As the saying goes, no matter how strong a fortress is, it is easy to be destroyed from the inside. Although there are many defensive weapons inside the Autobot base, they cannot withstand the large number of Decepticons.

I saw these Decepticons directly use the human wave tactics to continuously consume the energy of various defensive weapons in the Autobot base.

And the net claw demon and the iron claw shrimp that survived in the end took a step without recognizing their relatives and moved towards the energy center of the Autobot base.

On the way to the energy center, the iron claw shrimp also passed by the confinement room where Claude was imprisoned.

"Hey, I'm here, come and let me out, let me help you destroy the Autobot base!" Claude shouted loudly to the iron claw shrimp outside the door.

Facing Claude's active call for help, the Claw Shrimp walked away without hearing him, but when the other party scolded it for being immoral, the Claw Shrimp returned to the door of the confinement room and sprayed a blazing flame into the confinement room.

Because he was wearing a transformable armor, Claude only felt the scorching temperature but was not burned, but the Claw Shrimp's attitude had already explained everything. He had never been trusted by the Decepticons from the beginning to the end.

Yes, as the shrewd Giga and Mega, how could the couple not see through that the reason why Claude wanted to join the Decepticons was simply that the other party felt that there was an imbalance in the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons.

In other words, Claude's attitude of treating the battle between the Autobots and the Decepticons as a game had long been seen through by Giga and Mega.

Therefore, facing Claude with such an attitude, Giga and Mega would naturally not truly accept each other and become a member of the Decepticon camp. For this reason, in the eyes of the couple, Claude is just a chess piece that can be thrown away after use.

After teaching Claude a lesson, the Claw Shrimp continued to walk towards the energy center of the Autobot base. When it reached the energy center, the Claw Monster also came to this position from another direction.

Next, the Claw Shrimp and the Claw Monster did not hesitate to use the self-destruction method to perish together with the energy center of the Autobot base.

When the energy center of the Autobot base exploded, Hank, who was operating the defensive artillery in the main control room, was shocked by the sudden explosion of the computer screen in front of him and fainted.

Just as Becky and the others had speculated before, the four hermit warriors of the Autobots, because their mimicry of humans was too realistic, when their brains were hit beyond their limit, they would have a coma-like reaction like humans.

Although the main energy center was destroyed, the Autobot base still had backup energy, but because Hank was already in a coma, the three little ones who were still in the base at this time could not make the defense artillery play its maximum power.

Seeing this, the Overlord in the outside world began to destroy the defense artillery of the Autobot base one by one. With the gradual offline of the defense artillery and the gradual depletion of backup energy, the Autobot base has become shaky.

When all the defense artillery were offline, Hank woke up from his coma, and then he quickly ordered the three little ones to abandon the base. Everyone has now become a robot and find a way to leave the base.

However, the Overlord, who was outside, wanted to destroy the Autobot base and the trapped Autobots inside at the same time. So, after destroying all the defensive artillery, he followed the data provided by Claude and completely sealed off every entrance and exit of the Autobot base.

After all the entrances and exits were sealed off by the Overlord, Iron Eagle had no choice but to take the SWAT number, the faucet and the Fiery Flame and head towards the top of the Autobot base.

Before going to the top of the base, the Fiery Flame came to the confinement room regardless of her own safety and rescued Claude, who was pressed by the stone slab, from under a pile of rubble.

"Whether it's true or not, I'm repaying you for saving my life!" After the Fiery Flame rescued Claude, she said this to him, and then she left without looking back.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong. The battle between the Autobots and Decepticons is not a game anymore. It's a life-and-death battle for the safety of the Earth!" Looking at Liehuo's back, Claude shed tears of true regret.

When Iron Eagle and others arrived at the top of the Autobot base, they found that they only needed to smash the sky dome device on the top., they can leave here.

But after smashing the sky dome device, they realized belatedly that except for Tieying, the rest of the people here could not fly.

According to the principle of giving priority to girls, Tieying planned to take Liehuo away first, and then he would return to take away the special police and the tap.

As a result, when Tieying turned into a fighter and let Liehuo sit on his fuselage, the two of them just flew away from the dome together, and the energy bomb of the Overlord attacked them.

Facing the attack of the energy bomb of the Overlord, Tieying turned his fuselage 90 degrees directly, and used his body to bear most of the attack force for Liehuo. Then, the two of them fell from the air together. Seeing this, the special police and the tap quickly jumped up to catch them.

When Iron Eagle was seriously injured, the only hope of these four Autobots to leave the base was cut off. Just when Overlord was about to fly to the dome and give them a fatal blow, Super God Renlai finally got rid of the entanglement of Black Cloud and Sky Evil and rushed back to support everyone.

Because the defense artillery of the Autobot base consumed a lot of energy, Super God Renlai, who rushed back, defeated Overlord relatively easily in less than ten rounds, but the moment the opponent fell down, he actually launched a flying missile attack in the direction of the Autobot base.

In response to this situation, Super God Renlai immediately flew out and used the laser gun on his wrist to shoot down the missiles launched by Overlord one by one, but in the end, two missiles still hit the Autobot base impartially, used to extract geothermal energy transmission pipeline.

In an instant, countless magma spread from the ground to the Autobot base, and then explosions were heard one after another in the base.

In response to the above behavior of Super God Renlai, the Bei Yu sisters looked at each other, and they both thought of the same thing, why didn't the other party use the energy of heaven, earth and man to shoot down the missiles of the Overlord? In that case, there would be no missiles that would miss the net and hit the Autobot base!

Faced with this situation, Super God Renlai directly separated the God Bullet, but he kept the giant cannon of the God Bullet on his shoulder, and then Super Renlai locked the sight of the giant cannon to a certain position in the Autobot base.

Seeing Super Renlai's behavior, the Overlord who stood up again stopped attacking, but stood there and laughed at his opponent for doing him a big favor.

For this reason, the Beiyu sisters wanted to complain again. Just now, Super God Renlai's brain was out of control, and now Overlord's brain is not very smart either. What's wrong with you rushing forward to attack Super Renlai? This can only explain that everything before and everything now is a need of the plot again!

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