The contents of the two agreements are the same. They are special contracts for gods from outside the domain to come to the Xiling Empire and join the empire's god list.

That's right, one of the purposes of Raven 12345 meeting Beikai and the others today is to pull them to join the Xiling Empire's god list. After all, this will greatly affect her own year-end performance evaluation.

According to past practice, Raven 12345 always ranks last in every year-end evaluation of the Xiling Empire, but if she pulls two gods from outside the domain to join the empire's god list, her year-end performance evaluation this year will definitely not be the last.

The contents of the contract are very fair and just, without any clauses that bully men and women, and for Beikai and the others, after signing this contract, there are only benefits and no disadvantages.

However, facing such a generous contract, Beikai and his family did not sign it immediately. They asked Raven 12345 some questions.

For example, why can't their family use the wealth brought from other worlds in this world to exchange for money in this world?

"The answer to this question is actually very simple, because the total wealth of a planet is fixed, so the will of the universe will not allow external wealth to disturb the total wealth of a planet!" Raven 12345 explained.

In addition, in response to this question, Goddess Shunzi also added that the wealth from outside the world that Beikai's family took out will automatically return to the original owner one minute after it falls into the hands of others. This phenomenon is not the solution of the will of the universe, but the means of a full-time staff member of the Xiling Empire.

Yes, the Xiling Empire has obtained some authority to manage the universe from the will of the universe. For the property from outside the world, they adopt a gentle method of returning the property to the original owner. If the will of the universe is directly used to operate, then His method will be very simple and crude.

Then, Bello, who was a little curious, wanted to try and see how the will of the universe would deal with this matter?

So, Raven 12345 snapped his fingers and sent Bello from his office to the door of a pawnshop in the mortal world.

When Bello took out a gold ring from the ring and handed it to the pawnshop owner, the next second, the local space where the two of them were was locked, and then a dark cloud appeared above Bello's head.

Next, continuous golden lightning struck Bello's body one after another, and then his soul felt an unprecedented extreme pain.

After Bello was struck by lightning for five minutes, the golden ring disappeared right in front of his eyes. And it was not just an ordinary disappearance, but the will of the universe completely wiped out the traces of the golden ring. In other words, it was as if the golden ring had never appeared.

After feeling the power of the will of the universe, Bello returned to the office of Raven 12345.

The second question is, why was the identity information created by Kaisha in the human database also cleared after one minute?

The answer is that a full-time staff member of the Xiling Empire took the initiative to erase these false information that appeared out of thin air without passing the approval process of the empire. All this was not due to the requirements of the will of the universe, but the standardized process operation of the Xiling Empire.

In other words, the country has its own laws. Whether it is the identity information of foreign gods or local aliens, it must be produced by the professional department of the Xiling Empire, and no one else can interfere in this matter.

The third question is, why can't we find any property related to the shipwreck treasure in the ocean of this earth?

The answer is that they were picked up by the sirens, because in the minds of these sirens, anything that fell into the ocean is discarded by people on land, so they will pick these things up and take them back to their homes with peace of mind!

Unexpectedly! The answers to these three super problems that have troubled the Beikai family for so long are so simple and clear!

After solving the doubts of these three problems, Beikai and the others are thinking seriously about whether they shouldJoining the Gods of the Xiling Empire is a somewhat profound but extremely simple question.

After some serious thinking, Beikai and the others decided not to join the Gods of the Xiling Empire for the time being. After all, they didn't know much about the Xiling Empire yet.

After seeing Beikai and the others' refusal, Raven 12345's face showed a little bit of loneliness, but she soon returned to her original expression.

After talking with Beikai and the others, Raven 12345 called Hao Ren, who had been left aside from the beginning. After listening to his performance report, she took him to upgrade again.

There is no doubt that during this upgrade process, Hao Ren's consciousness once again entered the world in the dream.

In fact, every time Hao Ren "dreamed", Raven 12345 could see it through a virtual screen projected above the culture dish.

"This is a real world, right?" Kaisha walked in front of Raven 12345 and pointed at the virtual screen.

"Yes, this world is called the Dream Plane. Ten thousand years ago, it collided violently with our surface world. Since then, aliens have appeared in our surface world!" Raven 12345 said expressionlessly.

"According to what you said, aliens are all creatures from the Dream Plane!" The knowledgeable Kaisha got the key point at once.

"You are very smart. Compared with your husband, I hope you can join the Empire's God Clan!" As a goddess, Raven 12345 put her arm around Kaisha's shoulder.

"Then tell me honestly, what benefits will it bring to you if we join the Xiling Empire's God Clan!" Kaisha asked in Raven 12345's ear, only using her mouth shape without making any sound.

"Can I not tell you about this?" Raven 12345 hesitated. After all, it was embarrassing to say that she was always the last in the annual performance evaluation.

"If you don't tell me, I can probably guess a thing or two. Your Xiling Empire will set some standards for each god, and then..." Before Kaisha finished speaking, Raven 12345 put a finger on her lips.

"You are really smart. Your intelligence is even better than your husband, but you have to pretend that you are not as good as him. I really envy the way you two get along!" Raven 12345 seemed to be talking about something else, but in fact she was just changing the subject.

"You don't need to change the subject. Bello and I will join your gods, but not now. Let's talk about it after we get to know you better!" Kaisha threw a wink at Raven 12345, and then she turned and walked out of the laboratory.

Looking at Kesha's departing back, Raven 12345 forced a smile, but in the next second, a planet in the universe moved a little bit.

Yes, as the managing god of this area of ​​the universe, every move of Goddess Shunzi may affect some "insignificant" changes in a certain position in the universe.

That's right, when Raven 12345 talks to people, she is not really talking. She is transmitting what she wants to say into the ears of others through the sound device in her body, and she just matches the right mouth shape.

Once Goddess Shunzi really speaks, every word she says will produce some very subtle changes to the area of ​​the universe she manages!

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