When the pilot of the fighter was about to press the button to launch the nuclear bomb, he saw the angel Kaiyu flying towards him through the front windshield of the plane.

"Oh my God!" Seeing this, the pilot moved his finger away from the button of the nuclear bomb with a look of shock.

The pilot did not press the button of the nuclear bomb until Kaiyu flew to the nose of the fighter.

The pilot was unwilling to press the launch button of the nuclear bomb, so Kaiyu took over the control of the fighter directly. After letting the fighter fly backwards for 200 meters, she remotely activated the launch device of the nuclear bomb.

When the nuclear bomb flew towards Kaiyu from the bomb rack of the fighter, dragging a long flame tail, she floated quietly in the air, waiting for the opponent to collide with her head-on.

A second later, accompanied by a loud bang, a huge mushroom cloud appeared in the sky above Raccoon City. Kaiyu, who was in the center of the mushroom cloud, was naturally unscathed, but she seemed a little rusty in controlling the aftermath of the explosion.

Kaiyu tried her best and almost sweated in a hurry. She didn't completely control the aftermath of the explosion. For this reason, some skyscrapers in Raccoon City were collapsed by the aftermath of the nuclear bomb explosion.

Oh, by the way, because the helicopter driven by Rikkin has flown far enough, they didn't suffer from the aftermath of the nuclear bomb explosion like in the movie.

But not long after, they were attacked by stormy weather again, and then the helicopter finally crashed in a mountain forest.

And Alice was seriously injured, so her teammates mistakenly thought she was dead, so she was left alone in the pile of metal wreckage of the helicopter. This is really the best example of avoiding the first day but not the fifteenth!

The aftermath of the first nuclear bomb explosion was not completely controlled. Next, Kaiyu let the fighter launch the second nuclear bomb on the bomb rack.

After the first experience, Kaiyu controlled the aftermath of the second nuclear bomb explosion more perfectly. No skyscrapers in Raccoon City were collapsed, but Beikai and Betha, who were standing on the ground, still felt a wave of radiation wind coming from the heat wave.

"Xiaoyu, you did a good job. If you give me another one, you should be able to control it perfectly!" Kaisha used dark communication to send words of encouragement to Kaiyu.

"Thank you, mom! But there are no nuclear bombs on this fighter!" Kaiyu responded with a smile.

"That's a pity. Forget it. Let him go!" Kaisha shook her head gently.

With Kaisha's instructions, Kaiyu released her lock on the fighter. After the pilot regained control of the fighter, he expressed his respect to the angel Kaiyu, and then he drove the fighter and left the sky of Raccoon City without looking back.

The scene of the angel controlling the fighter and the angel resisting the nuclear bomb made the president and congressmen of Meilijian list this matter as top secret. From now on, unless the angel voluntarily leaves Raccoon City, otherwise, this city is an absolute restricted area that no one is allowed to enter.

After Kaiyu flew back to his family, Bello used his spiritual sense to explore the entire city. Except for a small number of zombies in the municipal building and some zombies hiding underground, there were no other zombies in the entire Raccoon City.

In the movie, the zombies were wiped out by nuclear bombs, and in reality, they were killed by humans. But no matter which case, Raccoon City is basically free of zombie threats. In this case, how did the T virus spread to the world?

For this question, the Bake family has three different answers:

First, before the bridge passage was closed, there were already invisible carriers of the T virus among the people who left Raccoon City. These people spread the T virus to the world!

Second, it is really as some fans said, the Umbrella Corporation made the T virus into a strategic weapon and sold it to many countries around the world, and then all these countries wanted to destroy other countries, so they spread the T virus to every corner of the world!

The third is a conspiracy theory. The T virus was spread by the Umbrella Corporation itself. They just want to use this virus to cleanse the world.Then they will build a new country on the wasteland under the will of Umbrella to control the whole world!

No matter which of the above answers is the truth about the spread of the T virus to the whole world, this matter is no longer of much importance to the Bake family. They just want to stay in this world until the end of the world or the rebirth of the world. After watching the whole world evolve again, they will leave this world without hesitation.

The remaining zombies in the municipal building were all scared and fled after seeing the Bake family. At present, only Thomas, who had broken his leg before becoming a zombie, can't run away now.

The Bake family naturally disdains small shrimps like Thomas. The purpose of their coming to the municipal building is to see the situation of the pursuer who died together with the armed helicopter.

The vitality of the tracker is really strong enough. From the beginning, he was dying, and now he is still dying. It seems that he can't swallow his last breath no matter what.

In the end, the Bekai family pulled the tracker out of the ruins, and then they sent him to the underground of Raccoon City to join the remaining zombies.

By the way, the Bekai family also met Lane, who had already commanded three lickers under her command. This unique female zombie has become a real zombie king.

Before the Bekai family left the underground, Lane didn't dare to go forward to check on the tracker's condition. It was not until they left that she dared to let the lickers go forward and bring the tracker to her.

As for what kind of relationship will be formed between Lane and the tracker in the end? The Bekai family had no interest in finding out more. After leaving the settlement of the zombies including Lane, they went straight to the underground headquarters of Umbrella.

After walking around the headquarters, Kesha found the final antidote for the T virus. Once this thing was mixed into the air and released, the zombies with a low degree of mutation would turn back into humans in varying amounts of time depending on the degree of mutation, while the zombies with a too deep degree of mutation would be killed directly.

Yes, the virus antibodies injected by Lane and others before were actually just a temporary treatment for the T virus. Not only did it have very large limitations, but it also varied from person to person.

The so-called limitation is that the virus antibodies must be injected within six hours after being infected with the T virus to be effective. As for the effect that varies from person to person, you can see from Lane that she injected the virus antibodies within the limited time, but she still turned into a zombie!

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