When the finale of the story of this world came, it was naturally the perfect state of Super God Renlai, who went to fight the Demon King Sack one-on-one.

Shortly after the duel between Super God Renlai and Demon King Sack officially began, Dark Sack actually regained consciousness for a short time. After seeing such a situation, he immediately turned into the vehicle form of the mechanical scorpion and wanted to leave here quickly.

Seeing this, Super God Renlai, who didn't know the truth, immediately jumped on Dark Sack and grabbed the laser launcher on the other party tightly, so that Dark Sack flew in the air and couldn't throw him off no matter how he rolled.

After grabbing Dark Sack's laser launcher for a while, Super God Renlai found that the other party's tail was easier to grab, so he grabbed the other party's tail with one hand and dismantled the laser launchers on the other party with the other hand one by one.

When two of his laser launchers were dismantled by Super God Renlai, Dark Sack remembered that the tip of his tail was also a weapon, so he used the tip of his tail to send a paralysis beam towards Super God Renlai.

After being hit by the paralysis beam, Super God Renlai really let go of his hands, but after falling a short distance, he flew up again and grabbed Dark Sack's abdomen.

This time, when the tip of Dark Sack's tail bent over and aimed at Super God Renlai, the opponent took advantage of the paralysis beam just about to hit him, and Super God Renlai avoided it in time, and then Dark Sack hit himself.

Then, Super God Renlai jumped onto Dark Sack's back again, and once again tightly grasped the last two laser launchers on the opponent's body.

When the tip of Dark Sack's tail had accumulated enough power and emitted a full-power paralysis ray, Super God Renlai just dismantled the two laser emitters and quickly jumped up to avoid it. In this way, Dark Sack hit himself again.

And because the paralysis ray this time was at full power, when Dark Sack hit himself, his body functions dropped a level. Taking this opportunity, Super God Renlai lay on his back again and used the full-power rocket thruster, and then the two of them fell towards the ground at an extremely fast speed.

When the two were about to approach the ground, Dark Sack's body shook violently, and then Super God Renlai was shaken down.

Then, due to the huge inertia, Dark Sack's body rubbed violently with the ground, and then his eight scorpion legs were partially broken by this huge friction, and the Super God Renlai, who was shaken away, crashed heavily into the cliff next to him and temporarily lost his combat effectiveness.

Seeing this, Dark Sack immediately used the energy attack of his tail towards the cliff, knocking down more and more rocks, and then these falling rocks gradually "buried" Super God Renlai alive.

On the other side, when Super God Renlai and Dark Sack were fighting a decisive battle, the brothers Heiyun and Tiansha, who were seriously injured, met Jiebu, Youxia and Lu Wang who adopted a roundabout tactic.

After seeing Heiyun and Tiansha injured, the kind-hearted Jiebu couldn't bear to take advantage of them. As a result, his kindness was countered by the two people on the opposite side, so he, Youxia and Lu Wang, injured Heiyun and Tiansha even more seriously.

Speaking of which, Heiyun and Tiansha brothers are really loyal to Demon King Sak. Even though they almost died in the hands of the other party twice in a row, they are still loyal to each other as always.

And they also think that it must be because they didn't do well enough that Demon King Sak took a ruthless action against them, so they have to show more sincerity to repay the other party.

Therefore, when Heiyun and Tiansha brothers were suppressed by Jiebu, Youxia and Lu Wang and lay on the ground, they still had to lie on the ground with weapons and shoot at the three people on the opposite side.

When all the weapons in their hands were destroyed, Heiyun and Tiansha combined into a new Haiyi on the land in front of Jiebu, Youxia and Luwang, and then quickly fled for their lives in the air.

Facing the new Haiyi who was really fleeing, Jiebu, Youxia and Luwang did not take advantage of the situation to chase the other party.

There was also a small episode. Tianlang, Rhino, Scorpion and Claude, who could no longer transform into robots, actually drove a jeep full of machine guns and cannons, ready to come to the decisive battlefield to fight a battle with the Decepticons.

The sight once againBack to Super God Renlai, just when Dark Sack was about to finish off the opponent, Super God Renlai immediately jumped out of the pile of rocks, followed by a series of combo punches that directly hit Dark Sack, and then a series of various weapons attacks.

Under Super God Renlai's repeated attacks, Dark Sack's eight scorpion legs were completely worn out, and all the extra parts on the surface of his body were also shattered. For this reason, when Dark Sack turned into a robot, the only weapon in his hand was the red trident.

After Dark Sack used the trident and continuously counterattacked Super God Renlai for several rounds, he raised the trident into the air and began to draw circles, and then one after another circular light waves flew from the top of the trident towards Super God Renlai.

When Super God Renlai was caught by these circular light waves due to his carelessness, he immediately felt as if he was electrocuted, and his body could not move.

The scene turned to another place. After Giant Gran learned through radio waves that Super God Renlai was in a bad situation, he took Gang Xiuta, Kabe and Minerva, the three little ones, and moved towards the opponent's position.

Then on another open space, Jijia and Mega, who had learned from their mistakes, decided to resist the dictatorship of Demon King Sack.

When Super God Renlai couldn't help but want to give up, Giant Gran came to support him. He turned on all the firepower on the spacecraft, distracted Dark Sack's attention, and thus Super God Renlai got rid of the shackles of the circular light waves.

After getting rid of the shackles of the circular light waves, Super God Renlai launched a cannonball attack on Dark Sack from his shoulder, and this cannonball directly destroyed the red trident in the opponent's hand.

Then, Super God Renlai rushed forward again and used three sets of combined punches on Dark Sack. The last heavy punch directly knocked off the opponent's head.

In this way, Dark Sack's body and head fell to the ground at almost the same speed. After the body hit the ground, it only smashed a human-shaped hole on the ground, and after the head hit the ground, it actually exploded into pieces.

"It's over. This time, the last bit of Dark Sack's consciousness has disappeared! From now on, Demon King Sack can completely dominate the control of that body!" This is a conclusion reached by the Beikai family who were watching the show.

Sure enough, when the three little ones, Gang Xiutai, Kabe and Minerva, were preparing to celebrate their victory in the giant Gran's spaceship, the headless body of Dark Sack stood up again, and he used two metal claws as a new head. In the end, he turned into a legless two-headed crayfish!

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