The appearance of the Decepticon warriors, Heiyun and Tiansha, did not attract much attention from the Bekai family, but because of their appearance, the new base of the Decepticons made their family, as well as Yuanshi Tianzun and Cosmic Emperor, all brighten up.

That's right, what made them brighten up was not the new Decepticon base located in the deep sea, but the special energy body called "Demon King Z" in the deepest part of this new base, and the other party seemed to be the supreme commander of the Decepticons.

Whether this Demon King Z is the supreme commander of the Decepticons or not, it doesn't matter, because the Bekai family and the two King Kong bosses, Emperor Zun, are interested in Demon King Z himself. Yes, they all agreed that Demon King Z should be the negative energy aggregate of the fire source in this world.

As long as Yuanshi Tianzun and Cosmic Emperor are there, the negative energy of the fire source can be converted into the normal energy required by the fire source by the two of them, but the conversion process will be a little slow.

The Bekai family originally wanted to go to the Decepticon base immediately to bring out the Demon King Z. After hearing what the other party said that there were seven God Warriors, they suspended the plan. Anyway, they had nothing to do, so they might as well take a look at what the other five God Warriors looked like!

Three months after Heiyun and Tiansha appeared, the third God Warrior appeared in Meilijian. In the words of the Beiyu sisters, the image of this third God Warrior is just like the mirror version of the animated version of Optimus Prime.

The transformation process between the vehicle form and the robot form of Optimus Prime in the animation is actually a 90-degree body folding.

But in this world, this God Warrior whose human body is called Optimus and whose robot name is Renlai, when he turned into a robot, the front windshield of the truck head became the back, and the rear windshield became the front chest.

In addition, the metal module that Optimus Prime transformed into was attached to Renlai's back, that is, on the exhaust fan just below the front windshield of the truck.

In addition, Renlai, who appeared twice before, also contributed a funny scene to the Bekai family. The story goes like this. Optimus Prime's first transformation was to fall off the cliff, and then both the car body and the driver were seriously damaged.

When the seriously injured Optimus Prime tried his best to open the car door, his hands happened to cross together, and then the transformation bracelet on his wrist was crossed together, so that he put on the transformation armor, and then the whole car body began the process of self-repair.

Yes, when he transformed for the first time, Optimus Prime didn't even shout out a word of the transformation command, and then he completed all the transformation processes, and he was so powerful that he scared the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha to retreat.

The second transformation that followed was a hilarious scene. In front of the brothers Black Cloud and Sky Demon, Optimus crossed his hands solemnly, and then shouted a word with full aura: Change!

The result was naturally nothing happened, and then Optimus shouted again: Change! The result was still nothing, and then he performed a very funny movement under the attack of Black Cloud's artillery fire, and this scene made the Bekai family, who were watching the show, laugh out loud.

When Optimus was attacked by Black Cloud's artillery fire and kept screaming, the diver who came to reinforce told him: Optimus, your transformation password is "Infinite Power"!

Just like that, after shouting "Infinite Divine Power", Optimus Prime put on the transforming armor. Next, he shouted out the transformation twice without any instruction. The first transformation forced him back to the cockpit of the transforming mecha by a mysterious force. The second transformation plus the combination of divine power made him become Renlai.

Optimus Prime, who became Renlai, defeated the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha with full divine power. Then the brothers merged into Haiyi for the first time, but they still couldn't resist Renlai's divine power attack. The brothers finally flew away staggeringly.

After this battle, Optimus Prime finally agreed to the prodigal's request and returned to Sakura Country from Meilijian, thus officially joining the Autobot camp.

A few days later, Optimus Prime found three more sets of divine power battle armor in the drawer of the transforming mecha, which was the same place where he got the transforming bracelet.The same transformation bracelet as the Autobots.

I'd like to mention here that the transformation bracelet of the God Warrior is gold, and the transformation bracelet of the leader warrior is silver.

After getting these three extra transformation bracelets, Optimus went directly to the TV station and told almost all the people in the world about his fact that he was an Autobot God Warrior through the media, and he also called on people around him who had the same adventure to reply to him through the mailbox of the TV station.

After Optimus made his identity known to the public, the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha did something that made the Bekai family feel a little incredible. They actually killed hundreds of truck drivers who were exactly the same as Renlai's vehicle, and destroyed the trucks of these drivers together.

No, it's not like the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha haven't seen Optimus' face before. In this case, why did they kill so many innocent truck drivers? Could it be that these two brothers are both severe patients of face blindness?

Regarding this question, the Bekai family thought about it together for a long time, and they couldn't come up with a standard answer!

After killing so many innocent truck drivers, the ending that the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha got was naturally a beating by Renlai, and when the brothers returned to the Decepticon base, they were severely taught a lesson by Demon King Z.

Speaking of the way Demon King Z punishes his subordinates, it is probably a method similar to electric shock! Yes, every time the punishment process, the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha will become stiff and continue to scream loudly!

I don't know if the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha have some kind of Brother Small's disease. Every time Demon King Z punishes them, they become more loyal to each other, and they have turned defeating Renlai into a crazy obsession that is deeper and deeper.

During a certain battle, Renlai's transformable mecha automatically changed back to the form of a truck head halfway through the battle, and it brought Optimus to a mine that was being mined.

Then Heiyun and Tiansha, who came to defeat Renlai, were knocked away by a black rock that flew out of the mine. After the rock knocked them away, it emitted a strong golden light.

When the golden light dissipated, a truck cargo box with a slightly red front and silver paint on the back appeared in front of everyone.

Since this truck cargo box appeared, the appearance of Optimus Prime in the animation has become more like Optimus Prime.

After this truck cargo box appeared, it was on the edge of the battlefield for a long time, watching the show and eating dust like an audience.

It was not until the sixth seafood in this world, the Decepticon, the Turtle, appeared that this truck box finally came in handy.

Turtle is not only not a mass-produced seafood, but he is also the only marine Decepticon with self-awareness and the ability to speak. The rest of the mass-produced seafood are actually Turtle's subordinates.

"Transform, combine, Sea Monster!" After Turtle finished shouting a transformation command, he put away his four turtle feet and turned his turtle body into a robot's torso.

Then, the other five different seafoods successively turned into the robot's limbs and a peculiarly shaped energy cannon. After the six different seafoods were combined, the only Combiner in the Decepticon camp of this world, the Sea Monster, made a domineering and brilliant appearance!

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