"Please hand over the strange fire, sir. I don't care where you come from. You should know that it is not a wise move to offend the sixth-grade alchemist Dan Wang Guhe!" Yun Yun's eyes were fixed on the replica of the strange fire in Kaisha's hand.

That's right, Kaisha, who was in a playful mood, created a replica of the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire out of thin air in her own hand.

"We are all old acquaintances, why don't you take off your veil?" Kaisha asked Yun Yun, who was wearing a black mask, with a smile on her face.

"So you have already guessed who I am!" Yun Yun not only took off her veil, but also took off her black clothes and revealed a green robe.

"Sure enough, she is a beautiful lady!" Although they are all women, Kaisha still admires Yun Yun's appearance and figure.

"I know you are a super strong man, but the strange fire is really important to me. I hope you can give up and give it to me! I am willing to pay any price equal to it!" After showing her true face, Yun Yun's attitude towards Kaisha immediately became humble.

This is really that she dared to act violently in front of Kaisha when she put on the veil, and could only be humble and kind when she took off the veil.

"Okay! Seeing that you are so sincere, I will give you the strange fire! But I have a question for you, can you tame the strange fire and take it away?" Kaisha pushed the replica of the strange fire in her hand in front of Yun Yun.

"Thank you for your willingness to give up, I have my own way to take it away!" As soon as Yun Yun finished speaking, she used a powerful wind attribute fighting skill, and then she created a spherical wind wall around the replica of the strange fire.

After about three quarters of an hour, Yun Yun finally succeeded in wrapping the replica of the strange fire with the spherical wind wall.

"Thank you for giving up! This is my reward for you!" Yun Yun took out a volume of fighting skills, a close-fitting armor and several bottles of elixirs from the ring, and placed them on the ground, and then she flew away with fighting spirit transformed into wings.

After Yun Yun flew away, Kaisha stepped forward and put all the items on the ground into her golden ring.

"Kesha, how long can the strange fire you gave her burn?" Bello came to Kaisha and asked.

"I added a little more energy to the strange fire, and it can probably burn for a month!" Kaisha replied after thinking for a while.

"Is it really okay for you to waste her like this?" Bello hugged Kaisha from behind.

"I didn't force her to keep these things. She didn't know what they were. What does it have to do with me? Belo, look, those five and a half snakes are flying over!" Kaisha said helplessly, and then she pointed at the five figures in the air and said so.

"Do you still want to continue playing?" Belo asked softly in Kaisha's ear.

"Of course! It's rare to have some fun, how can I miss it easily?" Kaisha patted Belo's chest lightly, she was signaling him to step back a little bit, and he also stepped back dozens of meters obediently.

"Guhe's accomplice, we finally caught up with you! Now you have no way to escape!" The five people including the Yinshi Elder stood in a position, and they surrounded Kaisha.

"No way to escape? Obviously, we have been here for a long time, okay!" Kaisha made a helpless expression on her face, and she also complained in her heart.

In the next battle, Kaisha used a set of flexible skills to play around with the five people including the Yinshi Elder. After fighting with her for a long time, the five snakemen on the opposite side did not even touch the corner of her clothes.

When Kaisha felt that she had played enough, she used a whirlwind slash and shook all the five snakemen on the opposite side away.

"We can't continue to entangle with her, use that trick!" As soon as the voice of the Yinshi Elder fell, he began to seal with both hands, and then the other four snakemen also began to seal each other.

Kaisha stood by and watched quietly, the Yinshi Elder and the other five snakemen slowly sealed there. At this time, if they rushed up to attack them directly, these five snakemen would be in a state of no power to fight back.

(PS: Yes! The real enemy will not wait for you to charge up before attacking!)

"Five Snakes Poison Seal!" The Yinshi Elders and othersAfter the five snakemen finished their seals, they raised their right hands to the air, and then the rune array on the ground floated into the air, and in the air, a portal similar to a space channel was opened.

"Another little cutie has come, but it's a pity that it's illusory!" Kaisha stared at the snake shadow in the portal and said to herself.

When the green illusory spirit snake came out of the portal, the little spirit wrapped around Kaisha's wrist flew out with a "whoosh", and then it turned into its original size in the air.

Then, the two giant snakes, one real and one illusory, fought directly together!

The two-headed spirit snake and the illusory spirit snake, the two snakes first attacked each other for several rounds by entwining each other.

Then the two of them spit out different energy attacks from their respective snake mouths. One of the two-headed spirit snake's heads spit out hot magma fire, and the illusory spirit snake spit out a sharp weapon similar to an ice cone.

The attacks from the two snakes stalemated in the air for a long time, and there was no winner. Then, they both used tail swing attacks at the same time, but there was still no winner.

After about half an hour of mutual attacks, one of the two-headed spirit snakes saw an opening in the opponent and directly opened its mouth to bite the seven inches of the virtual spirit snake. Then, its other head aimed directly at the opponent's snake face and spewed out hot lava fire.

"No, the spirit snake is going to lose!" The five snakemen including the Yinshi elder all spit out a small mouthful of bright red from their mouths after the virtual spirit snake was attacked by the two-headed spirit snake.

After all, the virtual spirit snake was summoned from the void at the cost of their lifespans.

Soon after the Yinshi Elder and the other five snakemen spit out a mouthful of bright red, the two-headed spirit snake once again wrapped around the body of the illusory spirit snake. At this time, the illusory spirit snake had no strength to continue to resist, and could only let the other party consume its energy bit by bit...

After the two-headed spirit snake defeated the illusory spirit snake, it came back to Kaisha to ask for praise, and Kaisha did not hesitate to touch its two heads with both hands.

Then, the satisfied little spirit shrank its body again and wrapped around Kaisha's wrist.

"Your Excellency is so hostile to my snake people today, this grudge will be remembered!" After the Yinshi Elder said a harsh word to Kaisha, he and the other four snakemen used a fighting skill called "Snake Skill-Division" to split their bodies into dozens of illusory little snakes and slipped away.

Kaisha saw through the five real bodies hidden among the little snakes at a glance, but she let them continue to escape. Soon, the five snakemen disappeared completely.

"Did you have fun?" Bello came behind Kaisha and hugged her.

"It was just so-so! It was mainly playing!" Kaisha pointed at the little spirit wrapped around her wrist and said so.

"When it just flew out, you could have called it back directly, but you didn't call it back, so it could only fight for you!" Bello held two bottles of liquid medicine between her fingers. The little spirit on Kaisha's wrist immediately stretched out two snake heads and drank the two bottles of liquid medicine as if they were water.

That's right, it was precisely because Bello had been feeding the two little spirits with liquid medicine over the past few months that it had the strength to defeat the illusory spirit snake today!

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