than playing games!

In addition, I would like to mention a small easter egg. The flight mode of the smoke is that two wings more than one meter long extend from the middle of the doors on both sides, and then a part like the tail of an airplane will extend from the lid of the trunk, and then two rocket thrusters with adjustable direction will extend from both sides of the rear of the car!

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